Data cap absurdly low

>data cap absurdly low
>Fitgirl repacks are substantially smaller than steam
Why would I even buy games at this point

You live in like Albania or something?

>data cap
what the fuck
what country has those still?
i remember cca 2005 i was still living with my parents and i was scared shitless when i exceeded the data cata 3-fold
they never billed it
like even back then ISPs only enforced it if your traffic exceeded the cap 10 times over for several months


The USA, apparently

this is for your data cap btw ;)

>Data cap

Post more Ryuko.

The absolute state of Ryukofags and poorfags in general

i mean it's unfair to rip on the US internet since it's a big ass country with low population density and it's not economically viable to maintain fast connections in Bumfuck Nowhere, Arkansas
but data caps?
that's sad

Even in civilized areas
Comcast gives me a 1tb data cap
If I didn't share a connection with a bunch of normies I'd probably never even hit 500gb

God, Takarada threads and KLK Thursdays were a highlight of my life

I don't think contractual data caps are a thing anymore

They just illegally throttle you at a certain point now because corporations have all the power and there's nothing you can do about it

How do I get a Ryuuko gf bros?

I'm Canadian, I have no data cap, 100mbs download speed, all for $50 a month. You have no excuse our population density is like 1/4 hours

Reposting because >haha americans
>200mbps upload/download for $65 a month
>No data caps
>No extra bill to browse a cantonese website for posting images of vietnamese cartoon girls
It’s too comfy, bros. Literally no valid arguments against this, I don’t even need to worry about getting beheaded while living in Mexico City. Feels good not to be an Amerifat.

Post your speedtest

Dont lose your way

you don;t

>1/4 hours


Probably because the only place people actually live is within 50 miles of the border

This but unironically
Our taxes dont support (((them)))

third world countries like the usa shouldnt game in the first place

My bad
It's literally -30 celsius where I live it's gonna go to -40 and I'm in the southern tip fuck you, I'm not moving further north so I can say "lol I don't live near the border" why don't you move south from us faggot?

He meant to type "1/4th ours" but had canada dyslexia.


Our population density is 10 people per square mile
Yours is 90!
That's ridiculous that's WAAAAAAAAY over populated, how can you even find breathing room? It's ridiculous literally china tier

>100mbs download speed, all for $50
Eastern Europe laughs at you, you can get 500 for $20 in the capital
the only downside is that i can't think of a single ISP that offers symmetrical connections, it's 500 mbps down / 50 up

It's because corporations run circles around the government that its citizens are too afraid to give any actual power to, so you end up with near monopoly situations like that where society as a whole suffers for the benefit of a dozen CEOs

That still gives everyone 7 acres

Yeah but you have to live in Eastern Europe, my family left there I don't want to go back to that shit hole
Yeah that's not much

>still no KLK game

i've been pretty much everywhere except for South America and I can say it with confidence that it's the best place in the world

I'm from the US. Have no data cap. Shit on your trash tier 100Mbps internet with my 250Mbps interent, and all for $50 (that's US dollars, the real ones).

Most people measure their property in square feet
Even 1 acre is quite a lot

Okay, mine is $40 US dollars
Yeah whatever, Eastern Europe sucks I'm 100% Canadian and proud this is the greatest country in the world, I don't ever want to go back to Europe

>$20 in Eastern Europe
>doesn't mention that $20 in Eastern Europe is a years wage

yeah right i sold my sister for the orange box during the winter sale last year
shit was so cash

Nah not really, maybe in the city but it's not that much
Yeah exactly, I have relatives who will travel to Austria to work because even minimum wage there is worth like 5 times more than they'd make back home.

you're a small minded buffoon.
you're in a thread crying about data caps, but you want to property cap people?
there are people who feed their kids using more than 1 acre, let alone 7. You're just going to rip their land away and tell them to get by on just 1? That's not how it works you communist pig.
fuck natives

Yeah but at least he's not American.

Woah there friend, didn't mean to insult you.

He's probably a euro nigger, 1 acre is literally Soviet tier. I have around a 100 myself

I don't have a data cap and I still pirate everything

You have to go back

No, I sold my house there I'm stuck in Canada fuck that nobody there speaks English first of all, like are you retarded? The whole world speaks English, if you can't speak English you're useless I'm not gonna learn a new language just to communicate with Eastern European animals.
Second, everyone is an atheist
Third, the women are whores. If they find out you have a loonie in your wallet or a Canadian passport they'll be begging for your dick, I'm against fornication


>still no game that lets me impregnate and marry Ryuko

Why is it that the only time I hear about data caps in the US is on Sup Forums? It really makes me think.

>still no game that lets me be impregnated as Ryuko

Euro niggers are obsessed with you guys and will bring you up every chance they get, since no Americans want to go to Europe they're bringing Ahmed's to fuck their wives because they have cut cocks too and just pretend it's an American dick

Lay off the Sup Forums my man

I don't go on that libtard hug box

Fuck those comics were depressing.

I live in fucking Thailand and my internet is faster than Australia with no datacap. What the fuck are you doing nigger

axtel master race reporting in.

Suertudo hijo de puta. Ni Axtel ni ninguna otra compañia quiere traer su servicio de fibra optica a mi pueblo de mierda.

user, it's time for breakfast!

EW slutty panties nasty bitch I only like superior bloomers

goddamn tomboys are just the best

why did anime have to make me fall in love with a human version of Shadow the Hedgehog

I didn't ask for this strong desire to hold her down and pump her full of children