Battlefront II, EVE..
SW music is so neat.
Mostly, basing gaming designs on psychological motivation
Mixes of whey and/or casein, some peanut butter, and stevia..
..followed by water
Often doing some kegals by pulling the pelvic and tailbone together, and feeling the pull on local areas
>garlic cloves, potentially increasing testosterone
>tryptophan, metabolizes to serotonin, melatonin, and B3 / NAD
>Mucuna pruriens, which has L-DOPA in it (in some extracts, up to 99%)
Odyssey. 160 moons, just at bowsers castle.
maybe devilman if I feel like it. Ping pong and the tatami galaxy are two of my favorites.
Whats in my musicbee playlist.
folk punk, midwest emo, death grips,
90s alternative
I just finished monster and feel a void.
local deli
im vaping fresh squeeze
I only vape in my car and in my room.
Im not obnoxious about it.
blue moon and water
nhentai and feet
Pretty good. Was a good work week for once. Just have tonight to relax.
Seeing a movie with the fiance tomorrow. She said she'd pay since i've bought her so many movies and dinners in the past year.
Feels good.
Nioh+Camel Lights+Pepsi+Cheeseburger masterrace
Co-op Cuphead with my bro
Nothing maybe new Devilman Crybaby later
Dan Carlin Hardcore History
Comic books Batman-Ninja Turtles and Swamp Thing
Coke and maybe some tea or water
Bit under the weather but enjoying some time off before I have to go back to work next week
Plan to wrap of the end of my vacation and what to do on my long flight home.
>Often doing some kegals by pulling the pelvic and tailbone together, and feeling the pull on local areas
do tell
weed is becoming mainstream user.
Play your favorite game high. Its like playing it for the first time again.
Red Dead Redemption and Yoshi's Island
Cowboy Bebop
Same as playan and watchan
Sup Forums
Not sure yet
Coke and water
Sad cause I’m at my grandmothers funeral
Being sad
Resident Evil 7. Just beat main game; starting up Not a Hero tonight.
Post-Episode-8 Star Wars hype binge. Currently on Episode 3.
Annual Berserk re-read continues; currently halfway through the BSA.
Chicken club from Moe's.
Mal Malloy and thick facesitting.
Fantastic. Post-seasonal hour cuts and college starting will mean that I'll have more time for vidya.
Not much.
>not obnoxious
Pick one
Nioh, Cuphead, maybe some shootan games with friends.
Random streams for now
Silversun Pickups
The Golden House by Salman Rushdie
Mac and cheese
I do not partake
Nah, gonna try and bone my pregnant wife, though.
9/10 comfy right now my dudes. Got the whole weekend to work on my house, watch sports, play vidya, and shoot the shit with bros on Discord.
Old people die, user. You'll be alright.
>sometimes with leg lifts
>The Golden House by Salman Rushdie
How is it? Is it more Haroun and the Sea of Stories or Midnights Children or more Satanic Verses?
Furi, Rocket League, Quake Champions, Overwatch
Andy Timmons, Risk of Rain OST
Uni stuff
Salad and chicken i guess
Need to get some
Alina West
Planning to start a study marathon because tests are about to begin in two weeks from now
vaporum and maybe some RS2 later
ATP's SC2 yoshimitsu tutorial
fine, can't really complain
*blocks your path*
Truthfully I haven't started it yet, I just finished up my other book (Uncommon Type by Tom Hanks, pretty baller) but didn't want to post it.
dirt rally
in the middle of 'show me a hero'
pic related
happy happy happy
>Need to get some
tfw work at mcdonalds and my manager always asks me if I want to buy a dimebag on my way out.
Black coworkers are awesome.
>that EATAN
Ah you motherfucker, nice choice.
Final Fantasy 8
Nothing tbqh
Reanimation, at least that's what I think the album is called. Just came up and been listening to it. Kinda nostalgic.
Nothing tbqh
Nothing tbqh
Black spiced rum
Nothing tbqh
Ok. I need to cut back on the drinking.
Building a space shuttle.
Is the multiplayer for bf2 not fucked anymore?
Congrats on the proposal user.
Did you enjoy The Last Jedi? I thought it was a solid 7/10, I enjoyed it.
Yeah I know, still sad.
