Has GameStop ever ripped you off Sup Forums?
Have you ever bought into JewStop ripoffs and how many times and for what game(s)?
Has GameStop ever ripped you off Sup Forums?
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>Buying from GameStop
Are you in fucking middle school? Why should I drive to some shitty store when Amazon will deliver it to me the same day?
I used to work at a GameStop for a year and they made us put used discs into cases and plastic wrap them because most customers refuse to buy anything used, even if it's half off.
Most people have figured out by now that if we have to manually put the disc into an empty display case then it's fucking used so now we have to make everything look like it's newly arrived to trick people.
The amount of shit and threats of lawsuits I've gotten over this when people found out made me quit. I always encourage people to buy online. If the game you're getting isn't released that day, what you're getting is a returned copy.
I only buy my games from LoliStop
The one time they charged me for sotfs but just gave me a regular dark souls game. I'm pretty sure one time they didn't put the disc in the case for a game my brother bought. Also anytime I ever sold them a game they give you almost nothing even for games they sell for 60 dollars.
I used to trade in all my old shit for store credit in early-mid 2000s because I didn't know anywhere else to take it. Looking at the long ass receipts for what they were giving me for certain stuff always got on my nerves
Let me tell you a story Sup Forums:
>Be me
>Go to gamestop after payday
>Look around for a bit
>Find that they have all 5 eipsodes of 'Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People' for $10
>Take it up to the counter
>Tries selling me on subscriptions to Game Informer and preorders.
>"No thanks, I just want to buy the game."
>"Are you sure?"
>"Okay, let me get the game for you user"
>The guy opens the drawer behind him and fumbles around for a few minutes."
>He turns to me.
>"user, we only have the box and not the game."
Thats because Strong bad doesnt have a physical release you idiot. 2 seconds worth of research and you'd have known this. You disappointed yourself.
>using amazon
Have fun losing your shit and being accused of stealing for $99 a year.
The fact you kids are so terrified to just walk into a store, buy what you want and leave, is fucking hillarious.
>Always buy used PS3 games
>Cashiers are usualy nice about supplying the cases if they have them, but sometimes they don't.
>I don't mind printing my own since I have the resources, just not the PS3 cases.
>Only sold in bulk online in like 10s and 20s
>Go to GS, find some games I want and get them
>Decide to ask if I they have any spare cases they have in the back I could buy, since I only needed 3.
>"No sorry, we can't sell you just cases"
>Decide to go to the $5 and under bin and pick out 3 sports games at .99 each
>Put them on the counter
>Guy looks at me
>"You just want the cases though."
>"I'm buying the games too."
>"But all you want is the cases."
>"Yes, and I'm also paying for them."
>He rings me up, I get my cases, and trade the games back for 40 cents total at another gamestop.
I got almost fucked over by them
This was my first purchase from them and I will never buy anything from them again
>wanted to buy 4 games on black Friday on their website
>the website processed my order twice, paypal got also charged twice
>tried to contact their hotline about 30 times the next 3 days, could not get through one time
>contacted them per email, "by chances" I only got a reply after the games were already shipped
>also canceled my horizon order one week after the purchase, so 6 games are shipped to me
>wanted to return my 3 leftover games, went to the store
>the clerk wanted to give me coupons instead of cash, even though the website stated them I could return my games
>I politely told him to fuck off
>he wanted to phone the central to ask if he can give cash and I needed to return some other games
>went to the store on another day, could finally exchange my games
>I kept them in their packages because I've read that sometimes gamestop does not send new games in their foil and then it'd be likely that they would not accept them back
>opened the packages in front of the clerk, two out of the 6 games were missing foil, dodged a bullet right there
>after 2 weeks, 30 phone calls and 1 hour of driving I finally got the money of the duplicate order caused by their shitty website
Fuck I'm getting mad after typing this
I had a really weird experience with a GS in south carolina a few years back that swore me off the chain forever
>Call in advance to a local gamestop
>Hey, I noticed you guys have a copy of Steambot chronicles in your system, is this true?
>Guys voice
>Yeah we got it, you want me to hold it for you?
>"Please, its a bit of a drive."
>Hang up
>Get dressed and head on out
>Closest gamestop that had it was 50 miles away
>Day trip
>Arrive at the gamestop, its in the middle of nowhere hicksville, CA.
