Been thinking of getting an XB1X for halo 6 and since it has better multiplats than the pro. please advise

Been thinking of getting an XB1X for halo 6 and since it has better multiplats than the pro. please advise

>main gaming console
So v really is pleb

PS4 is a Bloodborne machine. Its almost worth it but its not worth it.

XBOX1 is what I shouldve bought because it has backwards compatibility

Who here voting switch since they are done with bulky stationary platforms for gaming?

I lurk far more than I play, so a Switch is enough for me.


Not even fucking kidding. Fuck consoles and fuck BotnetOS (Windows and Mac).

I have more high quality games available than all games for all the consoles, combined.

Anyone considering selling their pro for a xb1x? The only reason I got this shit was for better multiplats and now it bothers me looking at df videos for the pro vs 1x

where's the vita

What the fuck would you even play on the Xbox One
It only has normie games
Please don't tell me you're interested in normie games

>Only one choice allowed
I play on whichever platform the game I want to play is best played on. Your poll is fucking retarded.

The PS4 doesn't even enter the equation. If you get an Xbox One, you're a fucking dumbass, regardless of all else. Just build a fucking PC, you stupid faggots.

>tfw one vote
Where my brother's at

Wtf when did switch get so popular

it has all the best games out right now

It's not the Switch; it's Nintendo. Ten years ago, Sup Forums DESPISED the Wii and Nintendo for shitting up the gaming industry. But somewhere along the lines, this place got invaded by lebbit and infested with Nin10-year-olds. If the poll had the Wii U instead of the Switch, it'd have just as many upvotes.

Did anyone see it being successful? I thought people were saying it was dead on arrival? This is crazy

You don't actually believe that, do you?

pcmaster race at 56% white race is at 56% pottery

>can only pick one option
fuck you op im not poor like you

Ummm this is Sup Forums not everyone can afford all platforms sweetie


Xbox one makes a fantastic HTPC. You can snag a used one for $100 or less. Also:

>only having one (1) platform to play vidya on

Lmao cry more

No it was a black horse and it makes soystation owners SEETHE


>makes a fantastic HTPC

Every time I try to pick "I'm not a robot" it gives me this error and removes my checkmark. What gives?

Why is it even an option

>PC wins of course
Can soytendo fags leave now

Try using a different browser? Refresh cookies and clear history? Sometimes going to once helps out

>xbox1 literally only if you want to play og xbox games
>ps4 for bloodborne, persona 5, yakuza 0
>switch for nintendo games and portability

otherwise default to pc

Learn to read faggot it says MAIN platform as in the one you use the most.


I appreciate your joke user

Why don't the xbros come to Sup Forums? I guess they really are the chads

What if I use a PC, Switch, and PS4 Pro equally frequently?

voted xbox for the lawlz

Same except I do think every american should buy a xbox vs a soystation or soytendo product.

Botw winning goty along with odyssey

Neither of those games are even in the Top 5 for 2017.

where's the 3ds option

Not even a question.

Its funny that PC always wins these things by a huge margin, and yet whenever you shit on Nintendo you're called a sonybro

Just another media buzzword like smartphone or smart tv. It's basically short for home theatre pc

Its kind of a combo between the PC and PS4 for me right now, although the Switch surprised me last year with how much time I put into it.

I own a Xbone as well and have barely played it since I bought it used. With that said, some of the BC stuff that the Xbox One X does impress me and I might pick it up once the price isn't so dogshit.

Because sony posters are autistic. Like that one guy trying to force the dab and soy meme despite jannies taking it down instantly. There was another we wuz autistic sonybro back then that used to post his hand over the ps4 and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same person.

Only one possible choice? Fuck your poll for poor people.

What the hell are you idiots even playing on the PC? There hasn't been a good release all year. The only thing I got was Cuphead, because I don't own an Xbox. But 2017 was unarguably a year for consoles, not PC.

Surely you have a preference. If you could only have one, which would it be?

I always figured the cumsoles as being a loud majority. Even if all the consoles set their differences aside and joined together they would still get shit on by the PC master race.

>plays DVD
>plays UHD Blueray
>has all the streaming aps (Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, etc.)
>plays MKV and all sorts of other video formats
>also happens to play games

Can't get all this on a home theater pc for the price of a used Xbox One or One S.

Are you retarded? Every year they get all the big releases of 15 year old console "exclusives."

>If the poll had the Wii U instead of the Switch, it'd have just as many upvotes.
It's true though. Polls from a few years ago always had Wii U coming in second place, after PC of course

Sup Forums being Nintendogaf is real. I don't think the PCfats here care about consolewars at all. Or maybe they just shit on all sides.

