Should I buy a Switch?

Should I get one?

Talk me out of buying one.

nah, not going to talk you out of it.

if you like nintendo games or not, thats literally it

C'mon man, don't let me buy one. Please.

you might need that money for something more important

just buy one, i like it


Do you have the disposable income to shell out?
Are there Nintendo exclusives/multiplats that you want to play portably?
Are you okay with underpowered hardware?
Are you an idort?
If so, go ahead and buy one. If not, it's not for you.

Still though, please talk me out of buying one right now on Amazon.

I think Zelda is a very not good game and the small library means that's usually a given person's reason to buy it.

it's up to you, it's had the best launch year of any console since the PS2 so if you like the games it's getting then sure.

I just buy every system as soon as it gets games I want, if that's within 9 months or 3 years.

>asking Sup Forums of all places what you should do with your money

I've heard that the Switch directly injects soy into your body. Best not to risk it.

Learn some self control OP
If you really don't want it, then force yourself to not buy it, and the next time you're faced with a decision like this, it will be easier for you to say no.
If this is just a challenge posed at Sup Forums to see if they can stop you from buying it, then you're a faggot

Mine got a stuck pixel less than a month after I bought it and Nintendo won't cover it in their warranty. Don't give money to these scam artists.

it's a good console that will most likely get better

Only get one if you have a spare 100-200 to spend on games, extra joycons/pro controller and overall accessories that make playing it feel better (ie. Hori Kickstand, screen protectors, etc)

take it back to the store then.
unless you live in a shit country, the store is responsible for giving you a refund or replacement if the product is faulty regardless of what the manufacturer would cover themselves.

This is why those "extended warranties" are a scam, they charge you for what you're entitled to anyway.

there is literally no reason to buy extra joycons, if you want to play singleplayer games you guy a pro controller, if you want multiplayer the pro controller is cheaper.
Extra joycons are for replacing them if your break them because kids buy these systems.

There is no reason to replace the kickstand, tabletop mode sucks and is just for commercials. You either play handheld or docked.

Screen protectors are $1-4 for a good tempered glass one.
I made the mistake of buying a $15 from gamestop and it's worse than the $2 one I got off aliexpress after.

>there is literally no reason to buy extra joycons
Playing with your friends (Yes some people actually have friends, hard to believe, I know), Switch customization, ability to shell swap, getting rid of the boring grey ones in general
>There is no reason to replace the kickstand
It's actually complete garbage and there are people who prefer playing in tabletop mode over handheld and Docked mode (Again, shocking and hard to believe, I get it)

Don't that new mario game feels bland and not that fun.

the store already said they won't cover it either

as I said, if you want to play with friends (i.e Mariokart) another pro controller is cheaper than another 2 joycons.
Tabletop mode is just bad, the screen is not that big so unless you're doing janky multiplayer shit in the park like on the commercials I don't see the point.
then you live in a shit country.
In 1st world countries they have to because it's a fault, Nintendo saying it's acceptable does not discredit it as a fault.
Otherwise every manufacturer would say batteries exploding in phones is just fine.

>get pro controller since everyone is saying it's the best option available
>it actually is, just a bit pricey
>got a cheap hori pad just in case
>can now do 4-player games with friends
I don't see any reason to get extra joycons either. Maybe once Nintendo actually starts making unique ones.

>then you live in a shit country.
but I live in the US

>unless you're doing janky multiplayer shit in the park like on the commercials I don't see the point.
I use it when in uni classes in tabletop mode and try to pass it off as a tablet. and believe me, people do this more often than you'd first think

Here's a fucking idea. Look at the list of games it has, then look at the price of accessories you want, add that to the price of the system and the games you want and once you've done all that you ask yourself if it's worth it for you to invest that amount of money for what you're getting. Sup Forums is 99% full of fanboys that will either tell you it's gods gift or the worst thing to ever come out, if you want a completely biased opinion then go ahead, listen to Sup Forums, but ultimately you are the one making the decision.

Wait until the Direct to see if you really want one.

I'd probably buy the inevitable limited edition joycons (you just know they're doing a pikachu striped set) but yeah for actual practical use they're pointless.

The only use-case for secondary joycons currently is if you want to play multiplayer ARMS in motion control mode.
Other than that, there is actually no purpose at all currently.
really makes you think...
that sounds funny and I won't criticize you for it but why are you even coming to classes if that's what you want to do?

beer and burgers, probably

The Switch is a console for children - literally, for little children - which has two exclusives that anyone gives a fuck about.

Do not listen to the pony loving autistic manchildren of Sup Forums. Nintendo openly discusses their products being aimed at children. Stop being a fucking pedophile and build a PC.

