Gifted this game on steam. Gonna give it a try. What am In for.
Gifted this game on steam. Gonna give it a try. What am In for
Characters that won't shut the fuck up.
A very slow boring game
Okay, you got this generic looking steampunk fantasy setting, and characters that seem dull at first glance. But it's executed in such a detailed, thought out way that you actually start caring about these characters and to explore this living/breathing world, made so by sheer attention to how it's written, and pleasantly so. Couple that with your typical Falcom polish, a chill and pleasant pace/soundtrack, and the fact that you ain't just the typical trope chosen ones out there to save the world from big bad, and you got yourself the introduction to one of the greatest JRPG series ever made.
2 cute lesbian boys
and a lot of dialogue
you should just play it and the 2 sequels instead of asking Sup Forums
slow, generic and mediocre jRPG with a interesting backstory and does nothing worthwhile with it, that thinks that tons of pointless dialogue makes for interesting or charming characters.
A retard and an emo team up to become mercenaries.
A top tier JRPG that stands up there with the best games of the golden era. A slower game that focuses on story and world building, fun combat and a small but impactful ost.
Generic JRPG executed really well
Second game is 9/10, the third one wasn't necessary
I've heard several people talking about this game like it's some sort of hidden classic but all i found was a dull paced game full of cliches
I especially hated the combat which seems to take all the worse aspect of turn based combat by adding this pointless SRPG like grid
Caught the shitposter. Anyone who actually has real beef with the game wouldn't make the mistake of calling it generic.
It's good and does good things with its storytelling, the gameplay is solid, but it can be pretty slow. I recommend playing it using cheat engine and doubling the game's speed.
One of the most boring jrpgs I've ever played.
Oh, and the story goes nowhere.
But it is generic. What do you think isn't generic about it?
You're in for a long ride. There's like 7 other games and counting waiting for you
Well if you have the passion for them long games
>only gifted you the first game
Should have gifted you at least that and the second. First is basically a prologue for the second game.
Novice members of a voluntary civic police force for hire stumble upon a geo-political conspiracy with sinister Manchurian Candidate undertones that hint at something bigger than is initially preserved. Featuring airships, sunny skies, comfy Jazz and crossdressing.
Wrong game dude
The fact that it isn't a cookie cutter JRPG? Combat isn't your usual common variety combat. The story is more in-depth than normal. I mean, what about it do you think is just like every other JRPG out there? I'm not saying it is completely unique, but at this point that is just about impossible. It is still different enough that it doesn't fall under generic though.
No, it's generic but just executed really well. I like the game but it doesn't do anything new. Characters and story are all typical JRPG cliches, combat is mostly typical turn based stuff. It is very generic, like i said, it just executes it all really well.
>Combat isn't your usual common variety combat.
>The story is more in-depth than normal.
Yes, but it's still just the same generic cliches.
I hate the fact you're a bracer
>you're literally a professional side quest bitch
The whole game is nothing but a sidequest while all the interesting stuff happens in the background.
Shit is awful.
Actual world building
Did he ever declare to Kitty?
Calvard when?
Just started SC
>having to play as dumb slut instead of cool edgy mcedge
You can play as cool edgy pedophile instead
>bracers are meant to be neutral
>actually NEVER EVER neutral
>green pauldron is on her right side in her portrait
>on the left side on her model
Really gets the autism going
He's right though, the combat is nothing special the orbment system is somewhat unique in the way you obtain spells through lines but similar system were done way before it, the materia system in FF7 for example while not exactly the same is similar. Much of the side quests in FC/SC are really tedious after awhile as well. Combat is also very unbalanced in Sky, FC has time magic, SC is earth wall spam, the 3rd just hands you broken characters like Richard and Rennespeed is insanely broken as a stat in all 3 games.
It also falls into many JRPG tropes but it's carried by an amazing OST and very well written dialogue and story. Don't get me wrong it's probably my favorite JRPG franchise and the 3rd is among one of my favorite games of all time but I'm not blind enough to overlook obvious flaws with them.
Pic related incase you want to dismiss me as a "shitposter" as well.
Bracers duties lie first and foremost to the service of safety to the people in the realm. With that safety threatened, it's hard to stay neutral and still retain the function of why they are there in the first place. It's actually one of the core themes explored, how their duty to protect and serve trumps political neutrality. It was either serve their core function or cheese to be.
>amazing ost
>very well written dialogue and story
The story is the weakest part of these games, so no again.
A quality JRPG if this fits into your niche, it's extremely slow but I came to enjoy that about it. Don't even bother with it if you're not planning to invest a ton of time into the series. I loved all of it but I got a lot more into it towards the end of 3, during 3, and as soon as I started playing the Crossbell games. At these points the world expands a lot without forgetting all of the worldbuilding previously done.
