ITT: Games you want to like, but can't find the drive to play or finish
ITT: Games you want to like, but can't find the drive to play or finish
weight loss
self improvement
the game is bland
I liked it and finished it
Why does it feel so sterile?
Because you’ve become jaded and lost the ability to enjoy a light-hearted and colourful platformer
I finished it in three days you're just a depressed fuck most likely.
I feel the same way but desu I have for a long time. I played Mario 64 as a kid and loved it but every new 3D Mario after it has felt empty by comparison. Fortunately I still love Zelda games so I'm not completely dead inside yet.
>something's wrong with you if you weren't able to enjoy it like me
999 moons on 2 saves and still practicing speedrunning, best platformer ever made besides maybe 3D world or rayman 2
you can blitz through the game in two days with no trouble
just beat it and decide if it's worth continuing to play
I made it to the Bowser boss and I got killed once and gave up because I was burnt out of the game for the day. I never re-opened it.
If I beat Bowser is there a shit-ton of post-game content or whatever, or would I just be re-visiting the same worlds in an attempt to collect more Moons for no reason.
Genuinely curious
After bowser is one more kingdom with harder versions of bossfights and mario 64 fanservice, after 250 moons a new kingdom unlocks with a bossrush and a bunch of difficult challenges and after 500 moons the final challenge unlocks.
After you beat the game. The game becomes boring. It essentially turns itself into a easteregg hunt. Instead of eggs it's moons. Platforming was garbage in this game as well.
I have almost 120 hours in this game because I've stopped playing for a long time and then restarted when I got back into it. I got The War of the Chosen DLC and it doubled my playtime, I could probably jump into the game right now and finish it with ease. A bunch of my soldiers are at highest rank, I killed all the Chosen and got their gear and the timer is at the beginning.
I don't know why I just won't go back and finish it, I just don't feel like it.
Dark Souls
Ni no Kuni
Made it to the final castle (I think), suddenly started getting one-shotted by basic enemies out of nowhere, put it down and never looked back.
Also useless companion AI
Persona 5
The pacing in this game is fucked. They go out of their way to try and pace it so the characters have their time to shine but the problem is that almost none of the characters are interesting so the game turns out to be a boring grind.
Every time I get a little farther, but it's enjoyable mainly because I already know what to do instead of wondering if I'm about to get booty bothered by the enemies from a quest I took. Level scaling may be shit, but it's hard for me to even tell if I'm in over my head.
that's actually the reason. The only reason you still think 64 is any good is nostalgia.
>implying I like 64
Wanna give it another go?