>literally looks like an unkept store, signs are crooked, theres a hole in the glass that looks like someone threw a brick into it.
>Go to the register theres a busty girl blowing bubblegum working the register.
>Eyes me in the corner as I come up to the register.
>"May ah 'elp yoouuu?"
>A really heavy southern drawl that it almost sounds forced.
>"Um yes, I called in about a game about an hour ago, they said they'd hold it for me."
>She looks behind her and picks up a disk on the counter. "This the one?"
>"Yeah.. sorry, can't sell it to ya, you don't look old enough."
>I'm short, but i'm actually 23.
>Feel a bit offended, but more on the point that Steambot isnt even an M game
>"I am old enough, if you need ID I can prove it."
>Pull out Id.
>"Yeaah. Can't be checking that either, with all dem fakes these days. sorry."
>Ask to see the manager
>"You're lookin' at er."
>Try to politely explain that I called in advanced and talked to someone.
>She checks the system
>"Yep, i see it there, its all reserved. but you still aint old enough fer it."
>Is giving me this fucking creepy smile
>Explain to her I drove 50 miles out here to pick this up, and that I'm really upset with their customer service, legitimately starting to get mad.
>She fucking sits up on her stool and puts her legs on the fucking counter. "Thems the breaks. take it or leave it."
>Shake my head in disbelief and just leave
>She calls out "Come back any time sweatpea"
This makes it even worse. Why would Gamestop advertise a game that they don't even have?
>Have fun losing your shit and being accused of stealing for $99 a year.
what are you even talking about?
It was likely a premotion for the digital codes.
Not Gamestop but Toys R us did.
>Nintendo world toys announced, really want a metroid
>go to TRU to see if they've come in
>Aisle 12, Row filled with Nintendo toys, but its all wave 1 stuff.
>Figure, okay, not time yet. but wouldn't hurt to ask.
>Go to help desk
>Guys asks how he can help me
>Tell him I'd just like him to check the system if he knows when scheduled shipments will be.
>"Sure thing, just let me finish with these people first and I'll be right over"
>Other register is open
>Perky girl at the register
>She notices me
>"Have you been helped yet sir?"
>Tell her I was waiting on the other guy to check something for me
>"Oh, Well I can do it! what do you need?"
>Figure I might as well go with her and tell her the same thing.
>"Oh,.um well lets see. The nintendo amiibos right?"
>"No, not the amiibos, the Nintendo world toys."
>"Oh.. Well, it says deedeedee is coming in soon, also bowser, "Ick", and -
>"No, no. NOT. the amiibos, its a specific line of toys called the Nintendo World line, You currently have wave 1 out in store, I'm just wondering if your system says anything about wave 2."
>"...Oh. Well I don't see anything about those toys in the system. are you sure its not the Amiibos?"
>"You have them in aisle 12"
>"Oh. Huh... Hang on."
>gets on mic
>"Can I get a check on aisle 12? Do we have stock on "Nintendo world toys?"
>Literally frowning this entire time.
>"It'll be just a sec."
>ten minutes later
>another guy comes from behind the counter.
>"Yeah we got em. you have to get them in electronics though."
>Politely thank her and leave for electronics
>Wonder why the fuck the toys are in electronics
>Get to the register, ANOTHER perky girl working electronics
>"Hi, can I help you?"
>"I'm here for the Nintendo world info."
>"Oh that, yeah got it right here."
>She hands me a game
>Fucking Nintendoland
>"Is that what you were looking for?"
Only a long time ago when I was a kid. Thankfully I grew out of it. Since it was about 20 years ago the details are kind of foggy, but I'm pretty sure it went like this;
>get n64 and bunch of games for birthday
>a year later, trade them all in to get a PlayStation and some games like FF7
>year later again want another n64
They pretty much ripped us off for an entire system given their shitty trade in value. My uncle, who got me the first n64, was so pissed I did it and I never understood why until I was a teenager and looked back on it. Fuck GameStop, I can't wait until they go under.
What did you expect, $200 for a used N64? Gamestop buys used shit from people, you can't expect to get your moneys worth back just because, you've already used the damn thing.
>you kids
Some of us have a fucking job and don't have time to go spend daddy's money on a new game which is 15+ minutes each way from where we live/work.
