webm thread
Webm thread
wot gaem?
Assassins Creed Origins
What a boring webm, I can't believe I wasted my time with that, did you just record yourself and take a random 40 second clip out of it?
Really? I only played ac 1 and brotherhood, but it seems like a totally different kind of game. Looks like warhammer or some shit like that, except for the pyramids in the background.
is being a fag its total war warhammer
Looks like Ancient Watchmen XD
Kill u r self my man.
bullet proof wood
how can people enjoy this trash is beyond me
>Playing nv unmodded
Jesus christ man that looks terrible, mod that shit.
Next expansion for Total War Warhammer II
God Eater.
>he doesn't play nv unmodded on lowest settings
Oh boy, can't wait for more shooter webms. The only reason I stay alive.
You expect the bullet to continue on the same trajectory as though it didn't pass through the wood?
>We want the DCuck audience
it doesnt pass through the wood anyways
Stay on your containment board.
The fucking Kolibri is always hilarious to see.
Fucking brits
Total War: Warhammer 2
Tomb Kings DLC
by not being retards and adjust aim for the spread? the pattern is always the same. also, he has got one of the cheapest automatic rifles in his hand, its supposed to be kinda trash unless youre very good at using it.
the wood is not the reason you didn't hit him. the zeroing is set to 100m, hes probably 50 or less meters away. your bullet simply flew over his head.
god this game looks like sex
i'm already on it
as a +200 hour player i can safely say this game is total garbage
why would you play a game for 200+ hours if it was shit?
>love gameplay of mp3
>remember cutscene after cutscene
almost got me to reinstall
Not him, but I have 187 hours in pubg and I think it's shit. I'm stuck playing it because its the game my friends want to play
>he wastes time shooting the stripper over the guy on the left
>shoots the whore
>Going vampire instead of werewolf
Spotted the pleb
I’m serious go back to the normalfag shithole.
your mom had you for 3 years before realizing how shit you were, it just takes time for the downsides to really settle in
but I'm already on Sup Forums
>aiming at feet
>not compensating for recoil
>observing your spray missing and still only pulling down
>nearly a year since the last update
Mobil 1 Rally championship 2000
i've never played Fallout 4 but it looks so fucking boring, just walking around in a bland wasteland shooting trash sponge mobs
Stop posting webms of shit games
Post a webm then turbonerd
Thats not Star Citizen, that is Elite Dangerous
This is Star Citizen dude
>the chad stride
isnt this a game being developed by an user in agdg? I forgot the name.
Oh god, not the gdgds.
I loved this game when i played it on ps2.
What is this from?
It is. Every quest is "go here and kill everything/find the thing while killing everything/kill everything then build the thing." The DLC's don't add anything except for a few likeable characters in Nuka-World. The dialogue options are a fucking joke. I cannot emphasise enough how much you should avoid it.
Monster Hunter obviously, are you new?
Holy fuck that shoom getting clothes lined
I bought played for 29 hours haven't played since it's boring
Currently playing neverwinter nights 2
I didn't have any until this thread:)
these webms suck...
it's a shame because certain elements are fucking fantastic. the weapon and armor crafting and modding systems, the way power armor works, the gunplay, building shit, and scavenging shit. all of these are really fun systems at their core and will undoubtedly show up in future titles because they're just damn good, but the way they're integrated into the game and the actual game itself are just so incredibly bad that it ruins the whole thing.
it's a good reminder that just getting a bunch of good ingredients doesn't actually make a good meal.
Yep. I don't know the name either. He's been using that same place holder for a couple years now.
some of us don't want to play osu every time we shoot
Is there a source of this with audio?
youtube "cs go but in vr 2"
I wish max payne 3 got replay so you could watch your gameplay in real time and from more cinematic perspectives.
Dude holy shit all I can do is guess
>CoD: Infinite Warfare
kill urself my man
I kinda want a Toribash competitive basketball game now.
Fuck you