Literally no games

literally no games

Other urls found in this thread:


>sold out consoles AND games
nintendo is finished

>buying physical games in 2018

Have Nips never heard about Downloading games?


>Japanese Internet commentators are reporting that they are having difficulty in finding Nintendo Switch games both offline and online
>and online

ironically in US and Europe physical is sometimes cheaper, maybe it's even cheaper in Japan

the radiation from the nuclear missiles that hit japan in ww2 make downloading through the air not work

its pretty mandatory on a system that has enough memory to hold about four games

I think they mean for codes for games or eshop cards which you buy in stores.

This so hard

They're talking about online retailers. It says that games are out of stock on Amazon on the next line.

You can get micro sd cards for dirt cheap these days

yeah but they stagnated for the last few years
and everything above 64GB gets very expensive

Why do they all wear masks in japan?

Because fuck you for sneezing

They don't wanna get other people sick.

if they took them off they would get sick

If you took them off it would be extreemary rainful

to prevent the spread of colds. it's flu season. working in close proximity to each other all day long as a high chance of you getting sick.

ah yes, the DL jew. the japanese know smarter you baka gaijin. Dont you know about resell value? dont you know about collectability!?

they're big gooks

it's ok when sony does it

They're big girls.

It is in fact possible for digital copies of a game to run out if they can't generate enough unique codes for them to hand out. It's happened in humble bundle a few times which is why they've started handing out steam keys less and less.

they think it's fashionable
and it is

as an american you probably dont understand caring about other people
they wear masks so they dont get other people sick
you shoot people and laugh at the corpses

Not to mention preservation, want to play Breath of the Wild again in 15 years? Well too fucking bad if you have the downloaded version and the server wont let you play it because its shut down.

The japanese must be a sickly race then.

keeps face warm
prevents illness
you can do less makeup


Sometimes the super desperate creepers do surprise kissies with cute girls in Japan, like how train passengers feel them up but instead they just go right for hte lips.

yeah, it's incredible how cute japs become when you remove 80% of their face

They're all ninjas bro

In america, I can take days off work if I get sick and still have money at the end of the month.

If I downloaded it why would I need a server? Are physicalfags really this fucking stupid?

To all the retards saying to just download: why would you ever go digital on a Nintendo console? The things barely have enough memory to store one game. And the micro SD cards that can actually hold a decent amount are expensive as fuck.

But I see plenty of games on that shelf.

DRM you retard

Also what if you delete it or the SD corrupts and want to redownload it later? You wasted 60 bucks

they're modern ninjas and no one cared who they were before they put on the mask

What if you lose your cartridge, or it gets destroyed in some kind of accident? There are far more ways to permanently lose access to a physical copy than a digital one.

But BotW doesn’t need to be online to play

I’m confused, What’s your issue?

No one downloads games in Japan because resale values there are generally really high. It's not uncommon for stores to have buying prices for a particularly popular game higher than RRP just to copies of it back in to resell at a markup.

T Muhamad bin carbombia

>treating physical copies like a chongoloid and breaking them
totally within your control
>corporation shutting down servers
totally out of your control

>asians of any kind
>caring about other people
wow look at this retard

By the time a corp would shut down servers, my console will be hacked and I'll be able to download a digital copy for free. The only true upside to physical is resale.

Not at all. The price of 200GB cards is where 128GB cards were a year ago. Next year will probably see 256GB cards go down to that level.

Woah guys Nintendo dooooomed :o we better do something nooooo oh wait what's this? Oooh Nintendo just tweeted it's the best selling console in us? Wow that's huge but no they are still dooooomed :o

If they cared, they'd let everyone get sick so they can strengthen their immune systems against future infections. They say prevention is worth an ounce of cure, but with the human immune system, this mindset will literally kill you. The best thing for your immune health is constant exposure.

being the superior race means you are considerate for others to not get sick, somethigng fat ugly burgers would never think of

until you get exposed to something that kills you

what games do they have in japan? im trying to buy a game for my switch but cant see anything appealing

Check the Japanese eshop


Cemu already exists.

also in america, you can take days off of work and get fired.

Non-meme answer: Japanese public culture is all about respecting another's personal space, even during rush hour where they all pack into trains like canned tuna. That includes wearing a mask if you've got colds so the other people doesn't get infected. Anime has exaggerated this to a point where colds are fucking deadly in Japan, but it has roots in their politeness culture.

>>On Amazon Japan, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, ARMS, 1-2 Switch, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and countless other games have completely sold out.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

its about not getting people sick BUT honestly they also use it to stay anonymous in public when they buy porn and stuff, i didnt see a single female in a hentai shop without a mask on.

I'm so happy that people actually bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Me too desu.

me too, despite not really liking it myself




>games are running out
>shit like could be happening RIGHT NOW
>sony and microsoft will follow Nintendo's example


I told you Nintendo Switch has no games!
Nobody believed me though.
AHAHAHA how can their stocks ever recover?

flash memory that big tends to corrupt very easily

but i checked amazon japan and xenoblade doesn't look sold out
of course, i can't read shit, help?


>asians caring about other people

>caring about other people
>working their employees to the point of getting horribly ill or death

>Females buying porn
Nipland truly is magical

I used to drink those regularly every night after work. 7 eleven was right next to my apartment. Wish I could get them in the US. Even the food there was hilariously fucking good.

Oh well

maybe if your a weak nerd

They're still coming into contact with germs by not wearing gloves

The Switch's success is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.


if it becomes too successful will sony die

the Switch is like the Sun right now.

Why contain it? It's cool

>tfw Nintendo buys Sony


I never understood this fucking shit.
Why Nintendo ALWAYS has shortage of stocks in his games/hardware? At home consoles they have sold out the competence LITERALLY once since gen 4, so this is an actual strategy from them or they are just too stupid to manufacture enough things to sell?

If Nintendo does that Sony will actually be safe from Disney.

Not surprising. I haven’t been able to find a single switch selling at MSRP value in store in Tokyo since it’s release. Fucking chinks come and buy them all and then sell them in China. Shittier chains like Yodobashi caught onto this and if you want to buy a switch from them you have to buy their “””optional””” insurance plan for 70 dollars but it’s totally worth it because it includes one whole screen protector goyim!

Christ I hope this country bans chink and Mudslime immigration.

Stock is based on sales expectations. If sales are far above expectations, there will be shortages. If they're far below expectations, the sellers will lose money from having paid for products that aren't being bought.

Nintendo is a fairly conservative company. It's also why their games retain market value. Stores don't need to offload shitloads of leftover stock of their games. This is why only the games that flop (like Codename Steam) go on heavy discount. They underperformed, thus there IS a stock surplus. Usually Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are safe from shortages in Japan. The last game I remember there being massive shortages over there was Splatoon.


>Not buying the physical version so you can sell it afterwards or trade it for another game in the secondary market.

I would throw a party and shitpost non stop for weeks. Fuck Sonygers. And I own a PS4 lol

Same. I own a PS4 and barely even touch it. The Switch on the other hand is addictive.

Does it make you mad that this might create artificial hype? Because this is a really fucking stupid trivial thing to be wasting thoughts on.

>Not at all
>256GB for $149.99
I'm still pissed I didn't buy the 128GB Samsung card from Amazon for $37 when I had the chance.

american here

if i were sick enough to where i have to wear a fucking surgical mask i'd take a day off

>as an american you probably dont understand caring about other people
>they wear masks so they dont get other people sick
In America we just stay home when we're sick.
Bizarre concept, I know. I mean after all, no disease ever spreads any way except through the air, and those masks magically stop 100% of that, right?