Paladins Battlegrounds

Soooooo, how much shit do you think will hit the fan?

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Been play testing today. Way funner the expected

Line for smite is always long

post pics or bullshit user

Great, another debate starter that's going to end quicker than it started.

But seriously, probably gotta take a look firsthand in order to truly know.

I'll do you one better, here's the livestream

Well, I feel more autistic than usual, thought he was talking about the game mode itself.

Why didn't PUBG just call themselves Battlegrounds? Wouldn't they be able to trade mark the name then?

A: they're not the first people to do a game like that
B: they wouldn't wanna risk a finebros scandal by copyrighting an entire game mode

Not game mode but the name.

when the fuck is this shit going to be live?

Fuck OP, let me ask the real question we have asked ourselves at some point:

When will this trend die? More importantly, what will kill it?

I remember telling my friends that Overwatch should do a battle royale gamemode.

Point still kinda stands, not worth the risk.

as somebody who likes playing smite, and thought paladins was a passable, this feels like a joke.

Another trend, but soon you'll be back at your current question. So basically letting it die out.

There's nothing wrong with copying as long as you put in your own original ideas to it and want to perform better. Fortnite copied it and it generally got a good reception.

i thought this game was FPS

Couldn't do without PlayerUnknown's name. The narcicism is too real.

It still is, this is apparently just a new game mode they're adding in for casual play. They're also releasing a TDM mode.


If OB64 doesn't fuck everything completely up, aggressive Fernando could be a decent possibility.


>Go around the map for perks instead of weapons
I thought charm of PUBG was the survival aspect? This is just a glorified Team Deathmatch
Never played PUBG or the new Paladins update so I may be wrong

Its a new game MODE. Its still paladins, they just added something so it doesn't get too stale.

Pubg promotes being a faggot camper, not doing anything and just waiting for someone to turn the corner without you noticing to rape you with a shotgun at point blank.

Paladins BR promotes going after the enemy, because killstreaks make you more powerful, and stealing their loot is very fast and can help you snowball dramatically, while still remaining a team game where mechanics can be overcome by skill.

I mean considering how they just recycled their game assets to make a whole new game mode I think it's doing alright. There's issues, like the random distribution of characters, but let's hope they manage to balance the shortcomings before release.


I guess I should see what the fuss is about with the new update

I don't know about Fernando, but I definitely think strix will get a big comeback.