>Some of us have a fucking job
And no car apparently. Even if you work graveyard you could easily pop in early in the day. Amazon is a blight on humanity and its only a matter of time until you're entirely reliant on it to do everything for your fatass.
>this fucking post
>this entire fucking post
>everything about it
Fucking Christ, user.
Back before I knew any fucking better I sold off a bunch of my boxed GBA games, I didn't know any better but I think I only got a dollar or two per game. They were great games too!
FUCK! 99% sure they trashed everything but the cartridges too.
I bought a couple pre-owned games online during their B2G1 Winter Sale thing and one of them came in an unmarked case that was shattered, and the pieces were inside the packaging
No but I've ripped them off before
>Once their system didnt update when I picked up a game I had preordered on PS3 and the next time I went there (it was a different guy), they told me I still had the game on preorder and I told them I had already gotten it so instead they just turned it into store credit
>Bought Skyward Sword from Best Buy when they had that $15 deal that one time. After beating it, I traded it in at gamestop and they gave me about $40 credit
My best friend traded about 20 decent PS2 games for a used copy of yugioh for the GBA.
I wish I made this up.
GS employee here: You'd assume correctly. We're required to not only trash, but phyiscally break down all cardboard boxes, inserts, and containers (This includes collectors editions) and throw them out. The warehouses don't accept Boxed copies of games unless its the plastic protective case. Its much easier to ship that way.
Has gamestop ever not ripped someone off?
I bought NBA Ballers: Chosen One for 360 since I saw it on xplay and just wanted a cheap game to play that had streetball since I liked Nba street vol 2 on OG xbox but it got scuffed over the years due to extensive use. I take it home and just doesn't work on my 360. I try wiping it lightly with a cloth and still doesn't work. Take it to gamestop and they say it is too scratched for them to want it back. Fuck them.
I had the opposite happen.
Gamestop has a policy of, if you turn in a game, you can't buy it back, even if you pay the store amount they want for it, they physically have to sell you the next available copy in their stock, and if yours isnt first, you won't get yours back.
>Go to gamestop to trade in tons of shit with Dad
>Injustice on sale and special deal
>Figure why not, and end up trading in mario galaxy 2 and bioshock infinite for a deal where you can get injustice for $10.
>Go home with my purchase
>Stare at injustice
>Realize I don't even really like fighting games or DC.
>Start to feel remorse set in
>Realize I sold two games I somewhat liked for something I didn't even want.
>Go back next morning to see if I can reverse the trade
>Store policy, can't get my shit back.for a new copy of injustice despite the deal.
>Decide, what the hell and browse the PS2 used discs
>Buy 2 get one free deal going.
>Actually good games in there
>Sly, Ratchet, Jak, Hitman, Katamari, Yakuza, DMC, MGS, Ace combat, KH, Dragon quest VIII, Tales of the abyss, Persona 3, and other cheap one offs.
>End up buying $60 of 23 PS2 discs for trading in two games
>being this autistic
Do you guys plan to rip people off or does it just happen?
>5 or less minutes to order on Amazon, can be done during a work break, morning, etc.
>20+ minutes to waste gas and drive to GameStop, wait in line, deal with shitty "do you want a warranty" "join powerup rewards" bullshit
Not all of us are shut-ins with empty lives that need to go to GameStop so we can leave the house for once. I'll enjoy my discounted, easy to order games that'll be there when I get home from work. Have fun with your brick and mortar shitshow.
Why do you put games in those sleeves when 75% of the used games I got in those sleeves straight up dont work?
>Went to gamestop to buy persona 5
>bought persona 5
I'll never understand how this is so hard for you fags.
I honestly don't see how we "rip people off" We offer them 20% of the value street price of a pre-owned game for trade in (30% for elite pro). Do you honestly think you're going to get say $55 if you turn in a pre-owned game you bought for $60? You've opened it and used the game, we can't dedue for how long, or what you've done to it, and its much harder for us to sell it based on that lack of info. It's basic merchanting, which is why something We sold you for $60, opened and now voided, would be considered $25-$28 trade value. It's perfectly fair.
Now that also is determined on intrinsic value. Say, lets take La noire PS3 and Kirby Return to dreamland wii. Nintendo games are always in high demand, hence why something like kirby is currently $35 used despite being 6 years old now. But a game like LA Noire, which is A. Not only multiplat, but outdated by its GOTY edition, and now it's PS4/Switch edition, is only $2.
