Other urls found in this thread:


I'm actually really excited for this game and I think it has the potential to be better than the new Spiderman.


can I get one of those twitter screencaps that inspired this meme


Doesn't have the same charm, why can't nintendo fans make their own memes?

I know. Its so pathetic

all those men get more sex than you

Le VIATHAN! Never le play with me or my wife's son ever again!

Stop culturally appropriating Sonychad memes, toddler

>white people.

Who needs new memes? Wojak is the one and only meme anyone will ever need for the rest of forever.

Reminder this is in game.

This meme is so fucking bad, every Wojak meme is so fucking bad.

lol the soyboy deleted it



Lighten the fuck up, soyboy



The guy on the bottom right looks ok...ish

Did I struck a nerve?

couldn't handle the bantz

>Take pictures of everything I buy
>Just the box on my desk
>For myself to remember the moment, I have no friends to show this to
Do I have to look like a ridiculous faggot to have friends? I only look like a depressed faggot at the moment.

haha kek :) that is one dank meme my friend
mind if I save it?

I hate this fucking face so much
What's it called? I heard the soylent grin, but it's not really a grin.

Is it true that the new game won't have a jump button? Was the last of us really that great that every dev wants their own copy?

It's just awkward pose, it has no term.

Stay buttblasted, estronaut.

Mario was always a happy go lucky murderer. Nothing change in over 30 years.

Their mouth is agape.

That third one is a PS4, in fact it's the one where the cat attacks him.

lol. I own a Switch and I love this meme.

I'm posting this every time I see this thread

Can't point that out when consolewar shitposters have an agenda to push. I hate how blatant consolewars shit is against the rules but is never enforced.


found you

It's all yours my friend ;)

Why do they all open their mouths? Do they want to suck dick?

Some are? 56% refers to demographics, not genetics Euro-kun.

oh fuck

Get off the tofu

>actively committing a sex offense on Camera with your face there
>also violating several other laws by posting it

I'm glad the people spamming this unfunny meme will have their children raped to death in the mexican-run gulags and there's nothing they can do about it


I take all my pictures like that for the exact reason. My daddy thinks it’s hot to beg in public

They're the whitest country

Legitimately misunderstanding your own meme is embarassing to yourself rather than offensive to anyone you are targeting. It's like if I began posting sad Wojaks while saying

>tfw GF

Iceland is the whitest country and then uruguay

Fake laugh


Also France

>I'm part German, part Anglo, part Italian, part Spaniard, part Scandinavian, part...

Numale gape

Actually Namibia is

I think the real problem isn't that these guys are happy they got a Switch, it's that they were fucking retarded enough to take these shitty photos of it. The guy on the bottom right just screams "mom wanted to take a picture to mirror my childhood Christmas pictures" based on the look on his face. Everyone else is overreacting massively.

Nothing wrong with a happy grin, I was happy when I picked mine up from GameStop after classes the day it came out but you didn't see me autistically jumping up and down, taking pictures, and being an overall soyboy about it.

Nevertheless I expect every user to reply to me about how I'm a soyboy and shit. Enjoy, guys.

Nice joke

Bug men

Large bulbous eyes, mouth constantly agape, beard to hide complete lack of chin

So beta they are consumed by females

Yes Tyrone, white people can actually afford consoles. They don't have to steal them.

Misunderstanding memes is the Sup Forums way. Sup Forums is a parody of itself but I wish they would just be a parody of themselves on their own board and stop flooding over to every over board without moderation.

This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now maggot?

How is sony getting so much done and Microsoft still can't fix halo

To be fair for the most part the people who are taking the pictures are their wives/gfs who gave them their consoles for Christmas and want to post it on social media.

I'm liking how multifaceted this meme is.

But that's not what the meme is refering to, user. That is fine if that is what YOU meant but the actual origin of the meme and the 56% number is refering to US demographics. There has never been a massive undertaking of DNA testing for over 300 million people.

When are you transitioning?

So beta they are all either in relationships or married.

Better than you, faggot.

How can they afford a console while waiting for their disability check and welfare to go buy their opioids and medicine for their black lung caused by their rural community being based solely off a dying industry?


bottom right literally did nothing wrong tho

Daily reminder soy is in everything and not really avoidable unless you begin growing and making your own food. You'll also need to go vegan, ironically, since you will need to avoid meat as that feminizes you.

Isn't the meme just something butthurt Russians originally spammed in response to the proofster anyway?

le obsessed lol

Someone post that comic of the guy throwing his fedora on the trash and keep being a slob


u mad w*ite boi

Guy in the middle did nothing wrong, guys on the far left did nothing wrong, two on the bottom did nothing wrong, guy on the top that got attacked by the cat also didn't really do anything wrong. Boogie is just an idiot, not a soyboy. Soyboys aren't 800 pounds.It's weird how soy boys are supposedly everywhere yet Sup Forums keeps using the same 5 or so images of the same 5 soyboys and every new one they find doesn't really fit.

real men masturbate to blacked and sissy porn on /gif/ then go projecting their fetish onto everyone they don't like

Reminder that Sup Forums is full of actual idiots and actual children and don't know shit.

That’s not saying much since new Spider-Man looks like garbage. GOW4 is for people who liked TLOU and think liking that game gives them depth.





This is a shit and overplayed meme that hasn't been funny for a long time.

imagine taking your time looking at pictures on the internet in order to make this image lmao

I know a good number of people spouting the soyboy meme correlate the soy into causing the boy, but I see it as due to their numale mindset, they actually prefer soy based products. Soy didn't turn them into a numale, they always were one, they just become a soyboy when you can look at them and say "I bet that fag drinks soy milk."

it's porn no matter which definition you choose

Lots of shit gets posted on Sup Forums. If you end up saving them it eventually snowballs into a bunch of pictures that you've saved, so it isn't hard.

So why is "Soyboy" solely a white problem? Seems genetic to me.

My point was /gif/ is mostly just Sup Forums bitching these days. You go in a thread and it'll have 300 posts and 40 images, half of which are reactions. The rest of the thread will be someone crying about niggers.

literally none of that is true. stop watching cnn and go outside for 15 fucking minutes

Blacks have their own set of problems, Soyboy is nothing.

thats pretty fucking good.
Got a Switch and funny memes too?
I'm getting sick of winning.

not much Sup Forums is mostly aggregated twitter and reddit cringe posting at this point. All you have to do is compile 8 images from a related thread. Going out to actually look for things on the internet and bring them back here is bitch work, compiling them to make bait is what we do.

what movie is that?

why are you trying to turn this into a nintendo thing when the best soyboy is the guy who gets rekt by his cat after getting a ps4 for christmas

>Got a Switch and funny memes too?
>I'm getting sick of winning.
I'm not! More memes! More winning!