Yeah, a shit country.

2 exclusives after less than a year is a big deal, it took almost 2 years for PS4 to get its first exclusive and XBO is still waiting on its first.
>being so poor you don't own a PC, PS4 and Switch
who is the REAAAL child here?

>Stop being a fucking pedophile and build a PC.
user, do you know what device is used by 100% of pedophiles? Just rearrange letters in 'CP'.

>you should waste your money on everything you can because THAT'S what adults do!

I mean, don't you feel embarrassed when you write stupid shit like that?

It has two good games, Mario and Breath of the Wild. BOTW looks and runs far better on PC, all you need gyro controller, and to not be using AMD.

Do you want to fork out for a console that has literally fuck all but Mario? It might be worth it in a few years, but now its just a trendy paperweight people buy.

don't you feel embarrassed when you fail to detect a post is tongue-in-cheek?

Ah yes let's forget about the part where you can play these games on the go or in bed, while still retaining performance and graphical fidelity why don't we

it's getting PC game streaming soon so at least there's that.

>lol my satire was too complex for you

Just stop.

Here's a hint for life, lad: being see in public with your children's toys out is a surefire recipe for utter failure in basically everything you will ever do. This is not a joke - playing children's games by Nintendo 'on the go' is seriously embarrassing, and you need to grow the fuck up.

I'm pretty close to getting one because of Odyssey and SMTV. I think it's alright as an investment as well because there'll be more good stuff coming out for it eventually.

>On the go
Who speaks like this? Do you work in marketing? I'm not playing fucking video games when I'm "on the go", I'd be busy doing other things, and fuck me why would I want to drag around a switch tablet, if it can't fit in my pocket, it can get fucked.

>In bed
Wireless controller, speaker/headphones, or use the bed how its meant to be used and sleep in it.

Name games with a confirmed 2018 release date worth spending $300 on a switch.

Why don't you just buy it and regret it like everyone else who is too retarded to make decisions for themselves.

haha such autism
>one pixel is wrong! I want a refund!!!!

>damage control
just because you take these threads super seriously doesn't mean others can't be self-deprecating.
Take a break and come back with a better attitude, it isn't worth it buddy.

Buy one

Bayonetta 3
Fire Emblem
F-zero NX

>ha ha my wit was too sharp and now you are mad! it is YOU who is the faggot!

Kid. Please. Stop. It's really, really embarrassing to watch you doing this.

what is SMTV?
I just bought a switch today and I'm wondering what other games I should get. Got Zelda and Odyssey. Thinking about getting xenoblade chronicles 2

Wait for at least the first iteration

okay, just keep getting yourself worked up.
Look I've been there friend, you will be happier when you stop getting so invested in threads like this.

i bought one
after playing mario and xenoblade, its been sitting in my case in the drawer since.
basically no, wait for more games, unless you want a dust collector

This. Don't be a man child wasting money to play 1 (one) good ish game (Zelda).

>confirmed 2018 release for spending $300
You cannot

Ok OP, listen to me

I was exactly like you. Made threads asking people to convince me to not buy it. In the end I didn't listen. I bought one, and I regret it.

Let's talk about the games. BotW. Incredibly disappointing. Incredibly boring. Never get the urge to play it because it has one of the most boring worlds of any game.Awful combat and generally just a drab experience all around. I can practically guarantee you that you will be disappointed. Odyssey? More fun but hardly awe inspiring, mostly just a decent platformer..

It's not worth it. Trust me. It's really not. Dont make the same mistake I did. Don't let all the BotW fans fool you; the game is almost totally unenjoyable.

But if you don't listen and you buy it anyway, just know that one person warned you beforehand.

you just listed the only games worth getting until mid 2018. there is nothing on the radar coming out for 6+ months except ports.


The sad part is that we both know you feel completely stupid with this stuff, yet you can't help yourself but reply to me. And, you'll do it again with some variation on how mad I am. Go on. Do it. Prove me right.

>F-zero NX
Don't play with my heart like that user

BotW is boring but Odyssey is one of the most charming games I've played in years.
Constantly put a smile on my face, it's not 10/10 gameplay or story but the mechanics are fun, it's enjoyable from start to finish and has good end-game content.

I currently have more games on my Switch than on my PS4 which I've owned over a year longer, it's really not bad for a 9 month old system.
Sad that our expectations are so low now, I remember when launch windows were exciting, you know, back in 2000.

Don't listen to this shithole. This is the last place you want to look for opinions on anything related to videogames.

Being a total hypocrite however, buy one. I haven't been able to set mine down since I got it.