Once you understand our system its pretty easy to see we aren't ripping you off, you're just underwhelmed by the returns., which frankly, isn't our problem. It's yours.
To clear out room, Most stores don't have room for PS3 anymore, and like we did with Ps2 4 years ago, any and all used PS3 games are now sleeved for sake of convenience, and lack of plastic cases. Cases eat up a lot of room, which is now room made for more profitable product, In this case our partnership with Thinkgeek merchandise, Pops figures, and T shirts.
>Went to EBgames (leafs gamestop)for the 1st time back in 2004.
>See a new copy of Nightshade on PS2
>Clearly says NEW.
>Ask a copy to the guy at the counter
>"right away sir"
>he opens a drawer and gets a dvd out, walks to the shelves and takes the empty sunbleached box and stick the dvd in it.
>here you go that'll be 49.99 please.
>"it says the game is new, it's clearly not"
>"oh it is, you see we remove our last copy from the box so nobody steals it"
>"Can I see the DVD"
>"uh, sure" hands me the DVD
The dvd was scratched and spotted with what looked like soda drops along with pet hairs stuck on it.
>360 and moonwalk away
>never went to EBgames again
Console. user. PC isn't sold at Gamestop.
Then why not use jewel cases or at least those thin plastic cases instead? I dont know if it is the discs before or after they are put in the sleeves but they do not provide good enough protection
Jewel cases are an added expense. I agree with you, but it's chain wide policy to use the yellow sleeves.
I've seen PC sold at gamestop
There’s no way this happened
that's where i bought it. it went clearance while i was working there
GameStop employees, I've gotta ask. How can you keep a straight face when someone asks for a new game and you take it out of a sleeve, put it in the display case that's had a million little kids touching it, put a piece of tape on it to keep it closed, and then had it to the customer who just witnessed all of this? Like, alright, maybe the disc never put into a game system. But is your store's policy written by a robot? It takes no emotion to not see how they don't feel they're getting a brand new game if it's been removed from the case already?
I posted this yesterday
>Brother is going to the mall
>Played Melee at my friends recently so I tell him to buy me a copy
>He comes back and hands me a preowned game. Disc is scratched as hell and is covered a suspicious white dust
>"It was cheaper user, I thought it would be okay"
>Whatever, pop the game in
>Can't get past the logo screen, game freezes
>Finally make it to the menu screen, music stops and game freezes
>Return to Gamestop and tell them they sold me crap
>They tried the game and it doesn't work
>Cashier apologizes, get $10 credit
>Buy new game
And this one, I swear I didn't mean to fuck them over
>Played Scribblenauts, loved the hell out of Super Scribblenauts
>Started to like the franchise and read about how the first game had a chicken hat preorder bonus
>Hear about Scribblenauts Unlimited having the hat as a preorder thing
>Shit my pants a little even though I don't have a system that could play the game
>Go to GS, buy a preowned copy of LittleBig Planet and tell the guy I want to preorder SU for the 3ds
>Pay the man, he goes to the back and gets my hat
>Open the bag, put on my hat with the most retarded happy smile on my face (pic related)
>A guy in the parking lot yells "ey yeah!"
Five days later
>Really loving LittleBig Planet
>Feel a little remorse because I bought a preowned game
>Return to GS, tell the guy I want to return the game, buy a new copy and cancel my preorder
>"Are you sure user? The game comes out in a few days and you could change your mind?"
>Yeah whatever, give me LBP
>Come home
>While playing, realize I got a free chicken hat
Fucking Gamestop
The fuck?
I do it daily. We get some people who always ask if they can have the display copy, but if it's our last one I have to tell them no and offer them a flat case instead. If thats a deal breaker, than It's a no-sale.
For new games, it's insurance on our part. We open the game to make sure everything inside is accounted for, For example if there was a manufacturing error, and no disc inside, we'd be held accountable for it. This way, we ensure the consumer gets their product. The only people who care about "sealed copies" are scalpers and reseller anyways, and if I'm doing my part to spurn them, I'll gladly slash a few cellophane seals.
Silence, thief.
