The four spider crew rolled up and killed my PD in one turn and there was nothing I could do but to Darkest Dungeon thread
The four spider crew rolled up and killed my PD in one turn and there was nothing I could do but to Darkest Dungeon...
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Sounds like you were reminded.
Full light, and my team gets surprised. Week 7 and 2 deaths so far. My PD getting spiderganked and the week before my Flag going out in a blaze of glory. I'm not playing on Bloodmoon so I don't have to be concerned with killcount, right?
Fear the four spider hit squad.
Just started playing, haven't really read any guides or anything. Is it just me or is stun horribly broken? It feels like if you have a PD taking care of backrow with the stun bomb and then a houndmaster with a blackjack taking care of stunning the front row you can waltz through most encounters with minimal damage.
Also, how good is vestal/pd/leper/leper or vestal/pd/hound/leper? It's what I've been running and it seems to be getting me by fine.
whats the point of the crusader healing skill is so fucking weak
looks like you need this
Stun is broken, but later on it is to keep you even with the enemies.
It could get people off deaths door in a pinch I guess.
Not really worth bringing unless you're running some all crusader memefest.
Don't use lepers.
Use 1 Leper, you dont need that much tankiness upfront
Dont listen this guy
what's wrong with them?
That has nothing to do with the spider assassin attack. When the game wants someone dead it will send the four man crew at you and they will act before anyone else will.
You have to sit there and watch your hero die.
Low accuracy, can't reach back row, no stun, no utility. People on Sup Forums have a weird affection towards the Leper and love to tailor groups and itemization around him which only gimps overall party effectiveness. The class is a noob trap because he looks cool as fuck and big crits are flashy.
So you never had the spider hit squad then? Don't worry, when you put enough hours into the game you'll know what others mean by it.
How is the Shieldbreaker? Haven't played since Flagellant was released, but I remember him being broke af
>pirated it
>liked the game
>buy it on steam
>get charged for it
>doesn't appear in my library
You talking shit about crusader?
I really want a BH skin of pic related.Anyone know of an artist/modder who does commissions?
just don't bring a party that has -4 speed or some shit and you'll be fine
groupers are the real problem
>still no Venom snake and DD skin for hound master
I feel your pain
>didn't realize I wanted venom snake DD skin for hound master
fun skins idea but alas I have no talent.
That doesn't help since initiative isn't static. It is rolled turn by turn thus you can always get a bad roll and get wrecked before doing anything.
I have level 4 guys, am I okay for a Champion Dungeon or should I wait longer?
Stay the fuck away.
Just lost both of my aquatarians (and the whole fucking party in fact) to heart attacks on the last room battle
thanks for nothing bozos
that's the last time I do a no light run with them
Someone made a joke about Fanatics hammer being absolutely tiny like a toy hammer in compare to his event picture so I've doodled a clown with an actual toy hammer.
>houndmaster was on deaths door
>occultist 44 crit heals him
>MaA was on deaths door with bomb
>survived with bleed and bombed
This battle got me fucking SHOOK. You guys weren't kidding.
>no light with 2 (TWO) aunties
dam son
>week 7
Jesus fuck user I know RNG can hurt but...fuck. That's just the worst kind of luck I guess, I'm at week 19, just starting yellow dungeons after beating all the green bosses and I still have no deaths.
favorite heroe after PD but thats just a meme ability, if it could cure bleeds it would be worth it, or increase virtue for a set of turns since there is no ability that does that
>pic related
if you want to die go ahead
Nightmare fuel. Great work, user.
>leper misses 2/3 times
I picked this shit up forever ago and sucked ass at it. Should I not be attached to my heroes in the start?
why is bounty hunter so fucking bad?
>pssh, nothing personnel kid 220% damage normals
>b-but only on humans that are already marked for me :^)
only to Reynauld and Dismas. You must protect those smiles
He's a solid frontliner though. Because of how tanky he is and his self-heal, means you can bring weaker healers or build a party around not worrying about supporting Row 1. Not to mention he excels against several bosses, Prophet, Drowned Crew, Necro and Siren just to name a few because of his cleave and high damage. Plus, that low accuracy isn't as big a deal mid-late game cause of trinkets and upgrades. I mean he's even in my go-to party for Shambler because if you pre-shuffle him and bring a couple of scoobs/shufflers to get him back to R1 in a turn, he can demolish those fucking clapperclaws before they become a threat and load damage on the Shambler itself easily.
how realistic is it to have them survive to the end and still be productive members of the roster?
