Game about traversing a wasteland with the same uninspired dungeons and shrines...

>game about traversing a wasteland with the same uninspired dungeons and shrines, fighting with a few enemies using millions of same weapons and going through bare-bones plot

I, in a literal sense, don't get it.

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I liked it

I haven't been in tall grass or a forest for years. After this game I decided maybe nature is nice. I now hike regularly. 10/10 thank you nintendo for saving my life


Every webm I see of these games has those same goblin enemies. Are they really as common as they seem to be?

They are 90% of the game, maybe more. Literally.

dude it's the games major downfall in my eyes as the enemies are like the same 5 trog looking bandits

Reviewers give out scores based on appealing to their readers, not the actual merits of the game itself. That being said, this game feels like a massive improvement for a series that had been stagnating for over a decade. On that alone, many reviewers were going to obsess over it on the same level as Metroid Prime or Mario Galaxy.

not everybody has to like it, it's fine.

your primary problem seems to stem from your expectations of what a game's contents should look like, though. it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value, it has to be filled with many varied enemies to fight, and 'rewards' to unlock, because ages of mediocre games have primed your expectations to be so.

in other words, you're a pleb, and while I wouldn't exactly count BotW among it, you will never be able to appreciate the finer examples of the art form, as you lack any sophistication in your understanding of it despite spending so much time with it.

Games are just as much about the feelings the illicit as they are the actual content of the game.

The freedom you have to explore the world of Breath of the Wild is incredibly liberating the first time through. It was great to carve my own path forward, it made it feel like the adventure was truly my own.

The most incredibly Zelda story and dungeon design imaginable would mean nothing if it held your hand the whole way through.

>your primary problem seems to stem from your expectations of what a game's contents should look like, though. it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value, it has to be filled with many varied enemies to fight, and 'rewards' to unlock, because ages of mediocre games have primed your expectations to be so.

This is actually a really good observation and I respect you for making it, user.

You know how Half Life 2 is like the highest rated game of all time despite being a tech demo? Well imagine that plus the Nintendo bonus.

Except while this Zelda has a nice artstyle, it suffers from being on Switch and because of that everything is washed out with the fog, that limits your view. This game can be nice looking but you are retarded if you think it's enough to see it as a beautiful world that you have to stop by and look at it with awe.

Or you might be just a manchild who only plays Nintendo games and doesn't know what good graphics look like.

unironically wish i bought a switch instead of a playstation 4. BOTW looks like my dream game

Is this game actually hard? Most of the Zelda games have been piss easy for me and I enjoy challenges so is it harder then say horizon on ultra or about as hard as ocarina?

>your primary problem seems to stem from your expectations of what a game's contents should look like, though. it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value, it has to be filled with many varied enemies to fight, and 'rewards' to unlock, because ages of mediocre games have primed your expectations to be so.

If the game isn't about those things then don't put them in the game at all. I quite liked exploring the overworld, but that being their main priority doesn't mean they're allowed to just give up on enemy variety and dungeon design.

I don't get it either. it's so fucking boring. And I really don't get how people say its atmospheric. has virtually no atmosphere throughout most of the overworld because they aren't going for any tone or mood

I can't play this game for more than like 30 minutes because its so fucking boring. one of the worst designed worlds i've ever seen in a game.

>it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value,

This is not a beautiful world. It's actually a pretty ugly one.

You, in a literal sense, have no taste.

>Games are just as much about the feelings the illicit as they are the actual content of the game.

I agree. And that's why BotW was so disappointing for me. Didn't really make me feel anything at all.

If you look at it as something completely different than a "traditional" (ALttP through TP) Zelda, then it's sort of an appealing game.

Basically it's a interesting "world exploration simulator".

But it's not really. To be an interesting world exploration simulator, it has to have an interesting world. The world in BotW feels so sterile because its mainly anchored by shrines and seed puzzles. Hardly anything you explore in this game reveals lore or mystery. It's weird to explore such a big world that has such a meager sense of discovery.

Why does every BotW fan talk like this?