If I got a new release for 60 I expect at least 40 since I barely touched it, hell I see used PS3 games and PS4 games from 2014 that are used for 40-50 dollars, there's zero consistency
Look at my comment above to see how I got ripped off personally. You guys killed countless mom and pop shops who might actually give good deals. You're kept open by uninformed gamers looking to buy cod people who actually know what they're doing don't shop at game stop.
>We open the game to make sure everything inside is accounted for,
You fucking lying piece of shit, Jesus Christ
If it's the last one, there should be some kind of discount on it. Everyone else in retail does this. If you buy the floor model at an appliance store, you get a discount, even if it's brand new. I mean, I guess at a car lot you have people who may have test driven it, but we're just talking about a $60 game here, it wouldn't kill GameStop to knock $10 off to make the customer happy and seal the sale.
found the retard
>We open the game to make sure everything inside is accounted for
How is this possible when I ahve received used games scuffed to hell that dont work on FIVE occassions and try to return them and each time gamestop refuses them even though each time I came back within two days?
I don't understand the appeal of all the pop figures. The eyes are always just black dots with no detail.
Call me what you like.
We can't judge that. We offer a set value at an increased rate of 25% You can SAY you haven't touched it, but theres no evidence you have or haven't. Visible scratches don't mean much when a perfectly clean disc can stop working at the drop of a hat.
>Used PS3 games that are $40-50
Now that right there is a lie iof I ever heard one. There isn't a single pre-owned PS3 title higher than $30, and right now thats Persona 5, and Cars 3.
Business is business kid. Don't shoot me for being involved in killing countles smaller chains, but the business we get nowadays is 10X the amount we did back in the day. And yes, it's primarily sports jocks and athletic people. For every "Fat virgin nerd" stereotype we get, we get 9 more Sports fans ready to buy Fifa or COD or Madden. Business is business. Who cares who comes in and buys if we're profiting and successful?
It's the truth. Discs that go in are stored in the drawers in the back room. they aren't touched until they're required for sale.
You fucking madman, I wanted to get the sleeve for the mass effect collection for ps3 since I got it used and it didnt come with the slip cover and I saw it at another gamestop and they wouldnt let me have it, wish it was in policy
>Go to buy new GAME
>GAME was taken out of its case
>Argue with the cashier
>Walk out and buy GAME from best buy
And that was the last time I ever went to gamestop.
I dont even remember what the game was anymore, Ni no Kuni maybe.
>buy new game online
>comes unsealed with some sticker over the opening
That's about it, I only bought it because I won gift cards.
I went to gamestop two days ago and they had like 3 360 and ps3 games for about 38-42 dollars, don't call me a liar and look at your shithole of a employer
I care about sealed copies because I'm autistic and im right!
So you just take them and never check if they work, but just gladly take them to scam suckers like me wanting to play used games? Fuck you man
Not him gamestop guy but if you know your a sucker why even buy used?
Because I've gotten good deals on used games and I'll admit I got fucked 5 times and still didnt stop. When the fuckers kick PS3 and 360 into the can and stop selling them period, they lost my service
fucking gamestop
>Call me what you like
Okay, my bad. I was being nice. Silence, bitch.
Maybe if he had the game pre-ordered the situation wouldn't have inflated like that
Couldn't he just pre-order the game for $1, get the demo, then cancel it later?
Bought a $45 3DS game with no cartridge once.
Any gamestop employees want to explain to me why gamestop sells so many goddamn shirts and hats and merch? I dont mind having it period but in the 3 GS near me their stores feel like 80% of the clothes take it up because you have to move through them just to get to the games on the wall. Why fill up the store with so much shit? Is it that much profitable?
Because their stores are all in the red so they stuff them with literal trash to sell to the US GAMERS XD since its not like those people buy videogames anyway.
>LEGALLY I was in the right
what the fuck?
I doubt it even happened like that. Dobson really loves to blow things out of proportion
Its like being proud of working for Walmart and destroying small business for a shitty mega chain. And yeah I was just at a game stop not long ago and persona 5 for ps3 was 50 dollars.
Weren't they supposed to go bankrupt already?
I stole shit from a store but legally I was in the right
he should have just expanded his horizons and bought something else
Most likely like McDonalds where the stores themselves dont earn jack shit but they make their money off the real estate.
I know in my town Gaystop is the only "gamer" store. So if don't want to buy games at walmart or you want a novelty gift you have to go there.
