This is the undisputed greatest video game series of all time.
The magnum opus of vidya.
This is the undisputed greatest video game series of all time
Because of Ground Zeroes you can even say MGSV was good.
Honestly the best vidya franchise is Nier/Drakengard in my opinion
Also the best MGS title is
Ground Zeroes
MGSV was just good period, it's 2018 we can stop pretending it wasn't a breakthrough gaming experience.
that is not the correct usage of magnum opus you stupid dumb idiot
I never thought it had the same traditions the other games (GZ included) had.
You really should play some MGS games, there a lot more fun and full of life.
You're like someone that jumped on BloodBourne and talk about how much it's just like Dark Souls
Drakengard 3 is trash.
haven't played 1 or 2
MGS4 is the Magnum Opus of MGS games?
Sorry I only picked up the term Magnum Opus from Mad Max because it was the better game released on MGSV date.
They'd have to been popular before Tomata to be considered influential. They didn't really change the game industry as we know it. MGS was the game that gave the cinematic appeal, and the proper stealth mechanics,
not just a pile of insults at tropes in video games. That and I've never seen this argument before Atomata
MGO3, on the other hand.
>BloodBourne and talk about how much it's just like Dark Souls
Well, they sure as fuck more the same than different.
Drakengard 1 is fantastic
2 isn't made by Taro
That's not Ace Combat
>most influential
Oh I see. Yeah MGS is probably my favorite influential game franchises. Taro's games were super niche and are somewhat niche still.
As much as I want to disagree I really can't see how.
No other franchise can compare.
>Stiff awkward controls
>Ridiculous nonsensical story
>More cut scene then game play
>Stiff awkward controls
you must 18 and up to post here
I mean if it was like your pic and nothing happened after ground zeroes then i might even agree with you
>Stiff awkward controls
>Ridiculous nonsensical story
>More cut scene then game play
It's almost like it's a series for adults who don't have ADHD and don't need to play QTEs all the time with bright flashing lights to feel invested in what's going on! Maybe if you had an attention span greater than a goldfish, you'd figure out what the plot is conveying instead of going "LOL MAYMAYS END HURR XD".
I got the PC version so by the time that came out I was already uninstalled.
I do understand why kids of MGSV and MGO, it's what they wanted. All the personality of the game like GTAV. It's clear to see the real motiff of the phantom pain was a final insult to the game industry that not many people truly appreciate.
I feel it was done on purpose. . .
Because MGS was all about the open world sandbox game style not some tactical espionage with like 50% cut scenes.
No sir, MGS was always like GTA. Don't you remember?
I bet you never even suffered through the original Snake Eater or Portable OPs. Worthless camera forces you to switch to aim mode just to look 3 feet off screen.
Mature entertainment:
You should see his analysis of MGSV,
He's talking more about MGS4 is just tying up the ending and putting to much fan service on liquid snake.
He does say this game does great, just loses focus.
I just watched the movies lol
I remember finding a video years ago that was way more critical of MGS4 than this. It was basically calling it a shit game. Never found it again.
If you played MGS2 before that, aim mode was second nature at that point. To be honest I never understood the hate on the cameras before, but I understood why it was hated.
At that time in games, a lot of 3D games had shit cameras. MGS3 wasn't much different except they fixed it. MGS2 fixed a lot more by having linear level types to work with, but it's true.
Using aim mode was how you played it in the first jungle area...
mostly, after that it was fine.
The only people that complained were the ones that couldn't get past the start.
A magnum opus in gaming needs to have a much higher gameplay to cutscene ratio in order to be a magnum opus stupid.
If you're going to troll, call it the 'opus magnum of vidya.'
This one just came out after doing critical look at all the other MGS before. This guy knows his stuff. It's easy to say MGS4 is crap, but as a MGS fan from the start, I played MGS4 after being let down with MGSV being nothing like MGS1,2 and 3, and then enjoyed MGS4 giving me everything MGSV UTTERLY FAILED AT ACHIEVING.
