Bring back old guard cancels
fuck no
May would be perfect if she wasn't starving so much for Johnny's cock
Oh well
is a shit character that waifufags and weebs buy the game for only for them to realize that they suck dick at fighting games so they drop the game a week later.
>on Sup Forums
>in a guilty gear thread
>complaining about weebs
Your mother
Nice tatamis.
Butt floss
Why are all the best characters fucking low tier gutter trash? Why does this keep happening in every fucking fighting game I play?
>pick a main
>turns out he/she requires 10x the amount of effort to win with compared to everyone else.
Is bullet still a dumpster fire?
Baiken is only shit in Xrd so there's always a chance she'll improve notably in the next update.
Imagine how her anus tastes
Waifufags should die
I love her so much
Since GGX
I want to bully the Bullet!
Sup Forums, is it normal that I can execute those sick combos in practice mode but drop EVERY SINGLE ONE when playing online or with friends?
>last round
>try to do some new trick I've made in training
>do the RC and drop the combo miserably
>0 meter now
>sin beats me to death
>Telling anyone to die
You're the Elfuerte players of Xrd never forget that. Win or lose people will always hate you.
practice isn't the same as combat
>Dropping a mid combo RC
How? Red RC grants so much fucking hit stun its insane. I mean I get doing it once in awhile everyone is human but unless you spaced something wrong you shouldn't miss such a timing.
>Sin beats me to death
Well that is gonna happen sometimes. Mr 45% damage off a non CH confirm with meter he gets like hot cakes and top 3 normal in the game.
Not him but yes it is. Mentality and nerve is what is different. If you land the combo and you're mid combo it does not matter that they're a human being. As for strings and things that can be interrupted with a variety of mechanics and neutral sure.
But for a combo logically when someone is trapped in hit stun it is all on your mentality/nerve to complete the combo he cannot hit you during it. Outside of a few character exceptions like mini Faust.
Play the game instead of waifufagging.
I want Baiken to step on me.
Nobody on this site plays anything.
I play fighting games, that's how I know that Baiken is shit and Mai is the lowest IQ character in all of BB.
>I play fighting games
Even when I play, I must also waifufag
I'm shit no matter how long I play.
Well, for this specific combo as Ram, I have to do a Swee, cancel into a Forpeli and then RRC, then I have to throw one sword and hit the enemy mid air with a standing K. I'm pretty sure the kick hits the enemy in the final frames of the hitstun.
But in general, I manage to fuck up simple combos as well, like the wall dust ones. It's infuriating.
Needs the faultless defense shield surrounding her.
Aside some older games, GG Xrd was the most I've ever invested in a fighting game and I always knew that I could never learn to confirm a lucky jab by playing training mode, but I thought that repeating combos for some time in there would allow me do them nonstop when playing for real
>Create a lobby for friends to chill
>Singaporean guy enters and decimates us both while cycling through 4 characters
>Adds me as friend
>1746 hours Played
Jesus Christ
>Can only play games at 720p windowed on PC
does anyone else have this quirk
>tfw bought rev 2 pc on sale
>tfw had to refund it because the online was literally dead
I just wanna play gears
New Baiken fucking sucks. Nobody even uses her new parries because her low health pool doesn't support making hard reads like that. She's basically a shittier version of Sol/Ky.
>online was literally dead
I guess I imagine all the matches I play in random lobbies
People on PC only put up password player rooms for their friends and nobody's in the giant lobbies
They don't though?
Hello, is this the unga general?
So much this.
Fine, take out the guard cancels if you must, but actually fucking give her something in exchange for the godawful stats and shitty normals.
Azami is just a worse Blitz that makes you guess twice in a row. On a character that blows up on a wrong read. She just doesn't have the health to constantly play the lottery.
We must be playing different games then.
If there is GGXrd Revelator is there any point on buying the normal GGXrd ?
i don't play this game but i liked her tags: leglock impregnation doujin
Who do you guys main? What's Sup Forums's power level?
Join the player lobbies the fuck are you doing.
Story, that's it. It's on Youtube now I think. It's a 5 hour anime movie using ingame engine
Sin, because I'm boring
Does Baiken's breastmilk taste like sake?
Sol because I'm too stupid to grasp anyone else.
I fucking hate sol
I'm playing Rev 2, not sure which game you're playing tho.
Why is she so angry?
She just doesn't have a really defined playstyle and there's nothing that really makes stand out. Even Pot has Hammerfall to work with, Suzuran is incredibly unreliable in comparison.. Even when I play against my friend who I'd consider a pretty good Baiken player, at least 60% of his damage comes from me getting wacked by an IAD Tatami because I'm an impatient fuck.
Loving her redesign. That fucking ponytail.
unfortunately I'm not sure so there are no players in my region for pc
guess I'll swallow on some Sony cock and buy ps+ just to play
I just had my ass kicked by one. Never took so much beak drivers than in that match. Fuck that character
But are you a newcomer? If so, try Slayer
Those are cute dogs
I must be the longest lasting newcomer ever since I got sign on release and had AC+ back on the xbox. At least there I managed to get used to aba and anji.
I always get fucked over with Sin vs really good players. I have a habit of always using voltaic Deign when i have meter instead of playing methodically. Some of the people in my friendlist who play this game have more than 1000 hours sunk in, and while I get that they just play more that;s why their better, Im more impressed by their dedication to sink hours in this religiously
Potemkin, pretty good but not amazing. PS4 lobby?
oh look another weeaboo pandering game with a stupid bland character with stupid Q cup tits that defy gravity.
i bet your father is real proud of your choices in entertainment, huh, OP?
Shiet, my bad
Please don't dustloop on me
Don't worry I can't even do that, I'm terrible at this game.
pot but i am terrible. cant win most matches and i have been playing since release.
I might get there some day, since I don't intend to stop playing it too soon, but until there I'll have to walk a long road full of beak drivers and mist finers on the way
Sorry man, I'm on PC and probably couldn't put up a fight against most of the players here
not even the biggest tits
What game is this?
I'd be more encouraged to make a lobby if it was going to be more than 2 people. Anyone going against just me would rack up win after win and I'm sure it would get boring for them.
I-No because top tier design and hitting people with a guitar is fun.
I want to marry Drake, would I have better luck as a man or as a cute girl
There's a level even beyond this. Though the ape isn't in the outfit sadly
My sides.
Girl on the ground kinda looks like Haehyun anyway.
god im getting so close to quitting. its my favorite game of all time but i keep on being dropped since im so trash. feels like im wasting everybodies time since im playing so badly.
What character are you playing?
I know exactly how you feel. It's the same for me in a lot of fighting games. Under Night's been kicking my ass recently too and I feel like I'm making no progress.
keep strong user, every good player you know has been shitted at some day
Just how bad are you?
I sometimes go 20:0 with people who are obviously better and it's usually me who quits.
>giant tits
Is there a better combination?
since tomboy and oneesan can potentially be exclusive, I'm going to say cow tits oneesan.
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
Chipp Zanuff
Uhh that's the problem I'm not even getting my ass beat it's just 2 or 3 matches at the max.
I j guess im really bad.