Sorry Sup Forums, but we just don't have enough chemo to keep two cancers in this house

Sorry Sup Forums, but we just don't have enough chemo to keep two cancers in this house.

You'll have to pick one.

Nia since I don't give a shit about whatever game she's from and the soy meme was forced and shitty to begin with

Nia because she's cute.

>no option to get rid of both

>Nia threads actually discuss a game.
>Soy threads are just console-war faggots.

Gee, I wonder...

Great way to get a hard percentage of underage faggots on this board.

I have yet to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Whats with the girl?

>one is nintendo faggotry
>one is used a hundred thousand creative different ways
gee i wonder

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Sterilize your fucking selves.

She's best girl.

>used to shut down any argument for a dissenting opinion to your own
Shut your whore mouth user, it needs to go

>one is about vidya
>one is about thousands of calories
Shouldn't be too hard

>mad wojakcucks

Soyposting is fucking awful and disgusting looking.

UH soy is CULTURE?

>jacks off with kekistan flag

>Nia is dumb anime bullshit we've had since forever, and anyone who isn't a newfag should have a mental filter for by now
>Soy is shitty meme of the month #13398340

>minge-posting isn't creative

This, really. Pepe was always ugly so I didn't really mind when all the horrifying edits came out. Wojak I actually cared about. I hope Spurdo never becomes too popular.

>spamming the exact same 500x500 image with the exact same caption is creative
at least soy has fucktons of variations. i don't like either one, but i at least have the odd chuckle with some of the shit people come up with when it comes to soy.

This, I'd never hit someone for speaking with a Welsh accent.

I'd seriously consider hitting someone who spouted soy memes at me until they stopped thinking.

>but i at least have the odd chuckle with some of the shit people come up with when it comes to soy.
Consider suicide.

Oh man are you talking about the one with the open mouth, or the one with Wojak that has a big open mouth?

consider going back to resetera, gaf, or leddit.

Why? Humor me, what's the reason behind this creative post of yours?

>muh reddit
Kill yourself.

>a good fourth of Sup Forums are idiot faggots

Less than I expected

Why are some faggots so obsessed with what reddit and other sites are up to?

As annoying as Nia can be, she's actually a video game character. Wojak and all of his hats and variants can go to Hell.

Should I kill myself for liking Nia's English (Scottish) voice actor more than her nip one? I almost wish I could pick and choose which VA each character uses. I'd rather Rex use the nip one because he's annoying and I don't care what he says, Pyra's is okay either way, though I think the nip delivers lines a little better overall. But Dromarch and and especially Azurda sound fucking AWFUL in nip and honestly the main reason I prefer English VA.

Nia's the only reason I played in English desu

Wojak is fine as "feelsguy", but recent variants need to fucking stop.

These are the best two memes of 2018. I'm sorry your taste is so shit, OP.

The Welsh accent makes me want to fuck Nia even more.

lmao if you think we can ever go back to that

>unintelligible Japanese
>same image with no edit

Yeah so creative, dumb fuck. Shut the fuck up.

>Should I kill yourself for liking something?
No. But you should kill yourself for having that thought cross your mind.

Why are americans obsessed with creating polls between a douche and a turd sandwich? Why cant you fucking people have one voting situation, just one, where I could pick an appealing candidate instead of always having to think which one of these two shit stains is the least attractive?


Oh is that Welsh? Sorry I'm just a retarded yank and can't tell Uk accents that well, sounded like Scottish to me.

But yea it's really great.

>I'd rather have off topic than video games
This is your mind on soylent.

What's so creative about people giving themselves dysentery. This sounds more like a /fit/ meme if anything

I don't know, but it's nice to have proof that almost 3/4ths of Sup Forums fucking hates soyposting so much that they'd rather have Niaposting

The people posting brainlet Wojaks will eventually get tired and move on to another trend.

I didn't say soy shit was good. That should be wordfiltered. Neither are welcome here and the left are lazy, braindead spammers.