MGSV is not MGS5. It's taken from the timeline when MGS was like GTA....
Weird time warp in 2012 is what I blame.
Oh, well why do video games ever have cutscenes? Why not just let the player do everything if cutscenes are so unimportant to videogames?
So what's the ratio?
4:1:2.5, with a tolerance of 25%.
>It's almost like it's a series for adults
no, it's got a story only a 12 year old could enjoy
Right, at least someone knows what they're talking about which is in-line with all the MGS (except 4 because it was the wrap up game) and
MGSV because it had no cut scene,
just incredibly long loading times
I think..
It was a nice game. Guns handled well, I liked some of the tech ideas and designs and I especially liked using the AI as human guinea pigs for my collection of mad scientist gadgets.
I don't know if it's Kojima's fault or Konami's that the game got rushed out the door, but it could've been even better.
That posted ratio is the mandatory requirement for A-Rank zettai ryoiki, baka.
Ya all those boring talks about roblox and fidget spinners.
12 year olds back in my time just talked about nanomachines, the nature of humanity, and the true horrors in war not shown in the movies.
And nature vs. nurture of genetics and memes.
don't be so tsundere s-senpai
>horrors of war
unless the horrors of war are listening to 6 hours of inane radio conversations I dont think so
You see the kids talking about how amazing the game is (in comparison to GTAV) like there's nothing wrong with the game.
Thinking they're real MGS fans because they hate cutscenes.
Even tho MGSV does feel really empty and barren compared with how Ground Zeroes played, which was like butter.
Yeah and V destroyed it
Hey man, this is just what 12 year olds talk about by your standards, not mine. I don't remember them discussing child soldiers and the fallout of civilians in war, but ...
... if that's what you think a typical 12 year focus on you're not going to hear me stop you. I was an enlightened kid.
Sorry if you don't like the skippable cutscenes. I love how people make it seem like the cutscenes are mandatory. THEY'RE OPTIONAL:
It's like complaining there's too many people to talk to most video games.
This is undeniably true. People can shit, but every Metal Gear entry by Kojima has been important for video game development. Just look at how well aged MGS1 is.
To me, Ground Zeroes was the last MGS game. That was MGS5.
Just sad it was so short would have been nice to have a full game like that.
If you skip all the cutscenes in metal gear solid you have 2 hours of shallow gameplay
people like metal gear solid for the story and the story is fucking awful
I mean, technically, in New Game +
If you condense Mario Odyssey down it's like 1 hour.
Cuphead is 30 min
And Ocarina of time is 17 minutes
I don't think speed runs are a good gauge for video game quality, but even still MGS2 takes a long time.
what do speedruns have to do with anything? I can finish a 20 hour game in 15 minutes if I speedrun it
Not even that guy, but it's impossible for an adult to take Kojima's games seriously. He throws in so much stupid shit and soap opera-esque melodrama, not to mention that he rips off American action movies for his plots. Only mentally stunted manchildren think his games are mature or deep.
Oh yeah, I liked the linearity of the previous entries in the series better (Chapters 1 and 2 of MGS4 excluded, those were also some amazing open map segments). It sucked having to chopper in, run to a marker on a map, and THEN start the mission. Just as aggravating as Peace Walker where certain missions took part in certain parts of the level and you had to sneak there from the start.
Well you're defining a game on the length it takes to bomb it out. That's what is called speedrunning...
I don't know what else you call, maybe that's a Done Quick or something? If you use the length of the game as a indication of substance or quality like that, MGS games still take quite a bit to accomplish.
Given the worst part of MGS is the loading time with the key at the end of the game but if you were not puzzled with how to beat MGS on your first play through and found the boss fights trivial and bored by the cutscenes...
WHAT GAMES DO YOU ENJOY? You're obviously a rick and morty fan that is too intelligent for puzzles, veteran to Quake 3 arena honed reflexes, and don't care to hear discuss in topics not covered even by most movies.