>if you don't like the game, there is something wrong with you as a person, you were just primed by shitty games that destroyed your appreciation for real game design!

The same pretentious, delusional statements over and over.

no, there's an entire survival mechanic tying the world together

Maybe if you had better arguments or weren't so mad people wouldn't call you an idiot.

It doesn't matter. No one cares about what you think.
It doesn't matter if you don't get it, because the vast majority of the rest did, even among the people that "didn't got it", you're just one of thousands You're not special.

This. Open world games like this always inspire me to exercise and be in good physical condition.

>it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value, it has to be filled with many varied enemies to fight, and 'rewards' to unlock, because ages of mediocre games have primed your expectations to be so.

This is a profoundly stupid statement that makes you look like an idiot, because it's just plain false. I can appreciate exploration and adventure. BotW does not have it. You have no arguments other than "if you like the game, you have been ruined by playing shitty games!"

It was a solid 8/10 game. It gets a +2 Zelda boost like their other games.

Here we go again!!! :)

its a crappy tech demo

Every thread about "what do you want in the next Zelda?" is basically "keep similar mechanics, but actually put in an interesting world, dungeons, story, quests and atmosphere"

That enemy in the same encampment formation is literally what the entire game is. Every time you find some new area that you can't wait to explore, that same encampment is usually what you will find. They're awful enemies with bad AI too it's unbearably boring and repetitive. It's the main reason I didn't finish the game, no idea how it gets the praise it does.

There's a reason why people only show the webms of cool physics stuff in bokoblin camps

it's basically the game has virtually nothing else to offer. I'm serious. The vast majority of this game is just boring as fuck, all it has going for it is that you can make cool webms.

the game is amazing for the first 20 hours when you see so much and expect to find so much shit. But after that, you realize it's all the same crap shrines, weapons, and seed shit. Most reviewers played only about 20 hours.

>your primary problem seems to stem from your expectations of what a game's contents should look like, though. it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value, it has to be filled with many varied enemies to fight, and 'rewards' to unlock, because ages of mediocre games have primed your expectations to be so.
Looking at scenery is just one facet of exploration. People who like exploration games tend to like them because they get to learn about the world around them. Books, old photographs, audio recordings, corpses, well placed props, NPCs, and architecture tell stories about the world. BotW does that to some extent, but it also has dumb shit like giant ladders in the middle of nowhere that exist solely so you can climb up them and fire at enemies. The puzzles in BotW are unrelated to the rest of the game. Everything is compartmentalized. The reason people suggest shrinking the world or just combining the dungeons is because the over world isn't fun to explore and pads out the game.

you mean 4/10 + 6 bonus points

>I'm *autistic

Seems like you're mad bro. Take it easy.


opinion. I found the world very fun to explore thanks to the element system and climbing mechanics. Plus it was a pretty game

Once you have the optimal solution (every type of clothing and plenty of food), what's the point? It's just busy work.

>Books, old photographs, audio recordings, corpses, well placed props, NPCs, and architecture tell stories about the world. BotW does that to some extent

From my experience of playing the game for around 25 hours so far, the game has virtually none of this at all and that's one of my major problems. Hardly anything in the world lets you learn more about it aside from those forced tablets on the path to zora's domain

"compartmentalized" is right. This is a world in which they obviously didn't really care about the lore or culture, they just shoved a bunch of fucking shrines on it and hodgepodged the regions together in an illogical, disparate fashion

There's no such thing as the optimal food layout that's Travelling Salesman

Don't you ever get tired of making the same thread every day, OP? Even a blind person would be able to recognize your autistic posting style

posting the same cringey meme is a lot easier to recognize tho

I was about to say, not sure why the same folk feel the need to complain about the game every day.

I played the Witcher 3 after I finished BotW, it made for a good palette cleanser.

>no, there's an entire survival mechanic tying the world together

It's generous to call it a "survival" mechanic, its literally just buying some clothes to fit the heat/cold and that's it. It's not like you get hungry or have to build a shelter. And saying that it "ties the world together" is just a meaningless statement.

