Fire Emblem thread

Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors?

Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?

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>Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors?
>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?
Not right now, maybe after we actually get some info about it.

I don’t know yet

>Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors?

>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?
Yes, but not because of the game itself. I want it to double down on Fates waifupandering and Awakening/Birthright map design so that I can enjoy all of the salt.
The only thing that will get me hype is more Echoes games or Tellius HD.

I don't have a switch

Do you think FE Switch will have more yuri supports?

Haven't played nor do I have a Switch. Might get it when it gets cheaper
Yes, but it's mainly because I'm wondering what they'll do next.

Yuri a shit


>Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors?
Just got it. I'm comparing it to HW and fate/extella. Its... ok.

>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?

On the one hand, they will have to tone down supports, get rid of marriage, cover up and censor as much as possible, and really watch their language because IN ORDER TO SELL WE NEED THAT E10+ - TEEN RATING THANKS LOCALIZATION/NOA/TREEHOUSE IN ADVANCE FOR RUINING IT :)

From the other head that's not my dick, It will allow them to focus on some really good combat and make the story something that really stands out as a narrative plz

I didn't play it.

I'm interested in FE Switch yes

I have it sitting there since Im still playing Xenoblade 2.

I spent hours on HW so Im hyped for FEW specially since everyone says it's better except for the roster.

>being gay

>liking gays don't make me gay

>being a cuck

>Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors?
Yes and I'm still playing it. I still wish the roster was way better.
>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?
Can't say I'm hyped because there is such little info on the game but I'm cautiously optimistic.

>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?
We have zero info so no. But I will be real hyped if it is Conquest 2.0 with improvements and well written story.

Why didn't SJWs criticize the Fates localization for it literally erasing the gay supports by making them identical for both Corrins?

Because the first people to criticize the localization were deemed right-wing woman haters, and so they had to defend the localization. Fans over on Serenes and reddit defended it under the guise of being anti-elitist, playing up the divide in the Western fanbase.

They did.

Im sure there was a site that did a spot on how soleil was a lesbo and was abused or some shit. That was the Bait of the week for a coule days.

I wouldn't remember it otherwise. I didnt play the game.

Ehhh Conquest was definitely not FE gameplay at its best, especially the later 10 chapters.

I'm pretty sure what was happening there was that the localization changed Soleil's character and her supports, particularly the one with magic drugs involved. People who didn't like localization changes criticized this, while people who either were fine with changes, or politically supported the change, defended it.

What was rarely mentioned on the latter side was how the localization was an equal opportunity fucker, taking away the "sexist" stuff like facepetting and swimsuits, and also stuff like Niles and Rhajat's S-ranks being different.

Can Fates Anna A+ a female corrin? I'd love if I could give her assasin

>Did you enjoy Fire Emblem Warriors
Don't like musou

>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch
Not hyped but I hope it's good.
I'd bet that avatar units are going to become a mainstay with the series, and I'm not sure if I like that.

I liked every single chapter on hard, a bit less on Lunatic. And I think with some improvments it could be the best.

Name a better FE game.

Thracia 776. EZ. Good gameplay but not at the cost of its story and characters.

Lunatic literally made every chapter better, especially 10, 12, and 20; except 25 and Endgame.

About 90% of the people who say Thracia 776 is the best have not actually played Thracia 776.

Thracia 776 is the game.

No I have not actually played Thracia 776

>About 90% of the people who say Conquest Lunatic is the best have not actually beat Conquest Lunatic.

Approximately 100% of the people who say “About 90% of the people who say Thracia 776 is the best have not actually played Thracia 776“ have never played it. It’s flat out better, it’s punishing but not unfair and has a lot of side missions, unlike Fates. Unless you have a huge problem with FoW but it’s not even bad since the game gives you so many torches and you can buy them anywhere.

About 90 % of the people who say Fire Emblem is good have not actually played the games

I just didn't like Ch.19, Ch.26, and endgame. Debuff gangbangs went way too far.

Thracia is really bullshit on a first playthrough so no.

>Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Switch?
Honestly give a game with the gameplay of Conquest but with a very well-written story and am I good. I am not hard to please when it comes to Fire Emblem it seems.

Enemies in Conquest tend to be more threatening with the game being more active with giving enemies skills. This also makes the player adapt different strategies for different skills.

Why do people want FE to be a puzzle game where you are forced to play maps in a specific way to win? That is all Conquest Lunatic is. No ability to do what you want.

But defense formation and turtling triviliazes most of the endgame since some enemies are fast enough to double and you literally need the defense formation stat boosts as well as the guard meter.

The only maps were forced to play maps in a specific way to win is Ch.25 and endgame.

Oh yeah and also children paralogues still gives Conquest a parallel amount of side missions to FE5. Sure you might have to grind supports, they are still functionally there, still offer a good challenge to the maps like Nina's, Ophelia's, Soliel's, Velouria's, Forrest's, etc, and offer good rewards in the form of the child recruited and occasional rewards in the maps themselves.

>not using attack stance on player phase when trying to clear as much enemies to clear the way for one of your guys to get to Takumi.

>maps were forced
you are*

I meant latergame, sorry. So basically all of the hoshido royal chapters and the six before them.

Player phase attack stance is still really helpful on 16, 18, 20, 22, 23 and especially on 24. And you do not want to turtle on 16, 18, 20, 21, and 22.

Who is cutest Manakete in the series, Sup Forums?