So basically, you're ACTUAL Solid Snake... at this point.
Or just a hardcore Donkey Kong enthusiasm...?
Explain that too me. Tell me about the nuances of Call of Duty or StarCraft: Brood Wars or Street Fighter 2 Alpha?
The game controlled amazingly well, but 95% of the game is filler, and the level design is an aberration, consisting of emptyness and four tent outposts, with like three remarkable locations. You should be the ones that stop pretending TPP was a perfect game unjustly criticized by everyone. It was extremely disappointing, and an honestly mediocre game on its own right.
The story of the Metal Gear Solid series has widely been acknowledged as not being the strong point or main draw of the series itself.
is mgs3 on the 3ds playable?
>MGSV was the only one with proper focus on gameplay, not movies
>it's the most hated in the series
I feel bad for any fool that has actually brainwashed by this board into thinking this. The original Nier and Drakengard 1 are the only good games and those alone don't justify calling the series the best of all time.
Yeah it was amazing desu, I know it waffles but far out I loved it
Tpp was trash in everyday bar mechanics
Hitman is better overall
the gameplay is extremely fun though
It's just my personal favorite user. Automata was fantastic, take your nostalgia goggles off.
At least PW mission started when you arrived, not when you asked for the mission to start.
Talk about jarring immersive. You control when the convoy comes along, instead of AssCreed Sydnicate where you can just happen by when you see an objective.
It's easy to understand that was how MGSV was going to be but the time cut out to make a lot of the Side OPs became individual missions just like all the later harder missions that should have been modifier for the game, not missions.
I like Metal Gear for the story BECAUSE it's awful.
The writing is fucking hilarious, the cut scenes are good too.
I fucking love Kojima and I refuse to believe there has ever even been a second where he wasn't taking the piss.
No it wasn't. Slightly refined gameplay doesn't save its shortcomings.
>nostalgia goggles
Doesn't even apply to this series, the games have always had strong and awful aspects since conception. Characters and story don't age.
it really wasn't, lots of tired ideas done better in previous games and everything about 9s makes me want to blow my brains out
how people place it above or close to the first one i will literally never know
the story is extremely fun though
MGS came out during Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot JUST before Ocarina of Time.
Final Fantasy VII was seen as a game with a good story.
>no voice acting
>fantasy themes
>pre-rendered cut scenes
MGS showed you could have no pre-rendered cut scenes, which you might not realize that games could still have pre-rendered cut scenes if not for MGS...
MGS started the expectation for voice actors.
>comic relief is NOT allowed in this SUPER SERIOUS STORY!!!!!
>erything about 9s makes me want to blow my brains out
But why? He's the best part.
he's the fucking worst part, awfully written and forced character development and the worst gameplay drakengard has ever seen. actually most the characters were shit aside from pascal, emil, and the karate robot from that sidequest
I want MGS3 to get ported to a current gen console or Steam. I wanna replay it but want it updated
is trash
And this is the magnum opus of the series
Worst game in the series
The Legend of Zelda is a better series
Metal Gear is amazing however
Best gameplay and most visually appealing game in the series
wouldnt it make more sense for a videogame to be the best videogame series of all time, not a bunch of movies?
I've played all MGS game from 1 through V and I'd say that MGSV is still a pretty good game.
You posted the wrong image.
>and the true horrors in war not shown in the movies.
lmao modern war movies show nothing BUT that now.
>using speedruns where you skip 99% of the games content and literally warp to the end
Why are all Kojima fags so fucking delusional?
Sorry user that title belongs to Peggle
>MGS 4
>Visually appealing
Yeah, if you're into brown shooters, maybe
What's the best platform(s) to play 1-5 on? I've heard PS3 for 1-4 and then pick your poison for 5.
sure, if you only count a half of it
I enjoyed MGSV as much as the next MGS fan, but 'breakthrough' is a wild exaggeration you nimrod.
Let's not pretend that any of the games but the PSX original even matter.
MGS3 is the best in the series.