Monster Hunter

>MonHun always gets tons of free DLC for each game
>This is suddenly a problem
You guys ever get the feeling that people like to overreact?

I for one am happy they’re gonna be adding more things for me to hunt in World

The Pickle was one of my favorites to hunt last gen

lets hope my top choice makes the DLC cut

*on-disc DLC

Forgot my pic

>Blast confirmed as an element
Brachydios confirmed?

Teostra is in the latest trailer

As is a Tetsucabra-like frog that seems to use blast

No sign of Brachy yet, maybe as DLC

They said months ago that they would keep updating the game and adding more monsters through post-launch free dlc. Why are people acting surprised now?

I don’t know why people are getting riled up at getting free content

I would have understood if they tried to charge for every little thing (just $15 for Jho! Wow! Oh look, a double pack with him and Lagi for $25 what a deal!)

But no, you’ve all got to get pissy cause the devs choose to continue to add to their game post launch

So this is basically Splatoon all over again

pretty much every Monster Hunter does the 1 solid year of monthly DLC, the only people complaining are new to the series and are getting this as their first monhun (or just shitposting)

die retard shills

i wish autistic meme spammers would just die, if it's not one forced meme it's the next again and again and again.

you are not original and people like you have been doing this probably since the site was created. it's not "culture" it's just people being stupid.

>i've been here all summer!

hahaha shadilay my friend!, I also came from reddit 2 months ago!!!

oh look, that crusty meme again. it's been how many years?

i can post crusty memes too, doesn't make it clever

no one cares how long you've been here grandpa soyboy
>lol i'm an oldfag look at my image folder with a thousand image memes in it XD
THIS IS Sup Forums

so how's school?

fuck off oldtard

nail on the head, so are you going to answer the question?


so how's school?

all these butt hurt pcbros that are reeling over free dlc is physically satisfying hahahahahahahahahaha


answer the question, so how's school?

Yeah we know you have, it really shows.

you seem awfully mentally deficient, as expected as a soyboy

so how's school?

Why are they explicitly going out of their way to say there are free updates, when every game has already done that? Unless there's going to be paid stuff.

You do know all Monster Hunter DLC has been on the disc/cartridge, right?

I think they are just trying to ram home the fact that content such as monsters and quests will be free, while cosmetic shit like the samurai costume will be payed.

because of faggots who would assume it's paid unless it was said outright it's free. you know, like the pcbros who are still mad that it's free

That's a lie.

Because a bunch of new players (read: casual retards) still dont understand that the DLC will be free and are complaining.

He will probably be DLC.

hope they reveal soon the monsters for the bikini armors


What we really need are more skimpy male armor designs

>he doesn't know
Cosmetics are paid DLC, enjoy paying for your bikinis.

Hmmm, I wonder wa-WHO could be-BING behind this post?

>paid DLC
>in a monster hunter

>Tsujimoto: “Also, apart from this, we have cosmetic paid DLC planned, which won’t affect character abilities.”

here lies fashion hunting

well.... shit

Bone is a male bikini armor basicly. this is the gunner version but the blademaster looks quite similar

Bow gameplay is fucking ass now

Wasn't there a trailer with a non-skimpy bone armor?

i hope not, would be good to preserve the old designs and just expand upon them

I only hope good armors look nice, i cant live another game looking like a fucking Optimus Prime ripoff

Dont worry im sure the Star Knight 2.0 armor that will eventually be added as DLC will look good :^)

We don't.
Mecha armor on the other hand