Actual legitimate leak photo of the v5.0 switch update
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Fuck you I want a Waluigi's Tacostand game.
no you don't
I would buy a switch for all 4 of those games
now post a video of that in motion and show us how easy it really is
Tehn we'l see how loyal a hungry dog really is
Dude it's a blue board come on
The Trump avatar in the top left got me the most. I want it pretty badly.
it's the little things
fuck off phoneposter
go die
Playing with a xbox pro controller will be great
why does anyone give a shit about a fucking system update for a system which you haven't booted since you finished mario
>If there are none press skip
There is no skip.
You're doomed.
But user, I've been playing Picross S.
I really really like this image
>Waluigi's Tacostand got a Switch port
I like how upset people get when console/game leaks and what not are made.
Its such a weird thing to get angry over.
That energy icon is kino.
damn looks like they really extended the battery life in the new update. based nintendo
the difference is the other one is a video, which is significantly harder to do
im still split 55-45 in favor of it being fake, but its a good one if it is.
>that image in the far right
this site has broken me.
>that xbox Conte
>Fucking Netscape
>that power bar
>all the text
I'd legit play Waluigi's Taco Stand though.
There is no such thing as skip
>now post a video of that in motion and show us how easy it really is
I'd like to second this. Please user, show off how simplistic it is to get a youtube video of a believable fake.
>Nintendo steals PS triangle button
Fuck you bro
Remember when people actually thought rayman was gonna be in smash bros wii u
good times.
Technically he was.
Nothing beats locking yourself in your room to play on your Switch while eating cheeseburgers
o lawdy is dat sum netscape navigator
isn't this some dumb european meme
It's something people have been doing since before your parents made the mistake of having drunken unprotected sex that one time.
it wouldnt be that hard to make a fake website to do it and get bonus points for your portfolio
There's clearly a retry icon at the bottom.
>Nothing beats locking yourself in your room to play on your Switch while eating cheeseburgers
Damn straight.
I refuse to believe this reality is true.
I'm going to wake up one day and it will be the year 2000 again and the patriot act will never happen, Canada and the US move closer and everything will be fine.
Definitely fake, they would have given Trump a blue background so he stood out more instead of blending in with the orange background
>miiverse 2
>Canada and the US move closer
Thank fuck we don't live in that timeline. I can't wait for the new Tariffs to strangle the land of the perfidious Leaf.
>tfw you've slept until D:13PM
get fucked dorks
You know Canada already has a backup, much harder to withdraw from trade agreement with the US right?
It's mexico that is getting fucked, I'm talking about the fucking border and needing to pay the government $300 for a passport to visit seattle.
Fuck you
Nothing but respect for my president
YOUR president, drumpfy
the absolute state of the president
>Get diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety
>Get a medical leave or whatever the name is
>Get to waste time playing vidya and still get paid
>Bought Pizza with spicy doritos and Coke Zero
>Locked myself in my room and played Switch
Am i winning?
I need to see my Psychiatrist in a few days, how can i convence her to give me more time?
I would kill a family of 8 for super Mario galaxy 3 on switch
Not him but i did it myself before youtu.be
Obviously didn’t spend a huge amount of time on this but just wanted to make a fake for the hell of it. But menus are super easy to make look like shits actually happening since they’re mostly static.
fucking kek
The Shantae dev said it MIGHT be real
>Caring this much about an update for a video game console
Good Lord.
For real though porn apps when?