Dark Souls 1 is 6 years old now

>Dark Souls 1 is 6 years old now
Admit it, you did at least one edgy PVP montage back then.

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Dark Souls is shit

Dark Souls was awesome.

Always found most pvp montages cringe because you know they only put the wins in but they where a good way to look at a weapons moveset, I admired the rare honesty of those that put the loses in.

>Oblivion is almost 12 years old now

nah i never played online

>Bioshock cameout 22 years ago

What was that one forum.
Where they went into a frothing rage when the news hit that Bethesda was making FO3

And some guy made this massive satirical rant about Soil Erosion.

Good times.

Metal Gear Solid was 20 years ago

>2001 was thirty years ago

>the time between the pyramids and 9/11 is the same as 9/11 and today

>Minecraft 1.5 beta was 7 years ago
i remember the first server i joined when i was brand new to the game, I miss that shit so much

>Admit it, you did at least one edgy PVP montage back then.

>Rise of Nations is 15 years old

>the passage of time has occurred

I remember playing that game in the family laptop's browser window.



I miss having acceptable hitboxes. Fuck Bloodborne.

Bloodborne's PVP is way better IMO

>tfw I was literally just having an existential crisis when I realized it's over 7 years since some anime aired that I remember like yesterday
I've done fucking nothing with my life

Dark Souls hitboxes were amazing

Amazingly awful.

Proud to say I have never played even a single second of any Dank Souls or Dank Souls-like game.

No. I wasn't an edgy preteen six years ago.

Not all of us were 12 years old 6 years ago user.

I actually got on the bandwagon really late, only played the game on the run up for the release of III. Had to push myself to it though, I was torn between playing it and Dragon's Dogma, but as soon as I got to the bridge shortcut in Undear Burg I was hooked.

I never bothered with the shitty pvp. I played through it offline so I didn't have to bother with all the edgelords invading me all the time

I fucking loved invasions in this game
Never made any videos, but watching them was great fun.
Invading, getting invaded, it was always great. Everything was so broken that no matter how outmatched you were statistically, if you could abuse your broken stuff harder than he could you could still win, even if you had to spend 10 minutes rolling through dark beads until he finally gets too close to a ledge and you can backstab him off, or getting a host and two phantoms with 20 estus and full stacks of humanity to chase you through the forest to the ladder, or bait them into trying to follow you across the jump over the river, or run from an invader like a panicked new and then unzip a hornet crystal greatclub and delete him
None of the other games had the same level of silly shit to do

>Heroes 3 came out 21 years ago

I've got a better one, you disgusting underaged tripfag. Persona 4 is 10 years old this year

are you proud for coming in here and saying that?

you remembered me that dmc 4 is 10 years old now

does anyone remember when Dark Souls first started getting a little attention and people started comparing it to Skyrim? why did that happen?

Still remember my dad walking past my room and seeing me play it, both being blown away by the graphics

Everything was compared to skyrim in 2011

They came out within a month of each other didn't they? They were two biggest RPGs of that time on Sup Forums.

I should have done some but my computer was kind of shit

>Prime microshill time
>DSfix and DSFriendFix
>camping with the forest faggots had people giving you a shit ton of souls over the course of a night
>mfw being a total faggot killing people everywhere with all my different characters
>mfw successfully baiting plenty of people to kill their Solaires in anal rodeo or any other important npcs
>mfw soul sucking people as dickwraith
>mfw receiving all those delicious (you)s

I miss those simple days when people could just see who you are and give you shit, the salt was glorious

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post.
I like your art btw

>go into the forest pvp area
>use chameleon spell and hide around some trees
>go do something else while some faggot spends 30 minutes trying to find me

good times.

>playing souls for pvp

>tfw invading in anal rodeo with full silver knight set+greatbow

Is anyone still playing DaS1 on Xbone/360 or is it dead?
I never played the DLC and I don't feel like buying it on PS3 unless it's highly recommended.


No Mutants Allowed?

I'd say it's the best part of the game.
It's got 4 bosses, all of which range from good to amazing.

the last edgy montage i did was a vanilla wow pvp
guess im old now

>Bad Company 2 came out almost 8 years ago

How much a colossal faggot do you have to be to post with a secured trip on Sup Forums? Neck yourself.

some of them werent that bad

Thanks, user. I'll try to get better
This is why Gravelord Servant covenant mechanic got removed from future games. It's because of people like you.

OMG I just realized that 20 years ago was


Why do people bitch about secure tripcodes more than about normal ones? Tripcode is a tripcode. Shit is shit. No fucking difference

I was just replaying some Dark Souls. Maybe it's because I played it to death when it came out, but the game really offers no challenge. I don't think it aged too well, either.

You might want to remove that trip when your personality has no impact on the subject at hand.

>you'll never explore the undead burg for the first time again


Invasions are such a bad mechanic in theory, I love that they had the balls to go through with it anyway, it helped build that unique DaS charm.
Shame they ruined it in the sequels by giving so much options to the host.

Honestly I got into dark souls because I was coming off skyrim and I needed something to scratch that rpg itch.

but the deal sealer that made me get the game is when I found out it was made by the guys who made armored core

>Yoshi’s Island is 25 years old

>mfw 8 years old when oblivion released

time flies by fast

>I was three when the first Gears of War was released

Underage leave.

>tfw remember watching martyrsbrigade99

>tfw you won't be able to enjoy the games of the future because you'll be dead

>was minus two years old when dark souls 2 released

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>starcraft 2 came out 7 years ago

if i did a pvp montage from dark souls 1 it would have just been me dying over and over and over
it could have been funny i guess but i didn't really think about that

>Skyrim came out 7 years ago

You can figure out any unsecured trip using a trip generator. You can't do this for secured trips hence you have to be maximum autismo to do it. tl;dr lurk more

I still remember when I played demon's souls on release night..

I played it after completing Dark Souls. It wasn't bad.