Tired Gamer Thread

>want to play game
>look at library
>think about the games I could play and haven't finished
>play nothing and browse the internet instead
>repeat this everyday

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at least you still have all those loved ones in your life, right user?

embrace the crippling void that is modern life.

realtalk do you guys think it was any better 300 years ago?


Shit, this has happened to me, too. Even alcohol doesn't do it any more. What other escapist activities are there when real life doesn't satisfy you? Do I finally have to degenerate to drug use?

It's called balance. Go out and have a beer with friends and it'll make your gaming time that much sweeter.


Then make some. There's bound to be people just like you, even if you're cynical or what have you.

I think youre right, but its a sad truth. nothing's changed

I have the same feelings and both my parents are dead

naw man drugs arnt the answer.

Shhhh. It's ok, all we are doing the same.

I think you're baiting, but alcohol will fuck you up way faster than most "hard drugs."

t. Alcoholic

Just get out there user. Cant be afraid.

Yes because people weren't as intelligent and life was slower-paced. You weren't expected to go to some bumfuck college and get a degree just to get decent money 300 years ago. You could get away witha lot more, and women weren't as big of cunts I bet.

everyones cunts now it isent just women if you havent noticed.

Yeah, but I'm mostly interested in women.

Hermits have been around for as long as civilisation, but if you're just normie enough to exist in society you probably would've spent the bulk of your time working, and thus be busy all your life and the suffering is lessened by that.

>Used to have tired gamer problems
>Cut down to only ps4 for games
>Doing fine for awhile
>Go through one game at a time with a little break in between
>Talk about wanting to play some 3ds games
>Gf buys me 3ds and some games
>Now have 3 games
>Problems show up again
Trust me, I know it's stupid to have this issue with a whopping library of 3 games but it came so quick it caught me off guard. I fixed it by just forcing myself to shelf two until I finish one but for a few weeks I was spending a few minutes in each game before just giving up and reading books.
>inb4 autistic, retarded, lazy, stupid, etc.
I feel how I feel, and like I said I realize how idiotic it may sound to some.

>le jaded gamer meme
No one cares about how "tired" you are of gaming. No one cares about how you're disappointed by new games and wish you could have "fun" with vidya again. This isn't your fucking blog. If you don't like any modern games don't just sit here and whine about it you insufferable autist, go to /vr/ and actually find stuff you'll like. This is an anonymous image board, you know no one will like you or think you're cool just because you act too cool for vidya on a board dedicated to video games. Why the hell are you even here? Discussion doesn't need to be 100% positive of course, but if you don't like a game come up with actual reasons to dislike it, don't just go into a discussion thread and bitch about how "tired" you are of games. If you're so tired then take a fucking nap.

No bully please


I care. Chekmate, faggot

What else do you do all day dude? Pick up a productive hobby and get active. Sounds like a joke but when all I did was consume internet and vidya all day I grew tired of it as well. You've made this a routine so no wonder you're bored. Change things.

One year sober and it's fucking crazy how much better things are. I fucked my body and mind up for years drinking multiple bottles of vodka a week then going to everclear. It sucks at first and there's always temptation but it's worth cleaning up. Gotta want it first though. Hope you cut back or do something before health issues crop up and make you truly suffer.


Unless you're religious or whatever, life is inherently meaningless user, the whole universe lacks meaning. It doesn't matter if you spent you're existence playing video games, cause you enjoyed it, right?


Must be tiring policing the board for free.

>tfw alone is not lonely
Fuck you faggots, learn to love yourselves and let go, nothing matters in the end.

probably too worried about the struggle to survive to consider doing nothing

natural state of things

Honestly no.

People used to die more often back in the day. Suicide was easier to pass off as an accident as well. So I think there are a lot of people alive today that just wouldn't be back in ye olden times.

However, I think half of Sup Forums's problem is that we're caught in a cycle of social avoidance and alienation. So most anons wouldn't have been allowed to progress to such a shit stage because they'd be forced to interact with people on a farm or making rope etc.

>life is inherently meaningless user
The meaning of life is just to survive until you die. It's this way for all lifeforms.

Why would you mask a suicide if you're not after money or care about religion?

according to who/what? if we assumed there are no aliens and earth FTK'd by something, the universe would continue without us

Suicide being a sinful act and all that?

That's true, but there's also the fact that people used to live their lives faster back in the day too, there's 30+ year old faggots in this board right now, back in the age you posit fucks that age already had teenage sons chasing around other farmer's daughters. Grandpas when they hit their 40s.

Nowadays that only happens in third world shitholes where they still have to worry about Cholera and your retirement fund is having 10 children and hope 6 of them make it to adulthood, there's far more time now in our modern age NOT achieving shit in general and that's why everyone is so pissed and bleak nowadays, have to waste almost half a decade at college, have to waste a couple more years on internships/looking for a worthwhile job, have to spend a couple years climbing through the ranks, etc. next thing you know you hit your 30's and you have nothing except all that time wasted.

I mean, I'd be fine with another Bully myself. Playing as a female bully might add a nice fresh spin.

according to roman graffiti, they were exactly the same.

I'm so bored right now.
Games don't seem appealing at all for some reason.

