The music is extremely overrated

>The music is extremely overrated.
>The graphics are very plain.
>Outside of the lily puzzle, there's basically no gameplay.
>There's a mode that can screw the player out of playing the entire game.
>This game practically doesn't let you play it the way you want.
>You can't completely reset.
>Attacking is boring, as it's just lining up a line across an eyeball.
>Undyne's golden arrows.
>The possibility of having to redo the entire Genocide Run by saving at the wrong moment.
>Too many bad jokes and cliche humor.
>Too many moments of "something ex-machina".
>Bullet Hell doesn't really work on a keyboard.
>Too many moments of random dialogue.
>Story that cannot be understood.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bullet Hell doesn't really work on a keyboard.

you're either retarded or this is bait

Please don't state your shit taste as fact, you jaded faggot, might as well just neck yourself because you'll never enjoy anything in life anyway

>story that cannot be understood
holy shit op please

>the music is overrated
it's good music
>the graphics are very plain
toby's a musician first
>you can't completely reset
>story that cannot be understood
t. brainlet

the music is accurately rated

Nice blog

EarthBound is better

Lot of triggered furries here.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a furry!!
not even worth giving a (You)

>>Bullet Hell doesn't really work on a keyboard.
what the fuck

Man how does it feel to be so inept at video games that you think Undertale is hard.

the game was great, fuck off contrarian fag

All of you shut the fuck up and post the autistic fuck fish.

What is this /lat/?


>The graphics are very plain.
No, the art is bad, period.
The rest isn't remotely true either.

>Story that cannot be understood.
Stopped reading there.

yeah well

>The music is extremely overrated
The music IS the whole premise of the game. Literally all of the praise it got was thanks to the music. Play without the OST, the game becomes a boring mess of ''le so funny dogs and skeltans''

On the rest I can either agree or dissagree, it's retarded nitpicking for a game that doesn't deserve any praise beyond it's music

epic thread bros

sounds like every 8bit track ever