Why do JRPGs avoid sex in contrast with WRPGs?
Why do JRPGs avoid sex in contrast with WRPGs?
Because in Japan you're allowed to show all the skin you want but the second you show actual sex or even a nipple the CERO comes down on you
>Why do JRPGs avoid sex
Maybe because their characters are all underage ?
That just makes it better
fuck off
Still convinced Sup Forums was rusing about the chequered design being good. Look at the fucking thing
Some don't
It looks fucking retarded but it gets my dick hard anyway just like your sister.
You're right, Europe is rightful Islamic clay
I thought the beige parts were skin but now it appears to me that it's also part of the cloth.
It is skin, you can even see her g-string. It's just poorly modeled because it's a cheap budget game.
pls stop this meme
>It's just poorly modeled because it's a cheap budget game.
Yeah because if you look at her left shoulder you can see the fabric line.
Stalin pls let it go
Finally I can post this
I unironically love everything about her character design, I didn't even realize it was a meme to hate it.
Ever notice how it's only the companies obsessed with "progress" that even bother with sex?
Ever notice how primitive Japs are with their female designs?
>that hair clipping
You trying to imply it's good thing to stray away from sex?
>all that clipping and stretching textures
Sorry but I can't get turned on by this
stray away from sex? it sounds retarded.
You can get a boobjob/puff puff in dragon quest games
what the fuck is a boobjob/puff? go back to gif you perverted virgin.
I'm glad you did
It was the nazis that didnt consider slavs to be european my friend. why do you think they invaded the soviet union? or put slavs in concentration camps? it was nazi race science. they based lebensraum off of American westward expansion with the slavs being the natives.
and that's why xenogears is the best game
Predates CERO.
Are you okay user?
name of game?
>A Heraldic tattoo
I'm surprised that the series still has any grounding in the originals at this point.
Is it a memorable design?
Was it explained in universe?
Are there literally a entire city of witch girls wearing the same outfit?
What the fuck is the problem fag
No, he's just telling the truth
It’s a country where shit like this should be censored
you sick fuck,stop posting this monstrosity
But there's plenty of drawn and anjmated underage porn
Wtf man this is a blue board for Christ’s sake
>be 7 hours into nofap
>see this
sauce please.
That shouldn't make you want to fap, user. This should, though.
Where's the penis tho?
Germans aren't white, as proven by two milennia of anti-European actions and lack of national accomplishments, but they still inhabit a western nation like the Poles.
I don't see a dick, is it just small?
is that vanilla asanagi?
Slut cat witch was literally the only good thing in that awful game.
>SO4 was complete shit but surely they'll learn from their mistakes!
>they didn't
Is tri-ace kill?
>the latest chapter
I'm tired of this shit.
Because Japs are obssessed with the virgnity of their waifu unless if the MC is a relatable self-insert faggot.
Only muslims can top them when it comes to the obssession of female virginty.
There is a reason Japan is dying and has one of the lowest birthrate in the world.
>censor their own porn
Really a cuckold country
>tfw you're a cuck and proud
>Japan is dying
There are more Japanese alive today than at any point in history
>population reaching equilibrium
getting a little tired of this meme
At least SO4 played well, 5 is an overly dumbed down 3 that lasts a fraction of the time 3 and 4 did
Nothing wrong about wanting a virgin partner, but threatening Idols who have a secret bf and raging about your fictional waifus who didn't fuck your self-insert to the point of sending death threats to the author is a different question.
What is wrong wih CERO
they're nazis
Japan have a problem with men that dont want to procriate, if you give them that, sure well no one will procriate and japan will ne doomed with gaijins.
I don't care what anyone says Disc 2 was still just as good as 1 in my book. Just a completely different feel.
why can't I find it ahhh
Look harder
They're probably the strictest rating board this side of Germany. Just to give you an example, in Japan RE7 was released in two versions - one rated D (M) with censorship and one rated Z (AO). The Z rated one was still heavily censored..
More clipping than Hank Hill on lawn-care day
cause japanese and weeb can't be mature about the beauty of sex in a way that drives the characters forward.
Fiore is actually the reason I bought the game.
This It's completely trashy, but I want to fuck it. I love bimbos and she looks like a vapid rave slut.
>rave slut
she is wearing too much to be a raveslut
The Witchter 3 is the only game were sex scenes didn't had me cringing extremely hard.
But as far as relationships go, I think Japan already does it?
People have been saying that for years, now. I'm starting to think that's just a meme.
>paying for porn
>another girl but anime
Huh? What is the point?