Why don't weebs (NIER), furries (Undertale), women (Crypt of the Necrodancer, Transistor)...

Why don't weebs (NIER), furries (Undertale), women (Crypt of the Necrodancer, Transistor), understand why Cuphead won best soundtrack?

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>Why don't subhumans understand why real people chose the sensible option in the voting
Take a guess OP


i've played 3 of those games and cuphead is the worst when it comes to the soundtrack

Because no one cares about Steam's picks.
They objectively have the shittiest tastes.

cuphead has like two memorable tracks

I guess for the work put into it, Cuphead deserved the win. They actually recorded a band for their soundtrack.

Undertale and Crypt are the only ones with songs people would listen to outside the game, though.

Yeah if you're a sperg lmao. Rekt.

look at all these butthurt weebs.
this just goes to show your taste in music is trash
>tfw they will never feel the ebiness of bootleg tom swaying his head to this glorious beat

>Not Pyre


Granted, I'm ultimately just happy to see Supergiant get recognition for something that isn't Bastion.

>botanic panic
>floral fury
>ruse of an ooze
>clip joint calamity
>sugarland shimmy
>carnival kerfuffle
>fiery frolic
>aviary action
>murine corps
>railroad wrath
>dramatic fanatic
>honeycomb herald
>junkyard jive
>shootin n' lootin
>the king's court
>one hell of a time

and that's just the boss levels

i remember
botanic panic
floral fury
clip joint calamity
and murine corps
the rest are meh

>They actually recorded a band for their soundtrack.
Fuck does that even mean

I wish I could git gud at this game, but I refunded it because I figured I could spend the money on something I can actually use

How any game beat Persona 5 in terms of music just baffles me

Basion's soundtrack is superior

>listening to videogame soundtracks instead of real music
You're a real fuckin loser.


>reading comprehension

Nah. Bastion has better pacing and a better ending but its been totally eclipsed by Transistor and Pyre by any other metric.

because cuphead's soundtrack is garbage tier

jazz is the only true form of music

Simple. Jazzy music with lyrics sucks.

so we all agree necrodancer should have won but cuphead it still a fine winner right?

Orchestras don't qualify as bands to you?

>Listening to a single OST means you never ever listen to real bands


Cuphead's OST is great, I'm mad that 3 of those 5 games aren't even from 2017.

I dont know why everyone likes to dickride floral fury, its catchy but seems out of place and carnival kerfuffle seems too generic.
but to each his own i guess?

Recency bias, the award show!

yeah this. I don't get where people are praising this games soundtrack at. It's the worst of that group and I hate like 3 of those games

>award show
Literally community-picked

What's your top 10 albums user

What's yours?


I asked first.

I don't think I have 10 favorite albums

Is This It, Burst Apart, LAGWAFIS, 69 Love Songs, Neon Bible, and Loveless are some I keep coming back to though

The rest are catchy but the objectively best soundtrack was Nier by far.

It's not objectively the best.

All of those were good contenders. I like NieR's OST the most, but I can understand why Cuphead won.

based pyrebro

Purely from an effort and music theory standpoint, yes.