>New Fable
>New Mechassault
>New Banjo
>New Ori
>New Forza Horizon
>New Perfect Dark
He did it bros
He redeemed the Xbox
>New Fable
>New Mechassault
>New Banjo
>New Ori
>New Forza Horizon
>New Perfect Dark
He did it bros
He redeemed the Xbox
Other urls found in this thread:
Honestly, not even excited. Been playing last gen games more than current gen.
Don't forget
>New Halo will only focus on Master Chief
Given Microsoft's recent behavior, he hasn't redeemed shit until those games actually come out
To be fair, Mechassault 2 was fuckin rad.
It’s honestly just too little too late. The Xbox brand took to many detours into Kinect and TV land and the damage is irreparable. Reverting back to building IPs from the original Xbox days would mean something 5 years ago, they've pissed away too much good faith.
>>New Mechassault
Screw that, I want a proper Mechwarrior 5, not that f2p garbage Pirhana shit oiut.
Is this more rumor mill shit?
>>New Fable
All of them shit except the first game, and even that was overrated.
>>New Mechassault
Let me grab a space to dig up this dead "franchise"
>>New Banjo
Will suck, like their last attempt
>>New Ori
Literally it. Phil might as well just attach his name to this and call it a day, will be the only good Xbox One Game (also on PC)
>>New Forza Horizon
>>New Perfect Dark
Shit again just like Zero, or it's gonna play it so safe that it's boring.
Is there a new Fable? Who is doing it?
And more importantly, why?
>knows nothing about the new games
>hurr its shit
Well it's all speculation now, and considering most of the previous entries to the games on that list were shit, there's a good chance the next one will be too.
It looks damn good for something that being made by the MW:O devs.
>All of them shit except the first game, and even that was overrated.
I dunno, 3 actually had some good ideas, it's just the actual implementation was fucking trash.
Slowly evolving weapons that got different looks and stats to fit how you used them would have been a pretty great idea - if they hadn't locked evolving the things to fucking story progression, if they had more then four or five parts for each evolution, if the game hadn't been set up in a way that getting certain evolution didn't require you to go out of your way to avoid doing certain things like opening chests or picking up gold, ect.
The taking over and ruling would have actually been pretty cool if there was any real depth and complexity to the choices beyond 'Make money to not die or save the pretty trees', if it wasn't all made obsolete by real estate anyway, and if the game didn't have an annoying habit of jumping six months at a time without warning.
Even the HUDless thing was an interesting idea, apart from the piss-poor story-progression locked leveling system they adopted because of it.
>no more peripherals
>Horizon in Japan
>best lineup of 2018 and beyond
>new Duke controller
>more enhanced OG and 360 games
>New Forza Horizon
Is this a surprise? I heard that Forza Motorsports and Forza Horizon come out every other year. Fuck the DLC though, they won't include the same ideas in the next games of the series.
Also Dino Crisis reboot and Dead Rising reboot are Xbone exclusive
Let's hope they actually make a Fable game and not some retarded piece of shit
You forgot to mention
>Master Chief Collection getting fixed for real now
>New Crackdown 3
>STILL the only console to do 4k in glorious 60FPS
Gaming is back on the menu boys
2 was just as good as 1 too.
I dont see peoples problems with Fable.
Probably because they were 8 at the time and the thought of going to the brothel in the 1st one made them giggle so much.
1 and 2 was great. 3 was 50/50 some good, some bad.
>>New Banjo
You better not be lying you fucking nigger. I swear to God I will literally find where you live and maim you.
I still can't believe how good games look on it. It looks exactly like a game on ultra settings and seeing games on an oled tv is orgasmic.
This. More than likely 90% of them will end up getting cancelled because Microsoft keeps interfering with development and insists on having everything revolve around multiplayer.
Ill just play them on my pc HAHAHAHAH
But there is no banjo
>New Perfect Dark
Where can I find info about this? Or is it just an announcement you made up?
It better be real
>both switch and Xbox fags news to make up upcoming games based on nothing to feel better
Also dmc5 will be xbox one and switch exclusive
delete this
Wait what?
And Microsoft will get your money?
And you'll still be in the Xbox ecosystem?
oh no please dont
I'd be surprised if Microsoft grabbed up the DR reboot, with 4 they basically paid to have their players beta test the thing
>New Fable
a fucking card game
>New Fable
You mean that card game, or an actual full game?
>New Banjo
you got a source for this?
might as well dump some 'leaks' while I'm here
Fuck off you nigger everyone with eyes and brains could see Scalebound looked like utter trash. Only die-hard Kamiya dicksuckers say otherwise.
>hurr 20min of shooting arrows at braindead crab at 20fps
Super epic! Stupid gook can't develop games for shit.
Dude at MS changed his twitter background before he noticed that it had a couple things MS has yet to announce. Plus some insider leaked a few things the other day and he leaked a bunch of stuff in the past that came true.
The card game is fine, considering that there was other spin off and people bitch about it like the fable franchise was so sacred...
unironically might buy an xbox xbox one xbox x xbox for Horizon: Jap
Banjo is bullshit never coming back. Fable will probably be
>other spin off
they finished Teresa's story in that game, man. she was built up for three whole games, it's pretty important
>before he noticed
Fucker you can't tell me that nigger didn't see the BIG Horizon 4 cover with jap stuff on it.