Oh and if you're still in this thread get out before you get spoiled.
I heard that the game has literally no dramatic arc in it until the next game. Is that true?
You are basically disagreeing with the two points almost everybody brings up in praise of the series. You are a definite minority opinion.
Untrue. The third act sets up the rest of the series in a dramatic fashion.
Depends on what you mean by dramatic. It has its own share of drama too, and while it's hard to say much about it without spoiling I enjoyed the antagonists and their motivations. That being said, it is a lot slower than the following games, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It also sets up a lot of things for those games th
I picked this up on sale, I'm at the start of Chapter 3 and it's alright I guess but it hasn't really managed to pull me in and I'm finishing it out of more a sense of obligation than anything. I like the orbal system though.
So are you saying that there's no drama until the late/endgame?
There's drama, but it's fairly lighthearted. Remember, you are playing as novice peacekeepers for hire, there to help out the common man, not some chosen ones expected to defeat the dark and edge. So, a pretty relaxed pace that settles you quite nicely into the world and its characters, an actual strength in my opinion rather than weakness. Too often these kind of games rush you into something that seems pretty dire, only to stretch that out for 40+ hours with no sense of urgency, despite that being the initial setup. Here, you get time to actually get to know your characters and the world they're operating in, and in chunks that make sense.
There is drama, but it's extremely slow and builds up to a massive pay-off in the last chapter of the first game.
Second game and third game have much more drama.
Trails games are slow as molasses because everything's a gradual build-up, even moreso than most JRPGs.
>Basic turn base combat with a few mechanics that are only useful at higher difficulties
>Retard happy go lucky MC, children of a hero( who is nearly godlike by the way and gets no respect from the retard), goodness incarnated and can't do no wrong.
>Emo super assassin character with a dark past
>Evil villain that wants the....ANCIENT POWER to CONTROL/DESTROY THE WORLD!
>"You may have won the fight but you will lose in the cut-scene cuz i was HOLDING BACK!"
>Ancient civilization with mystical powers
>one of the most boring level design and reuse of assets that i have ever seen in a jRPG
>ungodly amount of text where most of it is pure fluff
it's a generic game Falcomfag no matter how much you want spin it, the things it does right is world building, NPCs and politics between countries that Zero expands but Cold Steel throw that out of the window.
Run-of-the-mill classic JRPG with a cute story and likable enough characters to make the game enjoyable but not so much that you'll want to play it a second time
See that seemingly unimportant NPC? You can watch him grow and evolve trough an extensively written character ark that lends bigger credence to the world than a Elder Scrolls-ish dynamic character system ever could. Despite JRPG trappings and limitations, this world seemed realer and more involving to me than that of most WRPGs that pride themselves of living world interactivity and freedom of aproach, and it accomplishes this by simply relying on near unprecedented attention to detail and how it feeds you information through it's writing and extensive world building.
>Tsundere twintail redhead
>Incest memes
>Joshua is a literal "Heh, nothing personal kid" edgelord who dual wields
>Literal onsen episode
>Crossdressing episode
>Token loli
>Olivier is totally not suspicious guy
>My dad is really, really strong you know?
>Not generic
It's not well executed either, in fact the further you proceed in the series the worse it gets.
Some of the worst case of verbal diarrhea in writing and complete and utter lack of subtlety in anything the game offers to you doesn't make it good, fascinating or detailed, it makes it a muddy, uncharming slog for shounen kiddies and fujos who want their generic melodramatic soap opera.
>Archetypes are bad
The story for FC/SC is basically trashy anime from the 90s and kiseki music wasn't good until Zero.
When your game consists of nothing but insipid archetypes drawn out for far too long, yes, they are bad.
>I like the game but it doesn't do anything new
That doesn't make it generic. Claiming it is generic means that everything it does is common to JRPGs. It may not have reinvented the wheel, but everything in it is rare for JRPGs. The cliches are rare, the gameplay is rare. Saying the combat is typical turn based stuff would make me even question whether or not you played the game. Most combat in JRPGs don't make a strong use of positioning, unlike this game. They also don't make a strong use of timing either, unlike this game. This isn't a full out TRPG either, so it isn't even generic from that standpoint either.
Again, just because it isn't 100% unique doesn't make it generic. The rest of your post seems focused on the game being flawed. I never tried to say it isn't flawed. It just isn't generic.
>basic turn based
Basic turn based isn't on a grid battlefield with timed spells.
Joshua is more of the MC in the first game. SC is where Estelle becomes the real MC.
Joshua isn't even emo. If anything, he shows a strong lack of emotion.
>Evil villian blah blah blah
I'm really starting to question whether you played the game or not.
>Win the fight but lose
Okay you got one thing correct.