I think San Andreas was a better open world than Breath of the Wild, but I suck at debating so I get BTFO in every thread when I'm asked to justify my opinion. Does anyone else like SA more and if so can you explain why?

Don't you ever get tired of posting the same image every day? I guess not. Keep pretending that you are cooly detached when it's clear anyone criticizing this game makes you mad as fuck.

>its literally just buying some clothes to fit the heat/cold and that's it

uh no?

i was the creator of that meme not him. respect your father kiddo

It's fun in that you can climb stuff and if you see something in the distance you can visit it, but there isn't any depth beyond that. Yeah, you found a shrine or an enemy camp, but it's rarely any deeper than that.

There's an old battle ground where units were petrified into stone. That's one good architecture example I can think of. Some of the enemy camps near the lake will have fishing equipment. I can't think of anything beyond that.

Once you have enough cheese you can cheese anything. Just spam cooking every so often.

>hurr if you ignore all the game there's no gameplay.

I respect your opinion, but where's your argument


Do you like complaining about the same game everyday instead of being productive with your life?

You can't cook everywhere and only have a limited number of slots.

There's nothing wrong with getting stronger as the game progresses


No because literally saving probably the most popular meme of the year takes no fucking effort and is still relevant in these shitposting threads

It's pretty obvious these threads are bait. Not sure why you're pretending they ate not. Oh wait, you're still butt mad this game has gotten so much acclaim and was the top picked game on Sup Forums as well.

I doubt I could really justify it in great detail but I absolutely agree with you. The world of San Andreas is indeed Breath of the Wild because it is both more logical and just plain more interesting. It has an amazing balance of densly packed areas but also with a lot of space to breathe like Shady Creeks or the desert. Seems like almost every nook and cranny of San Andreas has some interesting detail. The world also has a great sense of mystery to it, a lot of cool stuff like Back O Beyond, the farm, the bodybags in the desert. I like how a lot of stuff in the world does not have an obvious purpose but is just there. I enjoyed exploring in this game a lot more than BotW despite the world being way, way, way smaller.

BotW is just too obviously constructed for the player, the shrines are for you, the towers are for you and that really takes all the mystery out of it. People brag how this game doesn't hold your hand but it still feels like the world was constructed for Link and no one else. SA has a ton of memorable little details that still stay in my memory all these years later; BotW hardly has anything at all. It's too obvious, too in your face. BotW seems almost afraid to have anything that doesn't directly relate to gameplay.

One of the main things which makes the world fall apart is its complete disconnect from the world-ending threat of Calamity Ganon you're supposed to fight. Yes, it sits there glowing purple on the horizon but everyone in the world is bent on simply ignoring it. No one's trying to research it, figure out a way to fight it, build an army or anything really. You're only get told that Zelda has been containing it for 100 years and now her power suddenly wanes. There's no build up, no connection to the rest of the world, nothing you can discover ingame to substantiate these claims.

>I respect your opinion, but where's your argument
My point is that climbing on its own doesn't hold up for very long and most of the stuff you find is another variation of the same set of simple puzzles. Finding stuff like the snow boarding cabin is the exception, not the rule. If I wanted a theme park sand box game with the same missions scattered across the map I'd just play an old Saints Row game.


no u
yea mate no one cares mate

there must be some sort of brainwashing going on that effects certain people into liking this game. it's literally like the people who like it are blind to the truth. nintendo didn't want to go to the effort of making a good game so they must be using some sort of mind control.

>Oh wait, you're still butt mad this game has gotten so much acclaim and was the top picked game on Sup Forums as well.

Not him but I'm mad because I blew 300 dollars on a switch largely for this game and it sucks.

um, pretty sure it's against the rules to spam shitty threads...

It's just ninten*drones. Think about it, they're the only one on this website that need a script to remove offensive words aimed at their company.
A bunch of retarded autistic manchildren blinded by bad nostalgia ( because yes, the N64 was utter shit with no games, normal people had a PS1).

They even praise a bad tps just because of loli material.