I literally don't understand how people can watch these trailers and not see a shitty singleplayer MWO because that is exactly what it is.
oh wow
He redeemed it.
By making it more confusing and more unclear whether it's a game system or a PC and whether you should even buy an Xbox.
Alright? MWO has the best gameplay in the series.
It's a lot cheaper than building a comparable pc from scratch. It's more comfortable to enjoy games on a couch or your favorite recliner in the den or basement as well as I'm sure all would agree.
That will be 100% multiplat
How often are backgrounds changed?
And now it all makes sense. The people in question have literally zero taste and possibly negative brain power.
That image was fan made
Nice argument, retard.
>plays best on the xbox
this will be the case going forward until a new PS is released. Monster Hunter and RDR2 should look amazing.
I'm searching google for this too, I don't see anything.
New Fable you say? Did I miss something?
I am secure in my knowledge that MWO is shit. I don't have to argue with a lowly sape such as yourself.
Intelligent people would sacrifice a slightly better picture if they also could play something that is 0p on Xbox on ps4.
out of all of those, only Banjo would interest me, but if you look at the last Banjo, maybe it's better to let that license die in peace without further troubles
Doesn't matter if I can see every detail of Master Chief's armor in glorious 4k if the fucking console doesn't have any games. Especially single player games. Why does Microsoft not get this yet?
>>New Mechassault
Aren't we getting a new Mechwarrior game and the RTS?
Source on this?
Where the fuck is this source for any of this? Where is there ANY mention of a new Banjo or Perfect Dark? Stop making shit up.
We know that you penisbrain, the thing is this is 100% a tease, NO ONE CAN LOOK AT THAT MULTIPLE TIMES AND MISS THE BIG HORIZON 4 WITH JAP SIGNS ON IT WHEN ITS THE FIRST PIC!
I can't wait to play all those games on Windows 10.
Guy who leaked stuff from MS a few times and was right about it leaked Perfect Dark being developed by a british studio + the Gears devs.
He said there won't be a Banjo tho
>new Crimson Skies
>new NG
>Dark Tide
>new Dino Crisis
>3 unannounced games
What brothel in Fable 1?
And really, 2 was mediocre, 3 was trash. I barely fucking remember playing 3 even, I just kinda rushed through it to say I played it.
No one is going to buy a gaming PC and buy stuff from the Windows Store just to get Halo 6 instead of just getting an Xbox.
Why do YOU not get this?
>What brothel in Fable 1?
>This nigga doesnt know
>lies as far as the eyes can see
Is Todd working for MS now?
>New Fable
WAIT! Someone has got the developers from Lionheart Studios? Or is it completely new?
>What brothel in Fable 1?
Whats exactly wrong with the content in the trailer?
I googled it. fable.wikia.com
lack of AI, lack of world objects responding to the fact you're a giant fucking mech ("lol 100 tons is nothin" argument aside), shitty building destruction (each building is like four parts that change into generic damage models), it's still an arcade mech game, the objectives seem boring (i bet most the campaign is random generated and the missions that are designed will be uninspired af), reusing shitty sounds from MWO, and this is just postulation but the mechs have cosmetics on and i am willing to bet money that will be a microtransaction system for piranha to jew you over with. i'm sure i could find more wrong, but i was too disgusted with a casual viewing to take extended notes.
Nah, he's just retarded.
>MGSV, coming exclusively to xbox one!
>never played TLC
Dude. Play it. It just completes Fable 1.
I would genuinely buy an xbox if they brought out more mechassault. or somehow manage to make Urban Assault work on consoles. Seems like I'm going to buy one.
Lets see how it runs first.
This. I can't believe I got tricked by Pirahna. Still angry desu after all these years.
Damn...time to sell my soystation pro....
>Old franchise corpses being hit with with revival shovel
A guy on ResetEra went through Xbox's online and found something along the lines of Banjo 20/A
This year is Banjo kazooies 20th anniversary.
Xbox's online API I mean. It has dev logged sessions for things like Crackdown 3.
Which version should I get on PC? TLC or Anniversary? I've considered both of them, but I've read negative things about both.
It’s never too late for good video games. Even if they fail to boost xbone sales, I’ll play them and enjoy them if they’re any good.
That said, a new Fable seems unlikely since they shut down Lionhead. Probably a fake leak
People want to tell me the Switch and Ps4 doesnt have games but you give me this piece of shit list, OP? Go fuck yourself.
Get TLC is ties up the entire story of Jack Of Baldes, Gives 2 ultimate amours and weapons, and more areas are unlocked. Like Darkwood_Bordello
Not OP, just how much shit taste do you have?
>That said, a new Fable seems unlikely since they shut down Lionhead. Probably a fake leak
If you look on the Xbox store they have a Fable card game. But if Lionhead aren't doing it. Then no one is doing it.
>new banjo
When and what kind?
I thought Anniversary included TLC though?
Will FH4 have Hot Wheels?
He announced them and cancelled them at the same time.
>New Fable
Just get TLC just to be safe. The Jack of Blades extra is epic.
>2018 is going to be so piss weak it's vague "rumors" for the next six months for Xfags
Top kek
More like before he figured out some fanboy put games that don't exist up on it and removed it.
Wasn't there an E3 where every single game they revealed for Xbox was eventually cancelled? I think it was the year with Project Spark