No they were trying to steal from him. He wasn't stealing by refusing to get kiked.
They were going bankrupt just selling games. The side merch ous the only thing keeping them afloat right now.
>So if don't want to buy games at walmart
The only reason to not buy games from walmart is dealing with walmart and it being mobbed by niggers 24/7.
Unless you live in the south then Walmarts are super comfy
>goto eb games
>just browsing their knick knacks
>used games, I prefer new but these are cheap
>want to try out the evil within
>There's a few copies here, I'll pick out the case in the best shape.
>$22, game case has manuals in it, clerk puts game in case, seals it, tells me the codes in the case are probably used already
>Well ok I mean I'm buying used
>Get home, same game is on sale for $8 digitally
>Well shit, but I wanted physical anyway
It wasn't so bad. My disc is in good condition, and my case has all the manuals. She even carefully took the stickers off the case because she knows the pain as well. It's a boring story.
I want to impregnate the employee tho.
There's this cute store manager at a local Gamestop, she was doing interviews and in the middle of it she saw I was buying .hack last recode and said she loved them on ps2, wish I could work at gamestop if it meant I could be coworkers with a cute gamer girl
most gamestops are in mini malls i'm pretty sure they rent from the landlords not from corporate gamestop.
No, but years ago when gamestop first bought out EB I got banned for a year because the fucking idiot that replaced the manager of the EB in my area, ran a promotion of buy two games get one free, which was printed exactly like that on all six of his promotional signs. So I bought two $10 games and got a $50 new game for free. He tried to argue it doesn't work like that, but after I pointed out the signs and that false advertisement was a crime, the guy backed down, and sold me the games, banned me, and pulled down all the promotional adverts he had in the store.
Why not settle with a cute gamer boy?
Stores that know what they're doing say lowest priced game is free.
It usually doesnt work like that though, they usually force you to get a lower one for free, but I think it's bullshit like that
Not a fag
Was this in greenville because we had a tranny working atc the store i work at around 2014
Oh I know that, but when you're promotional posters say nothing of the sort and just say "Buy two games get one free" You can make the argument that its false advertising and if the store doesn't want to risk bad publicity then they may cave, in this case, the guy at gamestop caved.
>source code
shit man do you still have this?
Its the merger. We work in part with Thinkgeek now, and Thinkgeek sells its merch in our store.
This never happened, sweetpea.
Considering you can just NOT buy things or sell things there, no.
Anyone who claims to have been ripped off is just an idiot.
>Employee put orginal ds2 in case instead of sotfs which I was charged for
How was I not ripped off.
Y'all need to cut ties with those leechers
>Go to gamestop
>QT red head at the counter
>She looks over
>I'd like to buy this game preowned please
>Gives a small smirk
>Sure. one sec.
>Goes to the back, comes back with my game
>Theres a giant pre-owned sticker on it.
>Oh could you remove that please?
>She peels off the sticker, licks the back in a seductive manner and leans over, placing the sticker against my forehead
>There is now a PREOWNED sticker on my forehead
>She gives another flirty smirk
>Kicks off her shoes behind the counter and presses a button, the shutters close.
>Coaxes me into the back room
>Follow her
>She locks the back door
>Comes up and removes my shirt
>licks her lips before sticking more PREOWNED stickers all over my bare chest.
>pins me down sitting on my waist while non chalantly covering me in more and more PREOWNED stickers.
>She soon runs out of room, so takes my pants too and continues covering my legs
>I watch as the last of my garments go flying but I no longer care.
>She grabs hold and starts to stroke and suck me off
>So, you like to be owned huh? I like that, want me to own you?
>Keeps at it until I pledge myself to be hers
>"Good boy, come home with me, and I can REALLY use you."
>She smirks, stands up and opens the back gate to the lot and coaxes me into her van
>Leave behind everything of mine and follow her in a daze
>She slams the door, locks up the store and drives off with me in back
>Brings me to her house, pushes me to the floor and has her way with me
>After about round 4 I try to speak up but she just shushes me
>Don't talk while I'm playing my games. it's distracting.
>Rides me hard, I can barely hold out.
>"I can play you casualy, or I can get good with you and play hardcore. just think of how much fun we can have."
>With a final drop of her hips I release all over, she doesn't look too pleased by the end of the game and slaps a 6/10 "It's okay" sticker on me.