What game?

what game?


You can't ruin a game with a bad 10 minute ending

mass effect 3

Not Mass Effect 3

If the game is only 10 minutes long


What is Owlboy?

Xenoblade 2

Tales of Zesteria for me

I actually agree. I never touched a ninja theory game again


t. Nia

Bioshock Infinite for sure yeah.

Ultima 9?


Xenoblade X

Went from a 8.5 to 7 in my made up enjoyment score right then and there

What is Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony?

As said.
The trilogy was following a story line full of choices to just say "fuck you" at the end.
Also there is no final boss for whatever fucking reason.
Shooting the kid is the right option,
fuck that ending.

Stupid vague ending and fuck you for reminding me.

that game was ruined by it's first 10 seconds.
When the words Ninja Theory popped on screen.


Couldn't understand it, could you?

golden sun 2: TLA

What, did you not enjoy this amazing post-credits cutscene?
X2 never ever

Bioshock infinite was bad from the start
can't ruin what was already fucking terrible from the beginning.
>But the floating city, The set peice user.
Ruined before that when you picked up that fucking card. It set the entire games tone from then on.



What is Mass Effect 3 for 500

If you think you can ruin an entire game with the final 10 minutes, you clearly don't value gameplay as much as you say.

unironically, Diablo 1


agreed, stupidest ending I've seen in a while

Not him but last ten minutes would mostly be that fucking stupid post-credits scene that invalidated everything.

Eternal Sonata. You suddenly git hit with a PSA that was designed for 6 year olds.

any single From Software game also add Mirrors Edge

Starfox adventure

"Let's take a ground based action platformer, and make the final boss an on rails space shooter"

ME3 is the perfect example of that. Oh, the threads moved so quickly, the day the bulk of Sup Forums finished that game.

This, it made the game so bad but so bad that you go in a state of pure shock, and you get so shocked from how shitty it is that the entire tone you perceive changes and you start looking at the game as a comedy one, and then you start liking it since all bad elements become funny ones

Great game


Personally I'm excited for Absolute Despair Girls 2

nier automata


Dark Souls 3


>cop out that ruins the last act by making their decision to end their lives to stop the killing games meaningless.
You V3fags call anyone that criticizes the ending a brainlet but only brainlets can like that shit ending.

Shadow of the Colossus

Life is Strange

Fuck Sup Forums's "hurr le tumblr game XD" meme, I really enjoyed the ride of Life is Strange, was a fun little game but holy fuck that ending was god awful. Just killed everything for me

Puyo Puyo Tetris was great until it forced me to play fucking fusion mode to unlock all the characters.
>inb4 use the all characters code
I'm playing the PS4 version.

What was wrong with the final 10 minutes of SotC?

Dying Light.

It's not the last 10 minutes per say, but the whole climax of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is the dumbest thing i've ever read amd haa retroactively ruined my previous experiences with the game.
Personally i've nevee been a PL player so there is that

>the setting of the game was ruined for me
Did you even know what game you were playing or did somebody blindfold you and kick you into a new save file?

Final boss of Resident Evil 4 still gets me heated. A fantastic game full of memorable bosses and enemies. Final boss hurr durr shoot a rpg at some cranes Leon

The setting meant fucking nothing after the card user.
I went in expecting another Bioshock of 1 and 2 quality at least.
I got a scrapped and rushed turd smeared on your cookie cutter FPS mechanics that had no idea what the fuck it wanted to be story wise.

Pic related in Sonic Generations, the game took everything it learnt and dropped it like a rock to deliver one of the most non-cohesive experiences with constant characters that repeat lines and don't shut the fuck up

It fucking dropped the ball the moment you had to play any stage post City Escape. then picked back up for a single Unleashed stage.



Waiting for Wander to get sucked into the pool is a slog.

starcraft 2

I'm surprised you stayed awake long enough through that epilogue to see the ending


Nah this fucking sucked almost immediately.

Assassin's Creed 2 has one of the worst endings I've ever seen, I've never touched the series since because of the stupid forced intrigue sequel baiting at the end of that game.

That game was such wasted potential. The gameplay was fun and innovative and the premise was interesting, but the entire story was just generic anime trash.

Also Viola doesn't get enough fan art, prime waifu material right here.

