>Government is creating a school shooter sim
>40 players
>multiple classes with different roles, ranging from SWAT, firefighters, teachers, and the shooter
>There's a hotel shooting version out now and anons are trying to get a hold of it
>Made in Unreal 3 so very moddable
Are you ready for the 2018 GOTY?
EDGE thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Player Unknown tries to sue the Department of Homeland Security for ripping off PUBG, which as everyone knows invented battle royale shooters.
Any word from fire dude?
Claim your main boys
Firefighter here
Not since yesterday
It'll probably take like a week
Shooter, or student if there's some creative shit you can do to fight back
Students are NPC I'm sure
They're handing it out to students I think so it'd be beneficial to allow them practice being shot at
Also mods fix everything
Order 66 mod when?
Special Weapons And Tactics(SWAT)
Gunning down crooks all day.
The glass cannon, high speed high damage but low health student.
Also it mentions something about vehicle controls
Meaning vehicles are in the game
It'd be such a wasted opportunity to not let the shooter hijack buses
>shooter kills police escape bus driver
>Teacher loads school children into bus for escape and objective completion feeling smug
>Shooter waves at teacher as bus drives off
>be american
>get shot
thank god the government's doing this
there'd be so much outrage if literally any one else did this
didn't mean to reply
faculty staff.
I'll probably main janitor tbqh.
What's the best possible outcome of these training exercises? How soon before someone gets domed before people have to pretend there's a problem? Are we put into the situation after the distress call has been made when the round begins? What happens when the gunman is played by a 4000 hour Rainbow Six: Siege autist with all possible map knowledge? I HAVE TO KNOW
I just want to get it to tell people "dont log-in tomorrow".
Teacher, turned shooter.
>What's the best possible outcome of these training exercises?
Spawn in as a teacher and hack a concealed weapon onto your loadout, tell nobody. Surprise the shooter with your superior FPS skills. They will definately prohibit teachers from arming themselves because that would actually make sense.
if this game is actually realistic and not some call of duty level casualized gunplay it will be goat.
>Not going full civilian
>janitor has wet mop to lay slippery floor traps
That one student that leaves the school for lunch, just to come back and find killed, even though they were the only likeable teacher there.
>even the guberment is making streambait now
>read that it's a bad idea
>still do it
who here /devilish/?
>play as shop teacher
>get a handsaw to attack and get through doors
We space station 13 now
Best post ITT
>not playing gym coach for dodgeball trick shots and ez mode takedowns
Why does this video bother me so much?
This is going to be the new hotness to stream
>not going lunch lady to craft food as healing items
because it's a female i guess?
it's actually a good video so far, where'd you find this?
>Best post ITT
Thanks. Sadly, it's true.
>spend umpteenth amounts of manpower and funds on some stupid ass videogame in efforts to combat """active shooter""" situations
>can't be fucked to allow school teachers in most states to carry concealed if teachers are willing to do it and already have a carry permit
>at the very least, consult with professional defensive shooting instructors to set up some sort of rigorous written qualification/ shooting qualification
>have emergency medical seminars frequently for faculty staff
>supply each classroom with emergency medical equipment
>media is part to blame thanks to sensationalism that is a shooting that further encourages potential shooters to carry out attacks
EDGE deserves to be fucked around with. There will be more and more school shootings around the country and I don't care anymore.
Actually civilians are a player class in the current build so I would assume students are basically the same thing
Police, i want to communicate with the real police while we snatch the fucker
Gotta look after yourself after all
>All these people claiming shit mains
Get a real main youtu.be
who else is gonna fuck with this so much
What do you mean?
Class clown
>can't make school shooting game because the fbi keeps getting up in your shit
>join the military and convince someone to give you bureaucratic cover while you make it
>Not mime
I'm surprised nobody did a gamemode about this yet
in OP's link
I'm a KD whore so obviously the shooter
Chad quarterback.
this will be so fucking amazing
Hard mode: Hall Monitor
>Hard mode: Hall Monitor
>Not Hard mode: Class Hamster
>shooter with the ability to blend in with students
rocket launcher only
>online hitman sim
>pick Special Ed kid
>low tier but I'm good with him
>surprise shooter in bathroom and trigger retard strength
>slip on wet spot
>hit head on sink
Its the only chance I'll have to leave you retards to die.
>this game will come out
>people will STILL claim that the government doesn't want to encourage spree shootings to keep the population in a state of fear
>Not initiating the combo with the poo poo fling debuff.
Git Gud.
Christ, imagine the TTT game mode on garry's mod, but on a server with 100 players. Fire a few rounds, conceal your gun and run away with everyone.
Mega Tard, his screams can distract the shooter.
>Cop players can frisk you and see what's in your inventory
>Shooter plants the gun on someone else's backpack
>Hostage KIA
>yfw the gubament wins goty
>Be student
>Start with Gameboy
>There's a short game on it
>If you hide somewhere and beat the game in one sitting, you get a knife
>Apprehend the shooter but eh game doesn't end
> Turns out you're the maniac
Why couldnt they open this to the public?
>it never actually happened
>it was all in your head
>you're actually in jail for hitting your teacher and some kids
So, basically, the government made the basis for a new and improved first person SS13 style roleplaying game with multiple roles, antagonists and chaos, right?
And you want to steal it from the government to mod it and make it actually a great game?
Fuck it, im in.
They could but they won't. It's meant as a training tool, not an actual game.
For the record lots of games exist in this spectrum. The military has a few shooter games only they play with, although mostly it's just rebalanced versions of existing games. For example, in an average shooter a smoke grenade is pretty instantaneous. In real life it takes closer to 45 seconds for the smoke to slowly billow out and fill a room; military grade games have that feature. I heard that in an interview by one of the devs of Socom.
But this game looks fun, atleast I always wanted roleplay types of games like this
Surely there's some Sup Forumsiring first responder on here who could request access.
i skipped through the video and the lady said its meant to teach "decision making skills", not job skills
aka shit thats common sense
still cant fucking believe its called edge
what anime is this image from?
petitioning to rename this game SWAT 5
Will this game have leaderboards?
Can't wait for the mods where every kid, teacher and civilian gets a gun and it's impossible to beat the game.
that'd be really fun for like a single player arcade mode, with infinite npcs that you have to kill before getting killed by cops, and the more you kill the more cops show up
That is literally the exact opposite of what the software was designed for. They would likely sue to prevent that sort of use.
they have to know
why would they sue someone for modding a video game
that's be way more trouble than it's worth
The software is open source nerd.
>Our government now makes vidya
>it's actually awesome
lmfao holy shit
Ah. Nevermind then.
It is? Link?
How long until Hi-Rez puts out Paladins: Active Shooter Edition to capitalize on this.
Claiming sexy teacher main. Shooter will not be able to resist my sweet milkers.
>he doesn't main chemistry teacher
>play gym teacher
>knock gun out of shooter's with football from across cafeteria
>tfw hero and everybody realizes you really could have won states if coach had put you in
Quiet kid who kills the shooter and finishes what he started.
>This is where the fun begins
>be american
>governments makes vidya about you getting shot
Someone on Kotaku is going to see this thread, write an article about it, everyone will get outraged and the company will cancel the sim.
>Government takes Kotaku seriously
Even the Obama administration didn't give them a second thought.