Anyone played this game, is it worth getting?
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
It's fun
It's got some neat ideas, but the execution is rather poor. Get it if it's $20 or below.
Best fantasy rpg of the generation. Buy it more than once.
Easily one of the best rpg's out there, Its very Japanese though so keep that in mind. I really enjoyed the gameplay, and remember to keep your eternal lifestone so you can fast travel for free
Yes, with a but. You may not like it. It's pretty rough occasionally and has a difficult and maybe confusing start. But if you give it some time its merits may shine. Personally it's my favorite game of all time, but I don't want to overhype it.
>Anyone played this game
No lad, no one have played this game that came out years ago and have been on every platform
Fuck no, it's one of the most overrated shitpiles I've ever played.
You'll either love it or not really
lol. leave it out ya cunt
It has its moments.
Get if it's on-sale, there's a good chance you wont' finish it.
I didn't like it, and I really thought I would, like everything that describes the game sounded like a perfect fit for me, but it just didn't click. I think it was the mmo-style quests in the beginning, and the fact that while the sorcerer powers are cool af to watch, the actual gameplay consisted of waiting for a bar to load and fire off a spell every 10 secs.
I'm curious how you would balance out how powerful these spells are.
It's somewhat of a shame how late-game fighter consists of seemingly nothing but spamming dragons maw. Low-level fight with it's shield bashing, i-frames moves and perfect blocking has a more tactical and grounded feel to it.
Someone mentioned that if you go into it playing it like those DnD capcom arcade beat em ups that you wont be too surprised about the repetitiveness.
Do you like your story non existent?
Do you like your open world completely barren?
Do your like your endings to be retarded?
Do you like the fact that only the decent outfits in the game are ones in a super hard DLC?
Is gameplay all you care about?
Then sure.
Yeah, this looks like a competent pawn.
360 OG, 360 DA, PS3 DA, PS4 and XB1 and PC.
6 times!
To be fair there are plenty of problems with the gameplay too.
>warriors only get half as many abilities as any other class
I stopped playing it after I got to BB island the game became too hard. I had to fight for like an hour just to clear a room in BB.
Played a sorceress.
I picked it up on sale and had a good time with it.
Just cracking inter BBI after beating the main story, seems like I could spend just as long doing this place as the story took as well. So a lot of game to play for a decent price if you get it on sale.
Kind of ended abruptly though.
>Do you like your story non existent?
I never knew if the missions I made were story related or just random side missions. Also one second the king goes berserk and tries to kill the queen, the next second I'm fucking her.
BB is SUPPOSED to be post-end-game. Like, NG+ territory.
it's good
retard spotted
I did it post-end-game
How am I retarded?
>that ending
noone played this game
its worth getting
What's going on here, just under leveled?
I just finished this game for the first time not but two days ago, and have already gone through NG+ and most the Bitterblack DLC
I could play this game to level 200 probably, the end game gear grind isn't too bad since the enemies are randomized but I wish there was endless end game content, like dark souls co-op or something.
That being said, some of the random shit including AI and animations in this game are just plain funnier than so many other games. The weird shit that NPCs do and the inherent nature of the animations/graphics (right as graphics got pretty good, but not top quality realism yet) stands the test of time in the best ways with its own fair share of hilarious glitches.
If you go daggers + bow it's pretty fun, but the game suffers from compartmentalizing too many skills. If any given role could hold 3x as many total skills it would be an incredible game, but as it stands there are a shitload of neat ideas that never really gel into a masterpiece.
>the pink bitch was his beloved
0/10 would rather fuck fournival
AKA when it's still fun
Couldn't you fuck her and still have someone completely different at the end? Do you make out with Fournival
Absolutely not
It's good, it was tiring to fight the same enemies at the same places though
I spent 30 minutes fighting a manticore because I dared to explore the surroundings a bit; the beast was trivial to beat but was so amped up in levels it was nearly unkillable. I didn't kill it, but did not die either. I got bored and uninstalled. I also did not like the pawn system at all and the open world had like 5-6 assets total.
>come to my chambers arisen, I have something to discuss
>you have a quest for me?
>king dreamwalks in, starts choking the shit outta her
>choose to step out from behind the closet, wake up king, stop dream-choking your wife bro come on
>king: wwhaat
>king: done!
>I-I'm sorry you're in the dungeon, we still love eachother though right?
>no one played it
yes op its a great game
On my dick.
An actual sword is faster and better.
It's funny how Capcom actually went out of their way to describe DD as an action game rather than an rpg, yet people still think it's supposed to be an rpg
Portstones are pretty cool.
They had to cut the game size in half and then cut away some more again due to the publisher not believing in the project, that's why the game feels kinda rushed and unpolished in some areas. Still a great fucking game though.
