Predict the next Pokemon

Predict the next Pokemon

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Oh shit this guy pretty much dropped off the internet. Forgot all about him.

Microwaved Used Diapers

Does the back of his ass say pamperchu?


He started mining crypto kind of early on and has his own house. Let that sink in.

It's for the best.

That's his online handle, lol

He is well known for digging through trash for used diapers and microwaving them to kill bacteria, then he wears them

didnt he get cancer

>he doesn't know pamperchu

it'll be "bad" and everyone will scream how the designs are awful and claim the previous gen is so much better, rinse and repeat

same shit as before

literally f2p flash niggers make more out of this ip

The next Pokemon game will be disappointing.

This thread is shitty
>mircowaves thread

Is he dead yet? I remember reading him saying specifically something along the lines of "this won't kill me".


And then happened.

I think he's alive though.

Yes and now he's making PC part videos it looks like.

He still makes videos. There was one a few months back where he was hanging out with his stoner weeb flatmate and showing off his custom made bedcrip and diaper collection.

I even think he is still dating that old Asian dude.

That's how it always goes.
Pokemon fans hate change.
Given a couple months to gain familiarity, and most of them claim it's the best generation.
They're literally kids whiny that they had to move into a new house.

Plus and minus

>That's how it always goes.
>Pokemon fans hate change.
>Given a couple months to gain familiarity, and most of them claim it's the best generation.
Couldn't do it, S&M mons were just terrible
>They're literally kids whiny that they had to move into a new house.
I've been living in this house for 7 years and I still hate it.

Why do you fucking know this?


As long as there's no Lillie-type character, I'll enjoy it. Had she not been in gen 7 or if the story hadn't focused so fully on her, I would've liked S/M well enough.

A baby grass type starter

Before this thread gets deleted, how's his lymphoma doing?

> those comments

I predict the next Pokemon.

Who would have thought microwaving used diapers might have consequences