Can't beat the original.

Give me your honest on Camilla.

she makes for a great mother

What wrong with turtling in Sakura’s chapter? Once your two armies met it was just flat out safer since the bloated enemies could swarm your alone units even if there weren’t too many. The only problem is Azama.

I wish I had a big sister just like her.

>99% done with chapter
>just have to kill an easy boss
>lord death by counter
god fuck that skill

Good lord that unmatched crowd clearing


Hell for both of those there's some variety you can do. I usually freeze or entrap two of the automaton lungers at the left so they become non threats on enemy phase, but I saw a video of a guy just outright kill both of them with high movement unts. I also saw a guy beat CQ endgame without using rescue cheese.

Could use more development, needs a bit of a nerf to exp gain.

Since reinforcements pile up in that map the game encourages you to get your ass moving and those two pairs of Ommyoji and Oni Chieftan that spawn near Sakura will kick your shit in if you're not careful.

Is the FEW season pass worth it? I just got the game last week and I'm not bored of it yet.

Overrated with an even worse fanbase then Tharja

Oboro's pretty great, I can tell you that much

I want to make 11 children with her.

Only 1/3 of the content is actually out. But it's the only way to get a spear user that isn't a peg knight.

Yes and maybe. Really expecting IS caving into oldfag bullshit and giving more trash like Echoes and going back to that and I'll even have less franchises to look forward to.

It was ok and not really. I try not to get overly hyped about games so that I don't get disappointed as much.

I love her more than anything, I want her to be my mommy

But Echoes was pretty good?

I wish they would talk about the relationship she had with her mom but otherwise she's alright.

Irritating at best due to being overly doting.
God-like at clearing crowds and slaughtering officers in FEW.

She's fine. Best of the sisters, though I dunno how much that's saying. Considering how much shit she gets for stuff like her supports, they're not nearly as bad overall.

What's your preferred music dynamic for maps?
>Old FE style with seperate battle music, enemy phase music, enemy phase battle music
>FE13 style with dynamic battle music, enemy phase music, dynamic enemy phase music
>FE14 style with just dynamic music, no enemy phase music.

>wanting to fuck your mom

>particularly the one with magic drugs involved
And all her S-rank dialogs being reworked to her not falling in love with any of the guys but them both being content at just being platonic BFFs.


More remakes wouldn't be a bad thing. Echoes was just the worst choice to do a faithful remake of in terms of gameplay. If they recreated FE4-10 and used the same philospohy of not changing gameplay too much but also sprinkling in as much new shit as they did with SoV, then they could have some genuinely great games that could outshine the originals

>NOT wanting to fuck your mom

I only played awakening and fates so my opinion might not mean much. I like awakrning's style.

>be 15
>Have weeb friend
>friend talks about fire emblem
>I ask to borrow fire emblem awakening>Play it
>Within a few hours am looking for fire emblem rule 34

FE14 style. Most of the time the enemy phase music is bland so I rather just have the regular map-battle theme, unless they make the music more interesting, then 13.

14 easily.

Classic style but as long as there are multiple enemy phase themes throughout the game, while FE1's map themes aren't bad, it certainly is painful to listen to for 20 chapters
FE4 does a fantastic job with this

14 style. Old FE games had good battle music, but I'll take dynamic map music over 20 second loop battle and enemy phase interrupting the main music any day.

Titties are too small for a titty character.

How big do you want them then?

That's about as big as they get in Fire Emblem. Most females are chestlets unless they are antagonists.

To help emulate the feeling that you are a (master) strategist that has to figure out a way to win (especially) when the odds are against you.

Maybe a 25-33% bump. Most fanart seems to get it right.

all I know about her is her JP VA

Post a picture of said size, I'm always curious to see how big Anons want their breasts.

That sounds like most FE hard modes. Binding Blade and Radiant Dawn require you to use specific units and set ups to even have chance at completing the map and side objectives.

I did enjoy warriors, still finishing some things before I move onto DLC.

I am sorta hyped for fe switch? I really enjoyed and played Fates a lot. I am not sure I am ready to move on. I am not ready to leave my husbando in an older game. Also Echoes left a bad taste in my mouth. It is by far the worst fe game I have played. I am worried they might take anything from the game as I hated all of it pretty much.

What did you like about Fates what did you dislike about Echoes?

I don't think I have any Camillas saved, but hang out in these threads for a while and you'll see plenty.

this one is okay, I prefer bigger but most of the fanart with bigger ones are NSFW
poor Lucina

No him but this big.

So who was in the wrong? Hoshido or Nohr?

Is there a name for this face?


>like musou
>like fe
>few looks boring

I don't really get it. I'm waiting on a sale to see if i'll enjoy it. DW8CEXL is still my favorite musou, all the recent ones havent been as hot for me.

Nohr dindu nuffin. Hoshido be starting shit.

Hoshido, no doubt


Her sister is better.

Hoshido. Fat Ganglari and Little Yato weren't enough.

How about this big?

Also any Camillafags prefer her promoted outfit in Warriors to her regular one? I genuinely like it a lot and think it fits her really nicely. Wish the same could be said for all promoted outfits in that game though.

everyone has super fuckhueg range on all attacks
difficulty is mostly from getting S-rank (less than 15 minutes, 2000 KOs, less than 80% damage taken) and defending bases
you control 4 characters and you can tell them where to go when you're not using the others (like SW)
bunch of clones
too many sword users

it's okay