Is Vr just a meme or will it have games soon?

Is Vr just a meme or will it have games soon?

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it will be nothing more then a meme/gimmick. It's only purpose is to add "immersion" and contributes absolutely nothing new in terms of gameplay or techniques.

>completely new method of interaction
>contributes nothing in terms of gameplay

>already ruined by children running around as knuckles screaming at people to dab
It was nice while it lasted.

Tic tac toe is a game.

Not sure, but I just drank a whole bottle of leftover champagne and I've been dicking around in VRchat and this is honestly the most fun I've had in a video game in years.


We've had VR for years, user.
This is just the most commercialized it's been, recently.
Kinda like when 3D got to be a big thing again.
You had this technology, which was basically just a beefed up, sexier version of something we already had and commercialized before, 30 years ago. Now, it's back, and it's never gonna end.
I mean, think about how popular 3D is now.
I personally love my 3D TV, but that's just because I love to watch 3D versions of all the movies I saw in 3D at the movie theater.

>>completely new method of interaction
It's fucking motion controls you dumbass. We've had that for more than 10 years now. Even longer if you count the ones before it became decent.

>3D TV
lol.. THAT is a meme. VR is the future however.

The amount of practical applications VR can be used for is staggering.

I think you drunkenly stumbled onto Sup Forums instead of Reddit my well intoxicated friend.

>I mean, think about how popular 3D is now.
It's not.

you say that now, but when we have 3D VR, you'll be singing a different tune

>The amount of practical applications VR can be used for is staggering.
As it is there are no practical applications, it's still far too primitive.

I think AR will have more momentum.

Its not popular enough for people to feel comfortable developing games for it. The price has to drop first or more people just need to have VR headsets for some reason or other.

I'm sure there are lots of people with ideas for VR games, but its just not profitable enough. Yet.

>we still don't have an AR Yugioh game
What's up with that?

right, because using a fucking wiimote is the same as VR

Nah, i've been here since 2005, just shitpostin', but yeah pretty intoxicated. Just looking to have a little fun, and hohonestly VRchat is surprisingly fun, shit memes aside.

Coming from someone who's got a Vive, sorta. There's definitely some crazy things to try out but a lot of it is just proof of concept more than anything. It's got potential though and there are a few games that I've gotten a lot of fun and replayability out of.

VR training has been standard in every major police academy and army training program in the entire world for almost 20 years now.


What do you define as VR training? Because that sounds very unlikely.

You strap a screen and some gyros to your fucking face and you have the entire VR experience right there.
It's still fucking motion controls.

Do ye know de wey, Ariel?

Have you ever tried to get your pilot's license?
When they put you in a virtual cockpit and have you play a videogame where all you can see is the controls and the simulated video feed, that is a virtual reality training environment.

I want a fully virtual casino filled with minigames where I gamble away the money that I earned by co-oping with other players in a Warframe/Call of Duty linear shooter level. I want real consequences for dying, rare loot either purchased through casino winnings or boss drops and fully customizable avatars with an easy going but realistic artstyle.

Yeah, well that's a sometimes multi-million dollar simulator that is much different from the kind of VR OP is talking about.

I didn't read the guy you were replying to though & I agree with your point user.

I can't find the video, but there was a recent study of a group of people at NASA who were a part of a long term space flight endurance crew test. They were using oculus rift to simulate EVA missions for the subjects, so the technology is definitely catching on quick.