>mystical powers
Actually this falls under post-apocalyptic lost technology. Again, did you really play the game?
>drawn out
You haven't even explained your argument well enough to be taken seriously.
White Gehenna and pacing that can best be descriped as glacial.
>Gifted this game on steam. Gonna give it a try. What am In for.
Cringe animue visual novel that only faggots praise
>trashy anime from the 90s
Ok, list at least 3 that share Sky's story
>You haven't even explained your argument well enough
Sorry if I don't go into detail for what is basically a trashy, 80 hours long anime with the most generic characters, setting and story ever, do you want me to go into detail of every stupid and inane conversation those cardboard excuses of characters have every fucking minute? It is literally worse than the average Tales game in pushing those atrocious situations and character archetypes in your mouth, because at least Tales games have the decency to be concise, instead the whole LoH series has always been a slog of such proportions that make finishing DQ7 seem like batting an eyelid.
>I only want instant gratification
>I enjoy reading copious amounts of text that amounts to nothing
>reach a day and age where no story or gameplay is actually 100% innovative anymore due to every idea in existence having been tried before
>anons try to argue that a game is bad because everything in it has been done before
So going by your faggot standards, there can never be a good story/gameplay for the rest of time. So just do us all a favor and go ahead and neck yourselves.
>With the most generic characters
You keep using the word and yet you can't even expound on what makes them generic outside of their initial presentation as archetypes.
>inane conversation
I'm sorry anything more than 3 sentences is too much for you
Again, how?
The only ever good game plot-wise in the Tales series is Symphonia, by virtue of being a subversion of the usual Chosen One storyline that's well executed enough to be above average. Vesperia shat itself by the 3rd act. Xillia 2 and Berseria are alright but they have some glaring flaws in the narrative, while Abyss is more character focused than anything else. You can call them concise, but conciseness does not necessarily equate to being well executed at the very least
I'm sorry if you didn't like the progression of Trails, but all your arguments are simply opinions. It's not a series for everyone but calling it generic or cardboard is anything but.
What instant gratification?
There's no gratification at all, you don't invest anything in the game to give you gratification for anything, you just machinegun your forward prompt to read some pointless and inane writing for hours, in a game with no player inputs at all, a game that will still be the same no matter how many times you play it, there's no secret conversation path that might actually REWARD you with something different, no actual subtlelty that might makes you think about some thing that hasn't been said directly because the game completely lack any sort of subtlety that even fucking stuff like Planescape Torment or FFVII had, and they're some of the most horribly written games in the genre, but at least they do know how to be at the very least subtle.
What you do in LoH games is read a long, boring, longwinded chronicle of extremely mundane and cliched fictionary events, and at that point I might as well pick up the bible and read through stuff like the Judges or Numbers if I wanted that.
Hear, hear!
But sometimes, a comfy, cliche, inane shit story is just what it takes for the working man when he's finally allowed to relax.
>I skip through dialog because I don't have the patience to read
Perhaps RPGs are not for you.
The archetypes aren't bad but holy shit did falcom did a great job of making them all feel bland.
This is an excuse by people that defend long winded JRPGs that go nowhere and lock you into text box and cinematic dumps rather than allowing you to actually explore the game world and play the damn game. Text is fine in RPGs, excessive text isn't.
Good for you, but be aware that not everybody has your horrible taste.
RPGs are one of my three favorite genres, so fuck you, don't tell me what I like or not like because your favorite series is written horribly and plays even worse than its writing.
The gameplay in later arcs is actually quite good desu.
stopped reading right here
>The gameplay in later arcs is actually quite good
If you haven't played many games in your life maybe.
>RPGs are one of my three favorite genres,
Only genres you need in gaming that focus on gameplay, RPGS are for plebs who don't want to read a book
Bruh, how is Chloe have more EP than me just because she has more slots? 540 EP like goddamn
Bought FC during summer sale, and i went in blind, the end of FC just made me rush into buying SC and i spent the summer completing both of them. Bought the 3rd during the autumn sale and i'm trying to completing it, i feel like the 3rd is the weakest part but it's still great to play,
Seriously for a while i haven't played a rpg or game which made me have that feeling of wanting more
>RPGS are for plebs who don't want to read a book
I know four languages and have read more books than you, son. I don't play RPGs or games for their writing.
>Inb4 b...but RPG have no good gameplay
Nah, I've played many JRPGs. Most SMTs and their spinoffs, and most FFs and their spinoffs. Trails gameplay gets pretty good later down the line and I wish there were more content for people who actually like it.
>I literally cannot stand more than 3 sentences
>RPGs ar emy favorite genre
And yet you have horrible taste in them how ironic
Movies are also irrelevant as well as theatre by your argument
She has forced 3 Blue slots and her innate stats is built for magic so she should have high EP
>I've played many JRPGs
>Most SMTs and their spinoffs, and most FFs and their spinoffs.
