TLoU is killing the industry

Every fucking game wants to be TLoU and it's killing the PS4 exclusives just like Days gone, there is no game more generic, bland and uninspired than days gone, lets see:
>Days gone is a carbon copy of TLoU, same boring stealth mechanics, plot and art style
>Days gone is another fucking zombie game, we are tired of that shit
>Days gone is another fucking open world game, at this point is just funny
GOW 4 and Horizon are also victims of this, they turn kratos into a soyboy and Horizon into another boring open world game with stealth mechanics.

>first thread gets 0 replies
>mom its just because no one saw it, ill repost it and show you how popular i am on the internet

>sucking down sony's chode

Everyone tried to be like GTA and that turned out fine.

>Be Naughty Dog
>Release generic garbage games which seemingly get HIGH praise for no reason

I mean of course other devs are gonna just do what they do when it gets praised.

I wish the industry would just copy Nintendo and Microsoft's games and stop making the kind of shit Sony makes.

>every game want to be TLoU
>posts one example
>no arguments
>is ok when nintendo does it

i thought the gunplay and such in TLOU was fine, but the AI was butt-fucking-retarded. it was better in the pre-release footage, things like intimidation, picking off enemies one at a time, whether you had a gun or not, would all factor into an enemy's attitude and attack. you could even get them to surrender if they were unarmed or melee and you had a firearm, but if you pulled the trigger and they heard the click they'd know you were out of ammo and attack. the way it released though, ai is braindead, melee enemies will charge straight into your barrel, there is no surrendering enemies or threatening them with your gun, no mexican standoffs.

the multiplayer was incredibly fun though, and i found almost all of the guns to be very satisfying to shoot, it leaned maybe a little too much on bombs and traps and crafting and shit for my taste but i had a great time with it.

uncharted 4 has excellent controls, and handles and plays very well for a console tps. the single player story was honestly handled well, aside from a few places, but had some nice moments and interesting choices regarding indiana jones-turned-office worker type of thing. i feel like they really missed an opportunity for some nice co-op fun. the game is better in my opinion on the second hardest difficulty, because you have freedom to move a little more recklessly and utilize some of the more aggressive flanking tactics and movement options. still fun on the hardest difficulty, but you melt if you try to pull off anything crazy.

the multiplayer is fantastic, matches are frenetic and chaotic, the gunplay works very well and accommodates either run and gun or cover shooting, and fluid movement between the two. the maps are well designed, none of the guns feel shitty to use, animations are super smooth and pretty detailed, the grapple mechanic is fun as all shit and spiderman-swinging into a 30 foot superman punch never gets old.

i don't get the hate.

Eh, "generic garbage" is a bit too much. They're a step above the average game from the same genre, like how I'd say John Wick is a step above the average modern action movie. Doesn't mean much but it's something.

>Japan churns out a million kawaii uguu JPRGs a year
>this is fine
>some games have some resemblance to some other game
kill thyself

this, honestly

Better than the current Nintendo bullshit:

>Explore a huge, open world and collect ______ while you save ______ from the evil _____.

Uncharted 4 is pretty damn good, maybe lacks some replay value but it's beautiful to explore the first time

This desu, all those games keep imitating each other.

don't worry, japan is still carrying the video game industry on its back like it always has

There were plenty of games that played similar to TLOU. Metal Gear was one. Stealth action. But somehow TLOU is a "movie" and Metal Gear isn't.

So people complain about open worlds, but its okay when Nintendo does it. Oh, wait, you want to go back to linear railroaded as fuck corridors?

>b-but nintendo

Jesus christ go see a psychiatrist

"Moviegames" existed before The Last of Us came out. Max Payne 3 is the ultimate moviegame and it came out the year before. Don't see anyone complain about the insane amount of cutscenes in that game, how weird.

>be naughty dog
>release fantastic games that get critical acclaim
>brainlets on Sup Forums can't comprehend the praise it gets because you don't make bing bing wahoo sounds when you jump

Great retort. Really proved him wrong.

>tfw not a Soyny

They're mad Nintendo and Microsoft have actual video games coming this year and they got this shit.

Prove what? They're just spouting stale memes and shitposting because that's all their brainlet minds are capable of doing.

The Op of this thread is posting stale memes I don;t know what you expected when you came to this thread.

Rise of the Tomb Raider running in 60 fps in 3200x1800 resolution on my PC is a better looking game, and the gameplay is way better. It actually has replay value.

Days Gone is different
>Open world
>Weather system
>Vehicular riding
>Zombies come out in entire mass swarms
They're both zombie games but Days Gone is more focused on action

>Don't see anyone complain about the insane amount of cutscenes in that game, how weird.
what? don't get me wrong, I'm one of the very few people here that love the game, but it's easily the biggest complaint about it

>Open world


Guess I shouldn't expect much though since you obviously haven't played at of those games.

the last of us doesn't have zombies, it has mutants
learn the FUCKING difference


based frogposter

Last of Us isn't open world tho...

serious question, do you think vampires and werewolves are zombies too?
just because you are getting transmission through a bite doesnt make you a zombie

they are mushroom mutant that hunt with sonar and once they are full matured they have armored bodies and shoot projectiles
nothing zombie about them

You're a mutant.

It's the same fucking thing you stupid soyboi.

>Square Enix makes a shitload of JRPGs and it's fine
>Activision makes a lot of first person shooters and it's fine
>EA makes a lot of Sports games and it's fine
>Nintendo makes a lot of platformers and it's fine
>Ubisoft makes a lot of open world games and it's fine
>Capcom makes a lot of fighting games and it's fine
>Bethesda makes a lot of first person Action games and it's fine

>Sony makes a few 3rd person action adventure games and it's the end of the world

Every publisher has a strength and of course they'll play to it

>B-but those games are bad!!

That's cool, you don't have to play them, there are plenty of games out there. But it's clear that they have built up an audience that likes them, if they didn't they would have stopped making them a long time ago

Also this meme of every game trying to be tlou is bullshit because most devs are trying to be the next PUBG, Destiny or League of Legends. “games as a service” is the new trend of the industry, not “cinematic experiences”

>comparing tlou and horizon

Want to know how I know you didn't play either?

Agreed. To be fair I also really enjoyed 2 and 3 (to a lesser extent) back in the day so I really appreciated the conclusion.

Has anybody played the lost legacy? I'm thinking about picking it up. Chloe is best girl


>actually giving a fuck about western AAA releases anymore


>and the gameplay is way better. It actually has replay value.
How so?

>every fucking game

Nope, just every Sony western movie.