The game is shit and you should kill yourself for pretending otherwise.

It turned to shit on case 2 for me. Not to mention that Perjury is the dumbest fucking thing they could've added both gameplay and story-wise

But wasn't their plan to create an ending that the audience would hate and thus making people lose interest and end the killing game forever? It's it then a perfect success?


Actual brainlet core going on in this thread

night in the woods



Then maybe those games weren't that good to begin with.

Maybe you confused the draw of a veiled conclusion with a high quality experience.

I can't believe the actual dialogue could be boiled down to:
>MC: Doesn't this game have any kind of solid conclusion?
>Girl: No.

I actually liked it, in a way. It was really dumb, left some plotholes, but it was entertaining if you turned your brain off like you do when Layton games end. The real issue with the ending (and final case as a whole, really) is that Layton is a cuck who offers no challenge, so any feeling of "oh shit we have no idea what's going on but we're doing to SOLVE this mystery" vanishes the moment his smug face enters the frame. Because it's fucking Layton.

I like Layton but that was a terrible match-up, and they should have had Wright BTFO Layton. Or made them actually go against each other (in the final case, Wright basically trusts Layton so there's no sense of "we're fucked" like with Edgeworth, Von Karma, or Godot), or SOMETHING more than "Layton is right, you're wrong, get fucked kiddo".

space marine


What, why? You kill Lazarus and then you go fuck up Diablo. Unless you're talking about the player character going full retard during the ending cinematic, but he thought he was doing the right thing.

>Also there is no final boss for whatever fucking reason.
What do you mean? Marauder Shields is perfect final boss to the series.

It WAS originally a game where layton and phoenix opposed each other, but that got canned somewhere along the line. Go ahead and watch the first trailer again

Is Tartarus the most boring FPS boss fight of all time?

What is ME3

The original God of War went from an enjoyable 6th gen action game to pure fucking shit in the final level

A game where decisions don't matter at all until the epilogue isn't any better. ME showed numerous clear signs of failure long before it ended.


I agree, layton being perfect just doesn't work well with PW style games. I would have loved if Phoenix ended up proving layton wrong or something but I guess it was more of a layton game than a PW game (something like 65/35)

Taking the final boss out with an RPG was series tradition, and I loved El Salvador's fight. He felt like the logical conclusion of the plagas parasite.

Mass Effect 3 was bad game in general, only retards say it was only the ending that was shit

Is it bad? I got it from a $1 bundle and haven't played it yet.

>mass effect wasn't good to begin with
fuck the first game is fantastic and the second was still good even if it wasn't as good as 1
3 is still a decent game but the ending is just absolutely awful

3 was bad ever since that brat in the intro gave Shepard ptsd
2 had some major plot failings but was salvageable thanks to decent gameplay and character interaction, but 3 took another shit on half the cast

it's an enjoyable game and the story is ok, but the ending is a load of guff. hopefully you can enjoy it and just have a big laugh at the ending.

I really hope the next one has more to do with the Ghosts and Samaar rather than the stupid planet.

It was way more than ten minutes, but Infinite Space went from magnificent to trash in the last section of the game. Would've been better if it just stayed as budget LotGH.

The only correct answer

Uncharted 3. I was fucking pissed that Shelly was still alive. I fucking loved him, don't get me wrong, but to kill him off, and then just be like "lol jk" is fucking bullshit. I never played Uncharted 4 because of that shit ending.
MGS4 also should've fucking ended with Old Snake dying, but that still isn't as bad as what Uncharted 3 did.

why don'tcha give me Ape Tit for $200.

Yeah, it went from LotGH to Gurren Lagan. I didn't hate it, but it was a pretty huge departure from the rest of the game.

damn i actually forgot about that game, probably because I forced it out of my memory due to that shit ending
seriously, fuck that ending. it tried to be cool but just fell flat.
you win

Hey, I liked the Sonic Heroes level. But yeah, the '06 and Colors levels were pretty shit.

>3 is still a decent game but the ending is just absolutely awful

Mass Effect 3 survives entirely off member berries with the 1 and 2 cast, strip those down and you get Kai Leng defeating you in cutscenes while calling you a weak-ass loser and the Citadel hub feeling like a janky piece of MMO shit.