How can we prevent the ps5 from winning next genaration?
How can we prevent the ps5 from winning next genaration?
3: NES
5: N64
6: PS2
7: 360
8 Switch
Your list is shit
No... Just no. The 360 is debatable, but the switch? No.
not him but what does PS4 have going for it? at least Switch offers you true exclusives as well as portable gaming. PS4 is an inferior PC with a stunted library - apart from casual shit like party games, MADDEN, FIFA, etc. it really serves no purpose other than collecting dust.
N64 and 360 need to replace PS1 and PS3. Nintendo went off the rails, time wise, with the WiiU so both it and the Switch are so far our of the console war that I wouldn't count them in the running.
>beating ps1
Oh boy, is this thread going to devolve into another console shitpost war?
end "big" consoles after this generation. quite possible thing to happen, only thing that's truly irreplaceable are nintendo consoles because it's more of an unique fun gimmick than generic specialized game box
The Switch is 99% ports and shovelware.
Also the PS4 is portable, Nintenbro.
>PS3 winning anything
Your console fucking sucked faggot just accept it. It was a close tie between the 360 and Wii
We all know the 3rd console curse, what kind of precedent is there for the 5th?
It's far too early to be able to consider the switch as the best console this gen, the ps4 is too established right now but lets see how the generation plays
>M-muh sales
Wii beat PS3 and 360 in this case faggot.
>PS3 won the 7th gen
Victory isn't defined by what you personally like, weeb.
PS1 dominated the 64, friendo.
Agreed on 360 though.
And while I really enjoy my PS4, I'm giving it to the switch as well.
>ports and shovelware
Uh user you just described the PS4.
360>ps3, I don't even like xbox but it beat out PS3.
Or even PC, I'd say that was the one gen where PC and PC games dominated both consoles.
PC has been dominating this gen too but PS4 and switch are actually starting to claw it back which is great for the industry.
>PS3 winning gen 7
Wew lad, how delusional can you be, PS3 got beat in sales by Wii and beat in games by 360.
So this is what winning tastes like.
>N64 over PS1
>Not using WII U cause you know it would lose compared to PS4 and XBONE
Switch doesn't have enough games to justify being good yet, If it keeps up the stellar year it had I would agree but now? no way
>burgerland sales
lol, PS3 won
We're talking about for the consumer you stupid faggot no one cares if nintendo swindled soccer moms everywhere with wii fit
Yeah, Sony really did the consumer best, telling them to work more hours to afford their $599 console.
>2nd biggest video games market doesn't count
Fucking delusional eurofaggot
>winning its generation
Choose one.
I'm tired of this, check the ps store or something. Inform yourself before talking, if you're taking seriously obviously
>PS3 won 7th gen
>PS2 won 6th gen
Either sales determine your winner or they don't. Pick one, but you can't have your cake and eat it too.
>3: NES
>4: SNES
>5: PSX
>6: PS2
>7: Wii
>8: PS4
the objectively correct list
NES, Snes, PS1, PS2, Wii, Switch.
PS3 has no games, PS4 has 1 game.
Just release the next xbox first and normal fags will clamor to get the next gen console.
In what metric did the PS3 win? It took the 360 to cease production for sales to catch up.
It was a tie between 360 and ps3 and only because xbox got a year head start. Wii sold like crazy for a year and then literally no one played it.
not it wasn't
I can't say the PS3 won anything sorry. Even more so with me being still pissed over the PSN hack.
360 had the games. Wii had the sales. It was a tie between the 360 and the Wii.
Ps3 had better games, free online that was literally the same thing as xbox live, the games were blu ray and not piece of shit dvds, ps3 was less prone to breaking and it had better features like backward compatibility. I'll take the online being down for 2 months but being free over having to pay for the same service.
This. It was peak nintendo degeneracy. After the GCN we wanted a more powerful console again. They came with the casual Pandora box.
>No controllers, use this white dildo instead
Gib controller Nintendo
>Uhh we didn't knew you wanted controllers so in order to use one it has to be plugged at all times to the dildo
Just for curiosity: the buy price for a Wii at GameStop used to be $13 when I worked there.
i swear, seeing sony dicklickers trying to defend the ps3 is the funniest shit ever
Look at recent numbers. PS3 stopped being produced only in 2014 in West and 2015 in Japan.
I wonder how long Sony will stretch this gen with the PS4. I'm sure they want to wait until MS launches a new Xbox, but with how lackluster the Pro is, can they hold out more than another year?
>something else in place of a nintendo console
I hate you “people”
Both of you need to kill yourselfs
Hmm are you retarded?
PS2 had more sales, more games and better hardware. It won in every single category you can name.
>GC had no games and a 15% market share
>OG Xbox had less games (because it entered the race later) and a marketshare of 10%
PS2 got all the multiplats, lots of exclusives, broke all records in sales and was more affordable than the other two.
Wait. Is the switch this gen? What about Wii u? Switch isn't a mid gen upgrade like the pro. Switch is a 9th gen console right?
Um that would be Dreamcast sweetie
I'm a Sonybro through and through but saying PS3 won is just propaganda. The others are right tho.
You're kidding, right? Dreamcast was cool for like 6 months and stopped selling. PS2 crushed it.
I'm not even a sonybro, but the PS3 won the generation if you're a gamer, if you're a Nintendo shareholder, then the Wii won. X360 is a non-factor, it was the best console for the first half of the generation, but the PS3 surpassed it after its initial drought.
>there being a next generation of consoles
just buy a PC at that point
True categories are not generations.
Hardware: Xbox
Graphics: xbox
Library: Ps
Sales: Ps
Innovation: nintendo
Fan service: nintendo
true list
Then why did the PS3 win when the Wii lead in sales?
I was always partial to the OG Xbox over the PS2. The storage, controller and online were top notch and it had some real classics.
and who are the losers?
is the switch next gen or current gen?
PS3 and PS4 are trash, Xbox 360 was honestly better than PS3 and Wii was even better than it. I can't speak for the Switch or Xbone but one of them has to at least be better than the PS4.