What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Seems pretty clear cut to me, the smash community is complete shit.

>smash community smells like complete shit.

Fucking faggots not realizing the Nintendo Switch is back on top and being the frontrunner of the current console generation, we need to start discarding old ways just because they were established generations prior. The fact is Smash has forever changed the fighting game landscape and with Nintendo owning the top console of the current generation it's only going to further elevate Smash's status around the world. Arcade sticks and complex move sets like those made in old games like Street Fighter 2 and Tekken need to go. The new Standard needs to be Smash like games and the controller standard needs to be the Gamecube controller. Smash Tournament standards are some of the most well thoughtcout and well designed rule sets in the whole fighting game community. Nothing ever comes close to how much love and care was put into making them. Garbage like Street Fighter and Tekken bgan on the arcade which is now a dead platform and the new and up and coming generations of fighting game players will be on predominantly nitnendo based platforms with smash being their first(and maybe only) fighting game. Smash players are far more dedicated compared to any other gorup because that's the magic of the game. It's easy to play but hard to master. Smash needs to be the Fighting game standard and all the old fighters are what's really holding the genre back from other demographics and making it a more accepting community.

Sounds more like Street Fighter players.

>Virtua fighter player

Pick one

>kof player not saying "hola"
You had one job


>Venues banning smashfags because they smell like shit and don't bathe

lmao thats literally just any fighting game player talking about whatever game they play. Everybody thinks their game is super hard and requires a lot of skill but really almost every fighting game, especially newer ones are super fucking easy.

>deeper then
Opinion automatically discarded.


Its missing one




>le FGC isn't shit meme
How deluded can you be? Smashfags or not they're all equally shit. Specially Marvelfags.

>Since forever people bitch that all the extra characters in dragonball games are shit because Goku/Vegeta/Broly are overtuned to be have realistic to the anime stats

>First game where the non-goku's and non-sayians are relevant like a real fighting game

Fuck sake

>retarded meme trap profile picture
Opinion discarded

I don't think you know what a trap is.

Enlighten me, oh trap scholar.

he's a retard that thinks only women should have profile pics of female characters because he catfishes himself all the time. That said weebs with moeshit avatars are as bad as smashfags

That's not a female character retard

How can you tell? It looks the same as all the female moeshit copy/paste characters

>haha you don't even know anime characters
Unironically end your life, pathetic nerd.


DBFZ is gonna be free win central

Hearing some nobody's overly dramatic, crybaby opinion is so based XD. I also use reddit.

>Authority over anything but my dick

And just like that your point is invalidated and you've proven yourself to be mentally ill.

fuck off weeb, and take your sameface pastel hair waifus with you

You could have said the exact same thing about Guilty Gear players, who tend to have an even worse case of it

>he's a retard that thinks only women should have profile pics of female characters
>it's not female
>w-well you're a weeb!
You have to go back, braindead kike.

no one gives a fuck about what the pic actually is brainlet. to anyone who doesn't eat shit, it looks female

Then you have no fucking point and need to deepthroat a chlorox popsicle asap. No one gives a shit what some retard who doesn't know what he's talking about thinks.

>At an anime convention
>Join the Smash tourney because I'm good at the game
>Hate the "pro" community
>Get to the finals
>Facing some guy that's well known and popular in the local Smash community
>Pick Cloud not because he's "broken", but because he's cool and I like FF
>He literately goes "wooooooooow" when I do
>Crowd start making noises too
>End up winning the tourney and get $200 for my work

Someone post the hotel review from that Smash tourney where people complained about the sweaty and stinky neck beards

>Then you have no fucking
stopped reading there dicklet, I can hear your necks flapping in rage, just calm down and take a few very deep breaths and maybe a hit off of your Sasuke inhaler or something lmfao

>go to a local con
>game room is just a bunch of gamecubes and wiius hooked up to play smash
>game room smells like cat piss and unwashed ass

you stupid mother fuckers can afford expensive consoles and games but can't be bothered to shower before going out in public?

I'm telling you KoF's the only true fighting game and deeper than any other game in existence

Why would you trust someone with a literally faggot profile picture?

Similar experience, except the game room that had all the real fighting games and tourneys was completely separate from the Smash room. The Smash room was quarantined to the other side of the center and when I went in there to play some friendly bouts with a dude from the normal games room, it absolutely reeked and was filled with balding fatties. We ducked out of there pretty quick

>you're just mad!!! D:
Can't handle the bantz. Get back in your cage, retard. Feel free to come back when you've stopped being a bitch.

>University had a break room where all the fat sweaty neckbeards hung out
>Walked by the room almost everyday to class, they were always playing nothing but smash
>Could smell the horrendous stench outside the room everytime I walked by
>Was in it once to meet with a classmate
Probably one of the worst things I have smelled in my entire life, I've seen other anons post similar stories about gaming clubs and such at their university. It always smells horrible and they always play smash.

>Can't handle the bantz
ye you can't


>no marvel players

>no u
18+ board, see ya.

Where's that email from the smash group with all the ridiculous rules that particular group had

>astolfo avatar
Opinion trampled, doused in lighter fluid, set alight then quenched by a big fat log of shit.

>marvel players:eyo wassup dawg got some cash lemme get that doe what nigga you don't have money fuck you bro I won gimme my mofo !one dawg I ain't playing *guy in the crowd yelling mahvel baby* *pulls knife and stabs the shit out of you* das rite b dont ever talk shit to my girl Chun li

someone add fighting games to pic related


>Games 9,678
>2.3 hours past 2 weeks

Why is Mika there? Fuck off, trapfags.

thanks user

>KoF player: Hi
>Not Hola

Boipucci should be on there

trapfags are subhuman

>nintenlards are human refuse incapable of human interaction
Sounds about right

>People are turning on the trapfags now

Good, good. It's about time people realize how cancerous they are.

A lot of people are realizing mommies is the best fetish.