"Durrrr Aeris was actually a prostitute. Flower girl means prostitute."

>"Durrrr Aeris was actually a prostitute. Flower girl means prostitute."

>You see her looking after hundreds of flowers at the church
>She has a huge garden at her house, and she tells you that these are the only places that they grow

ITT: how you know if someone has never played a game before.

Other urls found in this thread:


Whatever she's stupid

>ITT: how you know if someone has never played a game before.


Don’t matter either way, Tifa was still best girl. Glad that flower thot got sworded.

I have no problem with that idea. That's what I reasoned out when I was young. VII is gritty and Aerith being a prostitute explains why she spends time in dark alleys, makes enough money (Yes, I know the flower prize is variable), is street smart, quick thinking and highly charming. She's an amazing character and the best in VII. Tifa also fucked Johnny and Terra and Celes were raped in VI.

Um, that's wrong Garnet is

Tifa is a whore, and one of the main reasons that Cloud is so mentally fucked up.

Selling flowers was just the front, you dumb cunt. Aerith is a confirmed whore.

>"Durrr we can't resurrect Aeristhsths with Phoenix Down, Phoenix Down only revives incapacitated characters!"

The entire Final Fantasy series was so stupid, but I swear, VII turned it into a fucking joke.

>ywn have a waifu as pure as Garnet
>ywn reencounter with your pure waifu in front of a moved crowd after she thought you were never going to see eachother again
I don't hate FFIX because it is a JRPG. I hate it because I will never be as happy as Zidane is.


Phoenix Downs are for knockout status, not literal death.

Um, excuse me but don't talk about my wife that way please. Thank you


prove it

It's funny when in II and III Phoenix Downs just plain resurrected characters whose portrait was replaced with a plain tombstone. It's just the same dulling effect like turning blindness into dark status, so it doesn't offend some and maybe reduce sales by a quarter of a percent.


>not Yuffie
Absolutely disgusting

>It's just the same dulling effect like turning blindness into dark status, so it doesn't offend some and maybe reduce sales by a quarter of a percent.
What are you going on about?

My man, don't listen to the haters.

Deadass us twitter niggas already own this board wh*te boi

Hey ^This

The A key is one the fucking other side of the damn keyboard, what even.

I fucked her for 1 Gil.

Delete this image right now


I still watch that video every once in a while. And it still does the job.

>ITT: how you know if someone has never played a game before.
they post about it on Sup Forums

Yes. And Elmyra joined us.

That I hated when they called it Dark in FFX. And the latter part is my justification for why they did it.

I love how you have the audacity to call other girls thots when you like Tifa. It's actually quite funny. She's a canon bar slut, slum slut. Just look at how she dresses. Every dude in their neighborhood fucked her. Calling other girls thots (even though aerith is one) when you like Tifa makes your point invalid.

What about using soft to unpetrify Red’s dad?

I think each one of those flowers represent a partner she has slept with.

People who say Aerith need to be shot on sight.

The creators wanted to imply they fucked, rather than outright show it on purpose.



Aerith is the canon English name

What about Palom and Porom? The idea is that simple items can't undo something that was done with willpower.

I still have no idea what you're talking about, Paco.

japanese has no -th sound so they went with -su hence aerisu

It says Aeris in game. Get fucked weeb piece of shit

>The idea is that simple items can't undo something that was done with willpower.
So why do items do anything at all?

>muh square canon
I don't care about this shit series and the game and the hot opinions of weaboos, I just care about the game I played where it says "Aeris"

OH I got mixed up, my bad yeah it's Aeris in English Aerith is retarded
Yeah my bad, I got mixed up I agree FFVII is the only canon source for information


Fucking autism, this has always been autism. So nobody is allowed to die? Retard.

Or get rid of Phoenix downs, we didn't need them in old games they just make it easy mode

It's a fantasy universe, faggot.

They just got rid of the churches because of triggered euro homo atheists, that's why FF never came out in Europe originally

>I still have no idea what you're talking about, Paco.

And I can't get any more basic in explaining it, besides this: It was an analogy that mirrored death status from previous games being turned into a "downed" status, equally dulling the language used. This new downed status bringing about the concept that Phoenix Downs can't revive the dead. (In fact the statuses evolved in the following way: Dead -> Knocked Out -> Downed, but that's beside the point.)


kill yourself

>Tifa was still best girl.
You BET, cucked that soyboy cloud my boy Johnny

Phoenix down, if you had actually played the game and knew how to read, cures the K.O. status effect. Not death.
In case you are beyond retarded, K.O. means knocked out, i.e. falling unconscious from taking damage.

What about it?

Well the series has been sexually rather explicit since II. Maria wears a sling bikini and Firion gets entrapped, Sara wants an underage harem, dancing girls entertain patrons and Faris gets groped. Also all the monster girls. It fits the thematics being taken very seriously at the time by Square. Rinoa had also fucked Seifer, but I forgot to mention it.

It's interesting how well X-2's sleaziness actually fits the franchise in retrospect.