Nothing in the world feels like it has any connection to anything else, which is why this is one of the least immersive game worlds I've ever played.

user... your post...

It's pretty bad

plenty of immersive cinematic experiences waiting for you on the PS4pro :)

They're more common than they seem to be. Those, lizards, and the bigger goblins are the only enemies that are used as mob trash. Everything else is only encountered in specific areas, and that "everything else" isn't a whole lot either. The game has fuck all variety.

Typical stupid rabid BotW fan response, when they think wanting compelling world detail is the same thing as cinematics.

It's only phase 1

Even a fucking AssCreed has a more coherent and immersive game world than your supposed best game ever

I'm gonna go for the middle ground here and say that I liked the game but it's nothing really special. It doesn't really do anything that other open world games don't and it has a lot of shit I hate like gathering, menu hopping and crafting. Also the combat is really fucking clunky. HOLY SHIT. How come no one ever talks about how clunky the combat is.

>My point is that climbing on its own doesn't hold up for very long

your opinion, you mean.

I mean, that's too bad. I enjoyed it but it's not my favorite Zelda.

But you should no by know that these threads are by now. After all, there's been a thread everyday by the same handful of people regurgitating the same complaints as if they weren't heard the first 60 times. Not sure why there's such a concentrated effort by the same individuals to try and shit on the game. Oh wait, nvm it's Sup Forums.

>it seems that to you, the pure notion of just exploring the scenery of a beautiful world has no value
Bullshit. Yume Nikki is great and it's just fucking walking. If the only merit the game has is exploring a world then maybe the world shouldn't just be the same generic biomes you see in every open world fantasy game, or maybe the game should look good visually.

I don't know because that's one of my main problems too. The combat is clunky as fuck. I hate how Link always has to hold his sword over his head and then swing it, makes it all feel so damn slow

Just finished playing BotW, I am 15 hours into the game and I must say that it's vastly overrated. I get why someone might like it but hell fucking no, it's not near being 10/10. Is Nintendo bonus real? I mean, the game has very glaring flaws that you are going to see in the first hour into the game, then it gets worse once you start to see more shrines.

what are you talking about i was referring to the PS4 :)

I wonder if all these "I don't get it" people are even slightly embarrassed about ACTUALLY not understand what makes the game so great.

It's one thing to say the game isn't your thing, but if you don't get it then: Are you guys retarded or do you just not understand game design? It's one or the other, memes aside.

okay but BOTW is a better game

and no, Ubisoft is shit at making immersive worlds with engaging gameplay


You forgot v is full of fame designers

The game isn't special if you've played any other open world game ever dude. chill out.

The counter didn't go up, weird ...

let me guess you think what makes the game great is the "interaction of systems" and the "physics and chemistry systems", despite them being overrated as fuck, not fun to use and having little impact on most things you do

objectively wrong

If I'm wrong because there are people out there who think BotW's climbing mechanic holds up for dozens of hours, then I'm okay being wrong.

Actually the physics and chemistry systems were fun and novel

I liked it a lot, but I'm well aware of its flaws and hopeful that Nintendo gets the hint and fixes them for the next game, whatever it might be.

okay bye

I like Zelda, but don't like BotW. Other people do because not everyone values the same thing in a game. This is okay. Let's all wait for the next game in harmony, hm?

You are the vocal minority so maybe the game wasn't your cup of tea? You are not more intelligent for being contrarian. Stop trying to figure it out and move the fuck on with your life.

what is beautiful about this world? the only things that looked good were the akkala region during bright sunlight. the game looks ugly and uninspiring pretty much all the time. meanwhile a game like witcher 3 can be breathtakingly beautiful in many different areas

The game has a few neat ideas like environment interaction and exploration, but they are buried under a massive mountain of bad design decisions, repetitive puzzles and clunky UI.
>menu hopping and crafting
I have it when games make me pause mid-combat to dive into the menu and pick a different tool to use. It's one of the biggest immersion breakers for me.
Alternatively - just look at how many clicks you have to make simply to craft one piece of food. Now repeat it a few times and try justify this clusterfuck of interface