Played 44 minutes of Cuphead after buying it on sale. Decided its not for me because I can't get gud and refunded it. Died like 20 times to the first run and gun stage. Its weird though, I beat Hollow Knight and I've gotten pretty far in La Mulana, cuphead was just too much for me though. Going back to finish up Persona 4 G tonight
Pokemon Gold sound track
Just ate a baconator and 20 nuggets from Wendy's
Coke and water
Fat and sad
Once I finish p4g gonna finish up Bloodborne and get pick up Yakuza 0 again. After Y0 might finally go through FF15 since I bought it on sale a while back. Also need to finish up Cyber Sluts side quests before beating it before hacker's memory comes out(preordered this time), though that is unlikely
Xenoblade 2 and Devil Survivor 2 Broken Record
Devilman Crybaby, pretty good so far.
Intervals, Mogwai and Mew.
SIP and Water.
Been working a lot. Thinking about buying my own place.
Cities skylines when it doesn't crash because it wants a terabyte of memory
Nothing I'd say here
Dance with the Dead
Who reads?
Nothing right now. Need to make a dispensary trip tonight.
Coke, water.
I don't know yet.
Always meh
>Having plans
thanks. She actually proposed to me last saturday.
Feels good.
t-minus 4 years to A L I M O N Y
Nuclear Throne
Family guy rerun
Robert delong
Salmon and salad
Was gonna quit but I'm go in to pick up some weed
Pretty down cuz I'm telling my gf of 5 years who does everything for me to fyvk off for almost no reason
Moving back to my home state since my work informed me they're closing up shop in a few months
Don't think I've ever heard of the woman proposing. Hope it works out for you long term.
t. /r/MGTOW poster
>Is the multiplayer for bf2 not fucked anymore?
Soy boy confirmed
Escape From Tarkov
Carpe Jugulum
I'll find that out when i could be arsed to go to the shop
amnesia haze
Tired as balls
To buy RAM in the morning, Shoreline is unplayable for me
t. virgin.
Hope the new year's going well boys
fucking pathetic manbabies
I'm at work. We're damn slow for a Friday
Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and Injustice 2
Rewatching the good episodes of Black Mirror
Let's Drown Out
I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream
Grilled chicken, green beans, baked potato
Come from a family of addicts, so no
Alright. I'm back in my writing groove. I'm pissed off you don't get Darkseid even if you purchase the special edition of Injustice 2, but it's a fun game and I got it while it was on sale.
Grim Dawn, doing a pure necromancer playthrough.
Invader Zim. Read a storytime of new Zim comics on Sup Forums sometime age, decided to rewatch the series.
All of my music, a mix of every genre. Pendulum playing right now.
A magazine on old PC games. I had no idea that DPRK made video games.
I'll have some tuna and rice later, nothing fancy.
Water in the building had been shut off due to an emergency for an unspecified amount of time, so the only liquids I have are milk, whiskey and mezcal. What should I drink?
Will do some work on the weekend, chose to finish early today to take my wife out for dinner.
kek that one guy was wishing you well you absolute faffer
>Escape From Tarkov
How is it?
Rabi Ribi, Ruiner and Odin's Sphere Leifthrasir
Girls Last Tour
Dr. Nyanpasu 10 hrs
3ds homebrew guide
Gingerbread cookies
Like shit
To sleep, maybe buy a flashcart or try to hardmod my 3ds without bricking it, get back into gunpla
>I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream
She ill server
Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums
Smoking is unhealthy and gay
She ill server and other hentai games
Dirty. I need to take a shower tomorrow. Also need to shave, it is starting to itch
To jerk off and go to sleep.
Danganronpa 1-2 and Splatoon 2
Girls Last Tour
not really, reading a vn
this gay ass vn
Rondo Duo
meh, last day of break before back to college
Nothing in particular
Some movie soundtrack
Sup Forums
Pote asturiano
Soda and water
I don't even remember if I hit it today or not, wtf...
Planning to hit the crapper right now
Like a less shit DayZ but it still has it's issues, hasn't been abandoned yet at least, updates are still fairly frequent with a decent amount of content in each patch. No 30 variants of skirt taking up 20% of the patch notes.
Darkest Dungeon
Mobile suit gundam 08 team
Electric swing
Pokemon Adventures
steak dinner
water and kraken rum
not yet
Alright i guess, gonna go to visit a friend later this week
sleeping, just spent a day shoveling
I haven't decided.
Fourty Chens.
I had pizza.
Do the dew
I exist.
I wonder if it would be a good use of my time to get back into learning Japanese.
Doom wads, STGs and metal slug
Trying to finish off Panzer World Galient
Touch my Katamari OST. It's fucking amazing.