>thinking it’s Aerith
This is also a sign that someone didn’t play the game

>It's interesting how well X-2's sleaziness actually fits the franchise in retrospect.
I'm interested in you elaborating on this.

I meant that at the time I was turned off by all the flowery transformations, skimpy clothing (a few naked ones too), swimsuit fountains and massage minigames. VII-X were pretty tame, even with two prostitutes. So in comparison to that I was aghast at the series selling out to Japanese perverts for a quick buck to save a sinking ship of a company.

Then later visiting the older entries, it was like
>Oh, so this stuff was here all along. I guess I was unfair and overreacted. It wasn't such a betrayal of the brand.

>cloud is emo

Jesus fucking Christ, this really makes me want to strangle the person every time they say this.

What's your deal? I've watched AC a dozen times and he is emo as fuck.

I love you because you understand too

AC is not canon everyone dies at the end of FFVII

See, this is technically correct. He was emo for a good portion of the game...for a good reason.

Of course it's canon. It takes place two years after the events of the game, obviously before the 500 years later stuff. Cloud is a whiny emo.

Dude, a meteor came down and killed them that's how it ends

Its one of the few porn videos I've seen that I would describe as "cozy".

>what is holy

>He was emo for a good portion of the game

Yeah, from the Northern Cave to emerging from the Lifestream reassembled, a three hour affair, where over half the time he wasn't even on screen. It's in reality a rather small chunk.

Nah mate, AC was just to get money off the nerds it's fucking shit everyone dies at the end trust me

>Nah mate, AC was just to get money off the nerds it's fucking shit
Still canon.

Yes they do dumb cunt it's not canon it's a what if story.

cloud is emo

No he's fucking not, Zidane actually had an Elmo scene and nobody calls him Emo how the fuck is cloud emo?


Yo nigga Listen

>I ran out of arguments

>You have to play the same exact story 5 times to get all the endings!

What was your argument again?
>I don't like it so it's not canon
Dude, just accept that Cloud is emo and get on with your life.

The "Navi is so annoying!" meme never made sense to me.

Oh, so you're an SJW. Kill yourself with extreme prejudice.


>everyone dies at the end
You literally see Nanaki and his children at the end of VII, its clear that meteor didn't do shit.

If you had actually played the game you would know you could learn a spell literally called DEATH.

why was meteor so small and only targeted midgar?

I think she is suppoesd to at first be a little ambiguous. Like you're not sure if she's a real flower girl or a whore looking for a trick. It evokes her flirty personality. And it evokes "flower girl" prosittutes in victorian media. FF7 has a very Dickens meets Akira feel to it.

So it's meant to bring up the idea vaguely. But she clearly is not a prostitute.

HEY, LISTEN every time you weren't making progress towards the main story just to make sure you're not a 5 year old retard who had forgot

PS1 limitations.

Just like why the moon in Majora's mask was only as big as clock town.

Humans died
Holy protected the planet, which included not only from the meteor but from people. Nanaki wasn't human

>hurrr, I'm over sensitive about a joke
>fuuuh, everyone is wrong but me
>duur, the joke went over my head and I took it seriously
ITT: how you know Op is a retard

Who the fuck is Nanaki? It's Red XIII

She only says hey or listen once, and then you won't hear a peep out of her again until you either get into combat or go into a new area, resetting the notification for up C.

That was just his laboratory name given to him by evil humans who were killed by holy

Well. I mean holy didn't "kill" them, they just returned to the life stream. A failed experiment.

So Caith Sith lives as well? And where are you getting this from other than your imagination?

Is there proof behind holy wiping out humans along with meteor?

Whatever Nanaki sounds gay
I hate this meme so much, Navi was one of my favourite characters. How did it even start?

>until you either get into combat or go into a new area
Which you do every 5 seconds

No, that guy is writing some fanfiction. Humans lived and Cloud is emo.

For fuck's sake. No, I am not and fuck them. I just felt in 2004 that FF was a chiefly intellectual, high philosophical concepts series and in X-2 because they didn't have a budget, they had instead chosen to "compromise." Raunchy stuff was for other good games. The 2004 me was goddamn ignorant.

but in final fantasy tactics there's a scene where they specifically resurrect a dead person with phoenix down, i think it's in the part where you get cloud from ff7

>So Caith Sith lives as well
It's been a while. Was Cait Sith an actual animal or another lab experiment?
It's obvious. You think humans wouldn't have rebuilt Midgar? Mother nature reclaimed itself after humans had been raping her for god knows how long. It was obviously Sakaguchi's vision, and AC and all of that nonsense is literally just extended universe for the sake of cash grab

I'm sure FF7R will have the true ending restored, otherwise it's a bastardization

more I stole the OP of a past thread

none of these things happened what is this shitty fanfic

Are you a fucking retard? Did the doctor slap your face thinking it's your ass? Can you just shut up did you even play the game or just jack off to Tifa porn? Seriously fuck off