I never thought about putting it there, just below the gate. user, you are a genius.
Learn how to play Fighter. With Skill Rings Antler Toss and Hindsight Strike are incredibly useful moves.
There's better Action games out there.
There's better RPG's out there.
Unless you're one of those people who have always dreamt about a Fantasy RPG with some DMC/MH Combat injected into it you can pass on it.
i dont recognize this location
why is it clever?
user there is always a "better" game, that is fucking subjective.
I downloaded this game. It started off in some sort of dungeon area. I can't quite remember how it happened but I ended up with three of the 'pawns', who basically went around and killed everything for me. I didn't seem to have to do much work other than walking around. I immediately uninstalled it after this.
Just remember, user:
And some people want action rpgs. I can't think of a game that merges these two genres together in a better way.
that was the prologue/tutorial.
it's parts of a 10/10 game mixed with a large part of a 6/10 game
it's not a bad game it's just that every part of it has been done better by a different game
dark souls
He asked for my opinion, I gave it to him.
Dragons Dogma is an overhyped game which strengths aren't enough to outweigh its massive flaws.
I played for 30-50 hours a year ago, but grew bored with it. It's still installed, talk me into resuming it
das has virtually no RPG aspects to it
It's actually at HeavensPeak
Nah, not better in the action department, though it does some things right. It's also less of an rpg.
What class did you play? Wondering cause mage/sorceror can do some fancy world destroying magic but in the end it's not as involved as melee. Ultimately the game is about hacking and slashing though.
God even if I loved Dragon's Dogma, romances were so badly written... the worst part is that Aelinore is probably one of the very few ladies to have some development (the others being Quina and Madeleine), yet she just appears as some horny teenager.
I also remember doing a completionist run with every side missions and shit, and of course I resurrected Julien for his shield, to only discover later I made my character gay in the process despite giving the ring to a female character. At least I got Madeleine as the final romance.
>It's less of an RPG.
Which is why it's the better ARPG.
Souls realizes that a skilled enough player should be able to lvl1 the entire game. Dragons Dogma kneecaps the combat system by basically making it 80% about stats.
>DD PC came out nearly 2 years ago
i'm wasting my fucking life lads
so you literally only played like 2 hours of the game and seem to think your opinion means dick all about a game that only gets better as you play it? let me guess, you beat the hydra and stopped playing?
it's really not an RPG at all considering your character's only interactions with the world is just killing things, no side quests or world development outside of loosely applied lore
oh, and ARPG is a isometric diablo style game, not a DaS style game
This game has BEHOLDERS! What else could you ask for?
No, it makes it less of an rpg while still being a shittier action game. The souls games never had great combat mechanics and the fact that you can beat some bosses naked with your fists doesn't disprove that.
I did play melee, don't remember the class but it's the one with the arc of nuclear damage
large 2h weapons? i played my first playthrough as that and realized in the DLC how it was the absolute most difficult class. so much easier to apply damage with a faster regular sword, or daggers, not even to mention actually having ranged options. some later enemies like harder wolves are nigh impossible to smack with a large 2h
Maybe it's not your game then. Only thing I could think of is you'd probably hate it if you were playing on hard mode. Warrior is slow as fuck and almost relies on tanking hits and staggering enemies while hard mode boosts enemy stagger resistances and damage pretty much countering you.
>install "world difficulty" mod
>takes 5 minutes to kill a goblin
Can you give me some examples of better Action RPG's?
Best girl.
You need instruction in relative power-levels.
What's the best class to go with?
Post them arisen.
I was actually wondering about that mod myself, what the fuck is up with it. Seriously, I think holy shit a balance mode and see the mod's page is cluttered with rainbows of different colored text and font sizes asking people to support on patreon. I don't know what the fuck the mod is, all I've found out is periapts are supposed to be used throughout the game and dont stack now but do 400% the effect or some shit, I don't get it.
>One save slot
Makes it impossible to replay.
She's a self-admitted would-be actual-whore and a money-obsessed temptress regardless.
The loli-witch, the tomboy princess, and the childhood friend are ALL superior choices- unless the only thing you care about is TITS.
Then yeah, jewtits wins.
>it's one of them super low pitched male pawns
Wish more would do those. Is always fun to listen to.
It took 15 minutes to kill the Tutorial Chimera because melee does 1 damage. I don't know what the deal is but apparently you're supposed to be using deliberations and hitting enemy weaknesses. I just wanted a different set of enemies that made the early and mid game a bit harder, not these melee-immune goblins kicking the shit out of Reynard while I pray for Rook to use Ingle.
>MMM! My perfect pawn waifu, sugoii....
I personally just couldn't get into it.