>tfw I'll never have a bro like gaius or aulus

humanity has a major problem which is that technology is evolving at a much faster pace than most our minds can keep up with
we haven't really changed all that much since the dawn of humanity; hell, most of the more prominent traits are still there. women still go for the more dominant men, men have that wild desire to impregnate as many women as possible, we still have latent desire of violence hidden deep down in subconcious (hence why we just love violent sports, violent videogames, and so on and so forth, which are cheap substitutes for war). most people are unascended and merely follow what their instincts/subconscious tell them to, aside from following obvious societal patterns alongside with the so-called 'social contract'.

we are only 'at our best' because of techology, literally. specially medicine and the internet. drop a couple dozen nukes all over the world and the farse that is 'civilization' will drop pretty quickly, specially in the lesser societies of the world (i.e. middle east, some places in south america, some places in asia, most of africa, and so on).

we as humans have made a combined effort to form civilization. we usually call these laws, rules, the social contract and whatnot. however the great majority of people dont really follow these at all and exploit these at every opportunity. and then you have women who think dressing modestly is one of the endless tricks of the oppresive patriarchy... when men themselves have, throughout the entirety of our history, dressed modestly. women are the ones who want to show more and more skin. like cole porter would sing, a sight of stocking was a sight of something shock but now God nows, anything goes.

we're heading down the obvious path of nuclear armageddon, unfortunately. though until then we can still observe humanity's shittyness at its best; most of europe will be small enclaves of white socities surrounded by major islamic communities.

Can't have it, SJWs would freak and call it a glorification of problematic behaviors

I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

I.2.23 (peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus); 3951: Restitutus says: “Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates”.

I.4.5 (House of the Citharist; below a drawing of a man with a large nose); 2375: Amplicatus, I know that Icarus is buggering you. Salvius wrote this.

I.7.1 (in the vestibule of the House of Cuspius Pansa); 8075: The finances officer of the emperor Nero says this food is poison

I.10.2-3 (Bar of Prima); 8258, 8259: The story of Successus, Severus and Iris is played out on the walls of a bar: [Severus]: “Successus, a weaver, loves the innkeeper’s slave girl named Iris. She, however, does not love him. Still, he begs her to have pity on him. His rival wrote this. Goodbye.”. [Answer by Successus]: “Envious one, why do you get in the way. Submit to a handsomer man and one who is being treated very wrongly and good looking.” [Answer by Severus]: “I have spoken. I have written all there is to say. You love Iris, but she does not love you.”

We'll all be dead within the next 80 years anyway

No I wouldn't. Bully wasn't that at all.

>You love Iris, but she does not love you
I felt that from 2000 years away

>according to who/what
Our own nature. Everyone has the basic instinct to survive ingrained into them from birth. Even things like planets absorb whatever material's needed to survive.

>I wouldn't
Nice job ousting yourself, now fuck off back to your Tumblr safespace.

>if you don't care about religion
>thinking you can hide your "crime" if you believe in sky wizards

You can't derive meaning from tendencies, yes I eat, but my existence isn't about eating. It's about what I want it to mean

Not him but instinct and meaning are two different things user, also planets do not survive due to instinct, they congregate from available matter because of gravity.

Life being pointless in the end is either empowering, frightening or an excuse to never lift a finger.

same i just look at my games and continue to post here.

I didn't mean planets have instinct, just that even they have their own means of ensuring their survival.

What a stupid game.

But they don't ensure their survival. They're clumps of matter impelled by gravity. They don't survive as much as simply exist, in my opinion.

The same way a rock still exists after being blown apart by miners, it did not ensure its survival but still has not been completely annihilated either, but none of it was the rock's decision.

That's the beauty of it user, we give ourselves meaning

how is that any better than haveing meaning in the first place.....

fuck off

>namefag doesn't grasp the difference between choosing to be something and having that choice made for you

haha what a dumb loser you are

It may or may not be, because if there was a meaning, it could be good or bad. But since there isn't we needn't worry about such concepts and simply do what makes us happy, like play video games or shitpost


smoke some weed and try to find humor in the suck that is life

the difference is I don't want to be responsible for the cascade of terrible choices that led to my current way of life

I would rather someone gave me a purpose, so I could feel my life worth worth the effort spent

But giving yourself meaning doesn't mean you're responsible for all your hardships user.
If you were born poor, well that sucks, but it doesn't have to define you
If you made a significant purchase with no money down and a retarded interest rate for example, yeah that sucks, and it is YOUR fault, but take solace in the fact that none of it will matter when you're dead.

You don't want to be responsible for past mistakes? Well life doesn't work that way.

Just suck it up and carry on, learn from your mistakes. It is the only way, the alternative to this is carrying on making the same mistakes and never taking responsibility, or withdrawing and hiding from life, both of which suck dicks.

Analyse what drove you to make those choices, what experience or lesson taught you that that was the right thing to do at that time, whether or not that was good and how to improve upon it in future. Learning from the times you've fucked up applying those lessons to your future and trying to not fuck it up so bad is how to adult in a nutshell.

Sup Forums-Group Support and Life Counceling

I do this too! To combat it I remind myself who gives a shit except Me, and I should play whatever I want

Even the worst games are better than fucking work.
Sometimes i think ive wasted my life too, then you get a job and the novelty wears off within a week. Then you start wasting your life in a cubicle in misery, rather than mildly entertained in your room.

Unless you find true success or something you love to do. Wageslavery fucking stinks.

It has the word "slave" in it for a reason. People only do it for money.

>in a cubicle in misery
Get a stereotypically male job like working in construction. It is physically harder but far less detrimental to the psyche than spending 99% of your day in a little box surrounded by phones and feminine workplace politics.

I-I come here just for a quick laugh and shitposts, n-not for something like this :(.

>le tired gaymurr xd


I can top that pic. Not only have I spent most of my life in my room, but I moved around and built a mobile version of my room where I can set up shop anywhere and it would be exactly the same.

>Iris will never EVER look at you the way she does Noctus

I want to quit Sup Forums but I'm a NEET with nothing in my life

How to fix


i actually managed to stop coming here for a bit..... nothing changed so here i am

blacklist Sup Forums on your browsers and then use a randomly generated password to lock the security settings.
Acquire a driver's license if you don't have one and work toward getting a car.
Do some local community service stuff, or go to a community college if you have any career in mind. You may meet some cool people.