>600 power moons, all purple coins, all coin outfits

I guarantee you will regret buying a Switch after playing Breath of the Wild for an hour. That's about the time the terrible reality sets in

Not 2018 but Metroid prime 4

I didn't regret it. Everyone including your parents regret having known you, however.

is xenoblade 2 any good? heard it was mediocre compared to the first but never played it

Are people typing like Donald Trump talks now?

You're just a retard. BotW is incredible.

Do you ever regret letting your bull fuck your wife while you sit and play Mario in the living room?

>implying im a cuck
nigga im a fuckin virgin what the fuck u talking about

I bought one for Mario and I've enjoyed it. Picross and Tetris-Puyo are fun. I'll admit I've only emulated BotW but I don't think I liked it enough to make a full purchase. I agree that BotW is flawed and overrated, but it makes me excited to see what the future of the series will be like. I think Mario is about as good as everyone says.

Thing is, while I'm glad I never bought a Wii U I'm not glad I didn't get to show my support for Bayonetta when that was released, and that makes 3 coming out a major draw. Add that to the new Metroid and SMT games and I think the console will justify itself in the end.

The reason why everyone when talking about BotW, posts webms like this, is because the only thing the game really has to offer is stuff like this. The vast majority of the time when you are playing the game, it is boring and bad. People jizz over this stuff because it's the only interesting thing to do in the game. So just know that if you buy the Switch largely for BotW, you probably have the wrong impression about the game; it's not nearly as fun or crazy as the webms would have you believe

wtf I hate my PC now

Honestly, the Switch is super fun. I would select which games you would want to play first. Sometimes I get into that "game wall" on the Switch of not knowing what to play. Make sure there are plenty of games for you to play or you will regret buying the Switch. Also, look at what is coming for 2018 - they should be announcing everything that is coming in the January Direct.

Just like people saying buy a WiiU for Star Fox 0 or SMTxFE

fuck off nintendo fanboy

How does it feel thinking about black dick and being a cuck 24/7?

Switch is blowing the market up right now, opposite the Wii u

To be honest, it feels weird. Sometimes, I wish I could stop, but the thoughts just creep into my mind, and it's not helped when I'm replying to someone like you who clearly knows the horror of sitting in tears and playing Zelda while your bull fucks the absolute shit out of your wife.

>I bought a Nintendo with an infinitesimal error
>Someone is insulting me for my autism
>"Fuck off Nintendo fanboy"

You really are autistic

I paid good money for it and the screen doesn't work like it's supposed to. You getting butthurt over my posts just show how much of a fanboy you are, you'll defend them for anything.

>not nearly as fun or crazy
This is literally goat simulator tier gameplay. If you were amused by this I suggest you buy those shitty games too.

Does that change that you're telling people to buy a system with a game that is basically a jpg?

Yes, many parents bought it for their children this Christmas so that their 10 year old can enjoy Mario.

Projecting cuckoldry on other people, nothing more pathetic. LMAO imagine being a little faggot like you thinking of cuck stories and zingers for anonymous strangers on the internet. No wonder you fantasize about being a little cuck bitch.

I'm not defending anyone you fucking autist. LMAO

you need to be 18 to post here

>oh shit he's criticizing my favorite company
>uhhh....... AUTISM

>Yes, many parents bought a PC, Xbox, and PS4 so their 10 year olds could enjoy video games

PC + Switch master race

I haven't had a console since the 360.

>Being so assblasted that you were called out for being autistic you project

Holy shit the Asperger's is strong with this one

Look, it's obvious that you're getting angry. That's why you're literally typing 'LMAO' on Sup Forums and yelling about 'cuck' because that's a word that you've seen other people use.

I'm not surprised that you're getting so crazy. It must be difficult sitting there with a two inch erection, playing Zelda and trying to ignore the sound of your bull fucking your wife harder than you ever could. Did you ever consider that maybe if you weren't a Nintendo playing manchild she'd actually find you attractive again?

you don't know what that word means

you're the autist because you can't handle someone giving a fair criticism of Nintendo. It shouldn't be happening in less than a month of owning it.

Nigger you are projecting onto me your own notion of me defending Nintendo, which I'm not. I'm calling you out for being a fucking faggot, faggot.

Why did you waste time typing this. This is kid level rambling nonsense.

>you are projecting onto me your own notion of me defending Nintendo
yeah thanks for confirming you don't know what that word means

>no reply

That's why, kiddo.

Living in your own head must be a lot of fun, since no one else wants to live in the real world with you.


Ehhh. Not funny enough. Try harder next time.

>You cant handle me criticizing Nintendo!!!!!!