Either way, it's embarrassing to still come to this board as an adult


MAIN gaming platform user
Not only

>OP asks a very simple question

Nice reading comprehension you fucking idiot

>he hasn't heard of the pc exclusive 2018 goty

Divinity Os2? You already mentioned cuphead and there was PUBG which got the most attention and largest playerbase of the year. Also Total War warhammer II.

Hollow Knight
Darkest Dungeon Crimson Court
Nier Automata
Divinity Original Sin 2
Total Warhammer 2
A bunch of older games that are still getting expansions, like Grim Dawn, Europa Universalis 4 and Crusader Kings 2

>no option for Nintendo Switch and Xbox One X
Get out, OP

>he doesn't own an Xbox one

>No idort option

this is?!

>and since it has better multiplats than the pro

That controller is cool af. Is that a custom color or something ?

That's a nice bag for the controller. I like it.

PS4 owner but I think ms shits on sony hardware aesthetics wise. Might get a xb1x if halo 6 is good

it's the $150 cuck controller

Why is it all these retards can't process just choosing one?

>the "no one in the entire planet owns a wii u" meme

I do, and I thoroughly enjoy it to this very day. Bought a switch day 1 to resell and made 100% profit. Will wait for a revision before i buy one to keep.

Who's that

I main a PC and have a PS4 strictly for Bloodborne. Is there even one other single PS4 exclusive game worth playing? Because I sure as fuck havn't found one.

>I don't think the PCfats here care about consolewars at all. Or maybe they just shit on all sides.
If you spent the money to get a PC to make sure games don't run badly then you probably think that games running badly is bad. Irrational attachments to Japanese companies aren't entered into the equation before the fact that with the exception of Persona 5 games on console run badly. If you're of this mindset, then your reason for hating games being locked to one system has nothing to do with Japanese companies, and everything to do with the fact that it runs badly on that system and thus you're prevent from playing the game running well entirely.

thank god, I thought console plebs were taking over the board
must be because of how much shit they post

i main a switch.

>Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2

23% of Sup Forums are non-gamers

Why are they here?

>There hasn't been a good release all year.
there's no way you can be that out of touch

>Sup Forums's primary preferred gaming platform

It's always going to be PC.

Xbox One and Switch fans are clearly nowhere near majority. Meanwhile, PS4 fans are just disproportionately loud, and if you ignore the blatant shitposts, they become just as scarce as the other console users.

>no 3DS

>no phone choice
I know 60% of us are phoneposters, don't deny it.

>PS4 exclusive

"Main" gaming platform, user.
I felt like something was missing.

PCfat here, can confirm I don't care at all. There just aren't enough exclusives to care even though some look pretty good.

>bugged, unpatched port
>release nine months late

Right now the Wii U is the greatest console available. I have 300 Wii U games on its external hard drive ... and I only paid for 2 of them.

You simply can NOT beat the value. All the games may not be best-sellers, but they're completely free and my kids think the world of them because they don't give a shit if their 2017 AAA titles. I would never give up my Wii U.

The only competition with that level of entertainment value is PC pirating, which, obviously, is my main source of entertainment.

>What the hell are you idiots even playing on the PC?

Literally anything that isn't a modern console exclusive, i.e., 99% of games.

>i.e., shovelware

If you think anything not exclusive to your favorite console is shovelware then you're beyond help. Enjoy your delusion.

I've been introducing myself to the vast library of older games.

PCfags buy Nintendo consoles because those are the only console with original exclusives. That's why most of Sup Forums is "Nintendogaf", because the PS4 and XBONE are just shitty PCs.

Kodi on Xbox, uhd blu, all streaming done on it, Microsoft edge to play retro games,.

PC for games and switch for comfy cozy playing

Why do I want a ps4, unless I'm a weeb

youre right. i mean id love to play horizon zero dawn, gravity rush 1 and 2, and god of war, along with BB... but i dont think spending 500 bux to play those is worth it atm desu especially since the ps4 is a fucking 20 fps machine and id have to get the pro to not be triggered

>tfw /pc/ will never be a board


What do you mean? You're already on it.

Ha ha, nope. Nintendo consoles only rehash the same two series. Meanwhile, all the best exclusives are on a Sony and/or Microsoft system.
>final fantasy
>metal gear solid
>red dead redemption
>crash bandicoot
>jak and daxter
>god of war

PC/Nintendo is not the masterrace, nor has it ever been at any point in time. That's just what Nintendo kiddies want to believe.

>30% of Sup Forumsirgins are responsible for all the consolewar faggotry