>Crisis moment
>Leper is dead weight
totally doable
not realistic in your first blind run tho
Leper really is a meme class isn't he?
Leper whiffing a critical moment like this is fucking hilarious. He's definitely not a meme class, but he can either be a godsend or completely fuck your party and there's no way to tell which he plans on being in each run. Gambling hard when you bring him.
Stop bullying the Leper!
>Has a sun ring
>+10 accuracy
my mistake was bringing a leper and having him miss fucking everything
my other one was a crusader and I think that was a good choice despite the circumstances
who should I bring for my fourth the next time I get more antiquarians?
Are there any pro strats for a 4 antiquarian team?
Restart steam, when you launch cracked steam games you replace some dll that steam uses, it probably does not refresh your library properly.
>why leper sucks.mpeg4
Highwayman put a force guard on him while you Duelist Advance.
I don't understand how to use this guy.
His damage is week. Is he just there to facetank or what?
He doesn't do a ton of direct damage, he does a lot of bleeds and is the best bleeder in the game. Not only that he is the only character with a percentage heal, and it is 50%. When you get less than 50% HP either heal someone who needs it or use his attack that can be used when under 50% HP to apply a massive bleed on an enemy.
He is a front line support meat bag. Use punish, suffer, endure and redeem as skills.
No goblins. No point.
What was your end team folks?
Mine was 2 occ one jester one crusader
also one of the best songs in the game
>those wolves howling in the background
When the tutorial guy crits you for 21hp and you bleed to death.
>Nigger bird stole 8 of my trinkets
>Wish for revenge
>Never fought it before
Wat do?
Best game event as well. For the longest time you think you can safely slink away into the Hamlet after enduring the horrors in the dungeons ahead but you find yourself in a town in chaos. You're never safe.
This is for you
Focus the nest
Survive for 4 turns
>have a Man At Arms with both rabies and the fits
>still hits more than my Leper
what a nerd
goblins skins for pig boys
why is riposte so fucking good
its way better on highwayman than on maa
>tfw highwayman crits multiple times while riposting
Feels so good
why do bloodsuckers have to be SO FUCKING ANNOYING
>tfw have to fight against three chevaliers
No one told me I had to bring shovels on this mission and I party wiped
Still killed that furry faggot on my way out tho
>all three of them double skewer and crit after resisting stun
Wait, you can just click on the light meter to use a torch instead of having to go to your inventory and right click a torch?
nigga just press T holy shit
Because of action economy. Your team only gets 4 actions per round so even one riposte increases that amount by 25%. Also taking revenge feels good.
for real, and yeah fuck chevaliers, I'd rather fight bosses instead of them
There's a hotkey for using torches?!
>Survived nigger bird
>Got my trinkets
Fucking Christ, holy shit, what the fuck?
Liked that stress bomb?
No one tell him how to extinguish torches
Oh come on user, I'm not that dumb.
Unless you're implying that there's also a hotkey to do it instead of (ctrl+)shift+clicking the light meter
>shrieker stole my shit
>get the feeling that this nigga has high dodge so I bring some dodge debuffs
>oh boy was I right
>has like 150 dodge what the fuck
>dodges all my dodge debuffs
>firmly lodges his beak in my occultists skull for a massive crit
Help holy shit
>Occultist heart attacks right at the end
>think something was weird with his stress level, so quickly end the game process so it loads the final turn
>Stress: 150/200
>120 in and finally faced 4 groupers with a slower party
This fucker is the real problem, no warning + unoptimized party = 2 dead in 3 turns
Yeah, you bring accuracy buffs not debuffs.
inflict bleed and heal. extremely easy character to play and is extremely good when used in the right situation/area.
>Two DD's
>98% stress on CritArab
Peck is no joke. I would have been furious if any of my Champion level assholes got REMIND'D by that thing. See him next time, I guess.
>Shieldbreaker goes bonkers during camp
>Already low hp so she gets deathsdoor'd in the first turn
>Occultist tells her to back from the edge
>Snakes leave
Why would I spend a trinket slot to make a character okay when I can just play an okay character with two trinket slots?
I was poking fun at people that say you just need to equip an accuracy trinket on the Leper and he has no problems. It is obviously not the case and as you said it is just better to use someone else.
>Le 62 dodge birb
I was sweating bullets before he pissed off. Thank fuck he flew away.