Perspective Made Easy
Just had porridge and some granola
I'll pass
Probably later today to some qtpi jav stars
Getting some more shit done instead of wasting all my time here. Do any anons have strategies that they use to try and motivate themselves to get stuff done? I always end up here and waste a bunch of time.
Shadow of war
Battle star galactic a
Podcasts -punch drunk sports my favorite
The last kingdom
Have yet to figure it up
Blue slushie vape (I know I’m a fag but I’m not smoking cigarettes anymore)
I have a gf
Going to job interview and buy fire emblem warriors with my money
It's always worth it to learn a second language
>smoke 2-4 bowls daily for the past two weeks
>still don't get the appeal of weed
What's the big deal? It just makes me retarded.
Get yourself banned, literally the only thing that works for me.
F13th the Game and VR Chat
The Thing (1982), aka the John Carpenter's Magnum Opus and Kurt Russell's best role.
Amon Amarth and Kreator
/x/ because i'm a nut for anything relating to the paranormal or horror.
Hamburger Helper
Dexter's Mom and Siri
Quite alright, gotta do an inventory nightshift on Tuesday from 7pm-3am so that's gonna fun being by myself in a huge as mall for once.
I feel like a garbage person and lay in a corner and makes me intensely paranoid
>Do any anons have strategies that they use to try and motivate themselves to get stuff done? I always end up here and waste a bunch of time
Find other hobbies and shit to do and commit to doing them. When I'm busy doing other things, I don't think about coming here, and I enjoy the time I DO spend here much more when it's sparingly.
You can still browse if you're banned. Moot should have kept it so you couldn't do anything but stare at the ban page but I guess then he would have lost a ton of ad money.
>Carpe Jugulum
I'm reading through discworld book at the speed of about 2 books per year and this is the one I read the latest. The witches are the best, second only to the city watch.
I got myself banned a while ago and just ended up lurking anyway until my ban rolled over.
Exactly what this user said
Good user, it is trash that just makes people retarded
t. former pothead that smoked daily for years
Fridays aren't comfy for me. I usually work on the weekends because I'm in retail.
Murder on the Orient Express
Putins Kleptocracy
Indian food
Maybe beer, maybe diet coke, maybe rum and coke
bretty good, got huge raise
gonna buy a couch
I've read them all at least twice at this point, The Watch and Witches are definitely top tier, Rincewind/UU books are great too. I don't think any of them are bad but that could be nostalgia talking.
I know a soyboy just like you
He's taking about 7 years to finish a history degree and posts Sup Forums memes on facebook constantly
Overgrowth, Gw2 and RE5
King Gizzard 24/7
Art of Combat
Probably some schnitzel
Nothing fag
Water, ice tea
Pretty good
>wine and little caesers
Gonna play Nier Automata for the first time later
The Accountant
Jay-Z - The Black Album
Sup Forums
Not today
Just normal
To find a job
>implying the administration isnt in the process of forcing him out this very moment
I have really no issue performing as normal while high. But to each their own. I hate people who force weed on others as something they must try. Just as I hate people who want top prevent people who do enjoy weed from enjoying it.
his ass could use it with that wondering lazy left eye.
KF2, Half-Life
Girls's Last Tour
Sup Forums
Just finished some stew
Too tired
Depressed as always
Going to fill out unemployment since we have had to shut down jobs a lot due to the weather
FM farming ins SFV, Euro Truck Simulator when I get bored while watching TV
The Office. Rewatching for the 10th time. On Job Fair now.
Sup Forums...Because I have nowhere else to go.
Just made
A brisket in the back I wish, it's 12 degrees right now, about to fall to 6, and i'm in the suburbs of DC so we don't do this.
White Horse scotch whisky with a splash of coke
Carla Gugino, milfs
Tired. Long day with an annoying end at work. So keeping it easy and ready for a simple weekend.
On being more proactive with freelance. I do great video and editing work, but the opportunities are limited here. Need to stop being picky and just take work. It's good, easy money, and I can easily make triple what I make in just one day at my 9-5 with just a simple shoot and cut.
For what? Lurking on Sup Forums? Fuck off meme-spouter.
>using facebook
If anyone is a soyboy it is you.
You're supposed to do it with your gf and then fuck like crazy without protection
Payday 2 maybe, Mega Man X2
Fastkill, Lich King, Rainbow
Sup Forums
Some fruit later
I don't smoke anything.
A Monster right now, water the rest of the night
Pretty good but lonely too as fuck too.