So you've played nothing.
Bracers prioritize citizens over everything else and will shit all over your borders if you give them just cause to mobilize.
>And yet you have horrible taste in them
Said by someone who defends the most insipid and mediocre series ever created, really rich.
They felt bland to me because I can't remember a single time where a character did something cool. I remember plenty of times where the dialogue was cheeky though. Sadly that isn't enough for me. Not to say that they were bad characters.
he could list literally all the JRPGs ever created and that wouldn't satisfy you at all because you're deadset on saying the game is bad simply because its not for you.
You can't even defend your argument properly without resorting to buzzwords and yet you call me insipid? Fuck off
>I can't remember
Of course you can't; you haven't played the game.
>Joshua isn't even emo
>muh broken heart not emo
>Not Evil Villain
i don't to spoil the story Falcomfag, a thing your kind loves to do and yes SC villain as generic as a villain can be and you would know had you play it.
>falls under post-apocalyptic lost technology.
oh yes those orbments have nothing mystical about them
you can't even properly explain what makes the game unique or worthwhile so you resort to "YOU DIDN'T EVEN PLAY IT!"? seriously? no wonder all Trails threads are close when falcomfags start taking a beating.
holy shit, why are you distorting what they said?
Yeah, I can't stand more than three sentences. I don't need to be told a bunch about a new place I am about to go to, because I am about to go to there. I want to go there and explore it. If there is a deadly desert then let me go in and have my characters succumb to the effects of the desert, because I can glean that through playing the game rather than being text heavy and ruining the flow. You don't need to tell me they are ancient ruins because I can actually see that for myself when I am playing the game. You don't need to tell me about the appearance of a boss within those ruins because I see that boss. You don't need to tell the player this through a bunch of inane character interactions because the player is actually experiencing these things, you know one of the strong points of a video game allowing the player to control what is on screen and interact within the games rule set.
Ah, so I haven't. But I'm always looking for new JRPGs to get into. I've also played loads of Disgaea just to get that series out of the way. What would you recommend? I've still got some time to kill before my classes start.
You might be autistic
"""""J"""""""" RPGs
Not really, but anyone with experience in the genre would laugh at you for saying that you have played a lot of games when you listen two franchises, one of which being the posterchild of mediocrity and babby's first JRPG.
But on one thing you're right, it's definitely not a franchise for me, nor for anyone who wants more than a mediocre and generic product who gets glorified by a handful of people who think that walls of empty text equates to good writing.
I don't need to defend anything, especially against someone who can't ever read English, though it's no surprise, maybe if I used 2000 characters to say the same thing your OCD could have allowed you to actually grasp the meaning of a single, straight sentence and see what the subject of said sentence is, which is quite obviously not (You).
>What would you recommend? I've still got some time to kill before my classes start.
I'm not here to spoonfeed you, son.
It's full of emulators out there, do like everybody else and get your backlog going, branch out, don't limit yourself.
Nigga what? Estelle is extremely open about her love for the people she cares about. Joshua especially.
You mean reading through a bunch of inane text that breaks the flow of the player getting to play the game isn't? I personally don't enjoy text heavy RPGs unless I am able to make choices within those texts.
>emo aka emotional means a lack of emotion
Can you even into definitions? Just go ahead and call me autistic and every other word that Sup Forums doesn't seem to know the proper meaning of.
>i don't to spoil
Learn to speak English, then I will finish reading what was written here.
>controlling energy is mystical
Do you have some hobo that stood outside your house waving a stick and you grew up assuming that is where electricity came from? The game makes it clear as day that orbaments are based in science. They control energy and are programmable. SO FUCKING MYSTICAL...
>strawman argument
No thanks.
Fucking pussy, ego so fragile you can't even share a list of fucking video games on a board about video games. That other user was pretty polite about it too.
Anticipation for the best girl in the sequel.
>Heavily used goods
>best girl
>strawman argument
>No thanks he says while using every strawman possible
holy shit you are one pathetic fanboy, i guess i should make a 1000 pages book explaining every single point of why Trails is generic maybe then you will understand but nah you would just throw it out and cry "YOU DIDN'T EVEN PLAY IT!".
now he will tell you "YOU JUST HAVE SHITTY TASTE!"
dumb bimbos
>get called out for not knowing what emo means
>misuses strawman too
Fuck I guess I asked for it when I said
>Just go ahead and call me autistic and every other word that Sup Forums doesn't seem to know the proper meaning of.
I didn't even say I disliked the game though. I just can't remember there being any standout moments of ''wow that was cool'' or ''wow that was impressive'' that was triggered by any of the cast.
That's pretty rude, mister.
unlimited dick works
purityfag begone