It still hurts bros

it still hurts bros..

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we really should've known it would be a frankenstein of peace walker with micromanagement cranked up to 110
we saw mother base in the trailers, it was so obvious what it was gonna be

but that fucking hospital tutorial is the greatest/worst bait and switch in any game ever
despite my reservations, playing that opening scenario, I was convinced the rest of it was going to be just as incredible

and then the rest of the game happens
say what you want about mgs4 - it's a trainwreck, but at least it's short

>we saw mother base in the trailers, it was so obvious what it was gonna be
>we really should've known
nigga there were scenes shown in gameplay trailers that weren't in the game, the only thing we could've known was that it was going to be a Peace Walker clone.

I liked it but the amount of wasted potential and missed opportunities is staggering.

I can see the videos you liked, how embarrassing.

We DID know.

So have you figured out how to text a girl yet?

>Asian Jake Paul (feat. Boyinaband) *DISS TRACK*

so who was skull face?

>that playlist

Just finished this. At it's core it may be the best pure gameplay MGS and one of the best games ever but holy fuck the mess that is the story and mission structure. There are maybe like 3 or 4 great missions and the rest are hot garbage.

Fucking nobody. Gene was more meaningful to the canon

This is why I'm looking forward to Metal Gear Survive. That fucking engine is amazing

>1000 yen has been deposited into your Konami Pachislot account

well I didn't, and I'm a shmuck for not registering it sooner
but like I said, the hospital trailer threw me off completely

I was expecting a linear story driven TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION game not OPERATIONS
I thought Peace Walker was designed that way for PSP because it's easier to pick up and do some management for a few hours and come back whenever
it's not the formula I expected for a big budget AAA console game

Did anyone expect a hot woman like that to be a virgin?

Game is not finished and it's a crying shame. We will never know what happened as Koji will likely die before his NDA runs out. He's actually sick with something atm y'know.

Everytime I get fucking chills whenever I watch this trailer, I remember how depressed I was after finishing the game. All the possibilities, discussions of story was wasted potential...
The goddamn part where he kills the kids got me so fucking pumped, especially with how pathetic snake and kaz look in the next scene. Made it seems like genuine broken people taking out their stress on the world around them

goddamn it


Still one of my favorite video games of all time, fight me


I love this game. I don't know what sort of delusional expectations people had about the story, the writing in the series has been shit since MGS3.

I bet most people that don't like the game are either story fags, virgins that neglected the FOB mode (read: endgame content), or retards that spent the whole game marking and using tranq pistol for headshots.