What are the essential kinos from this era?

what are the essential kinos from this era?

Lost Odyssey

Dark Souls
Grand Theft Auto 4

That's about it.

cock of doody modern gayfuckstupid

duke nukem forever
perfect dark zero

Red Dead Redemption
Demon's Souls
3D Dot Game Heroes
Mass Effect (ignore sequels)
Dragon Age: Origins (see above)
Asura's Wrath

There are a lot more worth playing, but those are personal favorites.

halo 3

Bioshock 1 and 2
Dragons Dogma
Mass Effect 2

>mass effect 2
Ignore this OP adhere to

Red Dead Redemption

Valkyria Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Persona 4 Golden
Batman Arkham games

I wouldn't disclude ME2 from there, but good list otherwise

saints row 4 (or 3)

Nier is genuine trash though

Timesplitters 2

Jesus last gen was fucking grim

The gameplay is inexcusable, I'll give you that.

If you can't see past that to experience the absolutely incredible music, story and characters than you're missing out my dude.

The Darkness

6th gen babbies always feels the need to butt in these threads for some reason...

Here's some good 360 games at least. Though Dead Rising and Shadow Complex were both ported to next gen consoles and PC, and EDF 2017 was ported to the Vita(lol)

I prefer the sequel

Valkyria Chronicles*
Sound Shapes
Project Diva series
Dragon's Dogma*
Forza Horizon
Gears of War series fuck you they're great co-op games
Yakuza series
House of the Dead 4 and Overkill
Bioshock 1 & 2* (NOT infinite)
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon*
Tokyo Jungle

* = runs better on PC

You can't in good conscience recommend Blue Dragon. I am an unrepentant weeb and JRPG fan, but I've played it and that game is fucking BAD.

Drop it for Tales of Vesperia on your list. That was a 360 exclusive in NA for that gen.

>tfw Operation Darkness will never EVER be released for PAL regions or become xbox one BC

Red Dead Redemption
Max Payne 3
Asura's Wrath
The Darkness


I'm guessing you don't want to see something like Halo or CoD mentioned when you put it this way so I'll avoid mentioning that. Of what I played I'd say you should play these games.

Red Dead Redemption (a tad overrated but still amazing, best western themed game hands down)
Bioshock 1 (the definition of kino imo)
Dead Space 1 (Played most of 2 but didn't beat it so leaving that out. The game was extremely short though fuck took me like 2 or so hours to almost beat it but I had to go somewhere and never got back to it. DS1 isn't as interesting story wise as Bioshock but I'd say it is more fun.)
Demon's Souls (a must play)
Dark Souls (also a must play since these are the two best of the era imo)
GTA4 (kino for sure)
Ninja Gaiden 2 (must be Xbox version)
DMC4 (just go play SE for PS4 or PC though)

That is probably it really. This was the era where multiplayer and cancer (see DLC, season passes, etc) became a thing so truly great games became rarer through the years and replaced by mindless multiplayer games. MP games were great but they have a short shelf life once people leave to the new game. God of War 3 is pretty great to but I'm unfamiliar with the series as a whole and Kratos seemed like the villain to me. For its time its graphics were superb though. I left Mass Effect 1 off the list because I'm still salty at that series ending up being shit. ME1 wasn't that great in retrospect anyways.


Sure, 7th kiddo.

Alan Wake

you don't even know what that word means.

Portal 1/2
Dead Space 1/2
Dead Rising 1/2
Super Mario Galaxy 1/2