ITT: Obscure gameplay mechanics

ITT: Obscure gameplay mechanics.

>Using the piss shooter
>Taunting after every kill

Don't play tf2. What's am I looking at?

I think the arm blocked a headshot which would do a lot more damage

You don't need to play TF2 to understand fucking hitboxes.

He's doing a VO command which has animation, and because damage is based on where on the body you get shot, he just deflected a one hit kill headshot.

Heavy yelled "go go go" and caused animation to block the headshot with his arm.

Snipers do similar trick by yelling medic, which also raises their hand over their face, usually blocking the headshot.

Would it be different if you do that to a fully charged Machina?

No, the Machina registers the first hit as the only hit on a single target

Shitty system. Shot should have penetrated the arm and demolished his head.

that's pretty neat

if you press the a button for a long time, mario will jump a bit higher which means you can get more altitude to win

Oh shit that's really clever! Thanks.

You sir, are rude.

gameplay > realism

0.5 button presses.

>dab on 'em haters

I don't recall exactly when this started bothering me, but it recently got to the point where I can't ignore it anymore. I am talking about the word 'gameplay', which I believe is the single most useless and misleading word in game terminology. But let me explain myself before you start booing.

Consider the following sentences:

This book has good bookread.

This record has good recordlisten.

This movie has good moviewatch.

So yeah, I've just made up three new words: bookread, recordlisten and moviewatch. Now these words may sound stupid to you, but that's not all there is to it. These words are also useless. To demonstrate this I'll rewrite the above sentences without using them:

This is a good book.

This is a good record.

This is a good movie.

See where I am going with this? Just keep in mind that people have been discussing books, records and movies in the English language for a long time, without ever feeling the need to invent ghastly word-constructs like "bookread", etc.

>Oh shit that's really clever! Thanks.
>Reddit spacing between posts
>can't comprehend how basic hitboxes work
/r/gaming is that way bucko

Interesting pasta. Never seen it before, is it new?

Except that gameplay means something. Just like a movie has multiple aspect such as art direction or acting, gameplay makes reference to the part of the game in which the player is the most directly involved as opposed to it's graphics or music in which the player is rarely if at all involved.

I know you're trying to sound smart but trying to emulate that meme about "muh gameplay" just makes you looks completely retarded. This is something you should have been able to understand by yourself.

>being triggered by someone being nice
>being obsessed with reddit

In some metal gear games, shooting a tranq on the butt is as effective as a headshot.

Being wet in dragons dogma means you take less fire damage but take more lightning and ice damage.

Dodging just before you hit the ground in gravity rush will cause you to monkey roll, canceling any crashing animation.

Charging attacks with a shield in dark souls also blocks oncoming attacks.

Waiting a several real life days before eating items in mgs3 causes those items to rot. These rotten goods can be used on enemies to sicken them, especially on The End.

Enemies that are put to sleep in FFXII take more damage in general, but will only be woken up buy physical attacks. Cast magick and they will only be woken up when the sleep effect ends.

I probs have more, but just posting these for now.

>Reddit spacing
It really amazes me how the only things I know of Reddit come from paranoid fags like you.

Get a life bro xD

I think a lot of other games like Bioshock utilize that mechanic where wet enemies are more vulnerable to electric attacks, not sure about ice attacks though.

I went to Reddit once after all the hubbub just to see what it was like. It was like Youtube Comments: the Website. What a horrendous site layout. I don't know how anyone can stand to navigate that shit.