Mount and Blade Warband with the Prophecy of Pendor mod
Blade Runner 2049
Cara Al Sol
For my Legionaries by Corneliu Codreanu
Rigatoni and Italian sausage
Don't smoke much
Kraken and coke
Porn is bad
Betrayed. My best friend is fucking a tranny and had a sperg fit when I told him I didn't approve of his lifestyle choice. Then he went ever further to lash out at my other friends for not backing him up. I just want my friend back.
To beat the shit out of that slimy lying kike I called my friend .
smoking is bad for your lungs, I just grow mine and eat it in my salads
Red Orchestra 2
YouTube videos.
Flatland Calvary
Sup Forums threads
Just finished dinner. Later will probably make some nachos or maybe a brownie in a mug.
Juul ran out of bud and about to finish my pods
Chai Tea and water
Browse my porn links for something
Eh. Only about 50°F something here. Can't wait to move Florida and move to somewhere comfy.
Thinking of what to do tomorrow. Don't want to hang with friends. It just drains me. Guess I'll spend my last few off days alone.
>smoking is unhealthy and gay
Send me a box of pods my fellow Sup Forumsaper
Probably gonna check out that new Junji Ito anime soon.
Stray Cat Strut
Fire and Fury
Couscous and fishsticks
Probably gonna whack off to Nioh's female characters soon.
Gettin a cold, hope it passes soon :(
Headin to sleep early tonight so I can recover.
Yakuza 0 and Titanfall 2. Might get started on Tales of Symphonia since I've had it on my PS3 for a while now.
Probably Kekkai Sensen & Beyond in a bit.
Nothing right now.
Sup Forums
Had curry chicken and lentils for dinner.
Don't smoke.
Ginger ale
Not now but last thing I fapped to was Uno Makoto.
Kinda cold.
Should start studyan for finals soon.
GTA 5, might start Persona 5 tonight
Critical Role Ep 77: Clash at Daxio
Critical Role Ep 77: Clash at Daxio
Pirated that Trump book. I doubt much/any of it is true but its an interesting read
I don't have anything to eat, it's getting late and I know if I dont get food I will be hungry. At the same time im not at all hungry
Pretty comfy
Gonna go see "Darkest Hour" tomorrow
Get well soon, user!
Thanks man.
>I doubt much/any of it is true
Oxygen Not Included and loving it
Steins;Gate for the first time
Not much tonight
These posts
Bagels and soup
Relaxed. Don't want to head back to uni quite yet
Maybe some board games with people.
I did enjoy TLJ. I had some problems with it, but I liked it all the same. Solid 8/10 for me.
pubg and hollow knight
marvel/netflix shows
Devilman Crybaby
Chicken tenders and fries
dunno but it's good shit
IBC cream soda, this shit is the nectar of the gods
pretty good, really high right now
staying warm in this freezing cold weather
Divinty Orginal Sin (I'm starting to like it) and Fate GO Unrimited Grind Works
Fate Stay/Night
Drug are for Losers
Yuri Incest
P Good
Just played Siege, might start Life is Strange tonight as it's been on my to finish list forever now.
Just finished Steins Gate and I really loved it.
JRE Podcast.
Fried Fish and sweet potato.
Water and tea.
Decent. This has been a boring weekend so far with no fights on this weekend and nothing to do because of the cold.
UFC 220 in Boston.
Not sure yet, maybe some Yakuza 0 or Doki Doki Literature Club
I might watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind later
Sonic Youth
Grilled cheese sandwich because the chicken I was going to prepare went bad
Water and absinthe
If I decide to fap it will probably be to Chaturbate girls and audio porn like usual
Overwhelmingly stressed but also trying to stay positive
Figuring out when I'm going to finish all this schoolwork
Didn't have time today
Devilman Crybaby
Conversations with God
Stormlight Archive
Pizza and ice cream
Water and tea
Just made one year of nofap :^)
Pretty damn good, it's full-on winter outside
Nothing at all
>1 year
I feel bad for your balls
pokemon ultra moon and yugioh duel links
yugioh 5ds, thanks to twitch seeing bits here and there it made me want to watch the whole thing in the original japanese
iced tea
mind breaking teachers visual novel
pretty chill
I was planning practicing with my new airbrush but since I'm an idiot and I lost a spring now I'm playing the waiting game until I get a replacement, so yeah, nothing
It's no bother at all, but I have to say it would be difficult to point out any specific benefit