Is bloodborne the hardest souls game?

Is bloodborne the hardest souls game?
I beat Cleric Beast and now 5 minutes later I have to beat the Father Gascoigne... btw I had the option to use an insight to revive him to help me but now I'm simply having to fight a very overpowered version of Gascoigne

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Parry his attacks. Use the tiny music box from the child at the window if you need to, but really this boss exists to teach you to parry and be more aggressive than in DS.

Gascoine is one of the harder bosses in the game, given your level and resources when you fight him. Spam parry to make him easier.

>Use the tiny music box from the child at the window if you need to
interesting. how should I know that this music box had an effect on him btw? :( but I'll try to beat him without it

Listen to the child's sad story. Once you receive the item, examine it.

Bloodborne is fucking easy just like dark souls
press circle to disappear from the material plane

gascoigne is one of the easiest bosses
even cleric beast is harder than him
if you beat cleric beast you should have no trouble with cascoigne

Use molotov cocktails

I'm at level 14... I used the doll 3 or 4 times to upgrade vitality I think 3 or 4 times and 1 time strenght
I was expecting to deliver this item to her mother.. not to a priest.

gascoigne just needs viscerals, his beast form you need to play like souls and just dive into him when he attacks

He's easy until he transforms, then he's a real asshole.

>20 blood vials since the start to the end of the game (you can even use runes to get up to 27+)
>can drop blood vials on ennemies and on the level
>can get back your whole life after getting hit by simply hitting back

>corpse daddy Gascoigne was munching on

>can get back your whole life after getting hit by simply hitting back
you also die with 1 hit and enemies become a lot angrier when they are about to die and their attack do more damage
I lost so many blood echoes before I knew that it was better to update every time I had a great amount of them so I wouldn't lose

Did people actually find Father Gastrointestinal difficult? I died to him once cause I had no vials. Beat him second time fast as fuck.

people who have trouble with the game don't realise how parrying (which trivialises the game) works

I noticed gunshots don't work to stunt boss only regular enemies

TFW no one talks about the original Demon's Souls
I'm currently playing it, but the my enjoyment would be threefold if there was at least some discussion

>gascoigne is one of the easiest bosses

He's really not.

This is a stupid meme. Needing to abuse a mechanic in order to make a fight easy does not make a fight inherently easy.

Is Dark Souls II hard as Bloodborne?

They do though.

>Spam parry
You mean R2? Do one of those and then the follow-up R2 attack and he'll be on the floor every time. Unless you're using the cane.

They're all just as hard, except for bosses which tend to be harder for the newer games.

i started to play the game yesterday.. I spent almost 2 hours grinding blood echoes to level to 14 my vitality and I don't know how I beat cleric... I consumed 16 vials and I performed a visceral attack simply by equipping the torch I don't know how I did it but it was a frontal attack so it's really strange because I thought you could only do this attack from behind

I meant I was with the torch left hand and axe right hand

Can you play it on the ps4?

Honestly I didn't even think of parrying him. Forgot about the mechanic entirely since it was my first run through the game.

>Girl says how her mommy would play the box to calm her daddy

Pay attention brah

so the priest is her dad?

They do, but you need better timing and even regular enemies will start to need good timing as you go on in the game.

Played all 3 dark souls extensively, just got bloodbourne and I'm really not finding this game rewarding, no gear or items worth farming, no diversity for cool builds, the enemies seem the same just in bigger groups, and I have no sense of progression so far.

Dark souls had a world to explore, this currently is just some level I've teleported to where everything seems the same and you don't find anything worth getting. Also I have absolutely no sense of direction in this thing.

By parry he means the gun. Blunderbuss works better for parrying, while the pistol is better for ranged attacks.

If you want guaranteed parries, shoot when his axe sparks on the ground. The second form is easy to parry if you shoot whenever he is moving towards you.

If he drops to his knee, remember to Dash forward instead of walking. It's faster and more accurate. You have to be touching him to do a visceral attack.

So I looked online and the priest is the father of that girl. This is what I hate about Fromsoft games
First the girl says you should give to her mom
Second you don't except a priest to have a daughter
>b-but the item says about the priest
so? why should you assume it's her father? how would you know it would make him stop to attack?. These kind of stuff is why I have to think they force you to buy a guide or look online

The girl says that her father went out to find her mother.


Gascoigne is far harder than Orphan.

Sounds like you kind of made up your mind before you ever tried it

This isn't true, most of the time when people get to Gascoigne on their first runthrough they haven't fully embraced the aggressive playstyle so they get fucked by playing defensive.

be honest, no one here knew about the music box thing without online help or a guide

It really doesn't trivialise the game
Most of the enemies that are actually hard can't be parried, and of the 21 non-chalice bosses included in the game+dlc, the only parriable ones are
BSB(only on some attacks)
That's only a third. Not to mention that parrying orphan in his second phase is not trivial at all

Why do you WANT to farm? The fact that bloodborne doesn't require you to farm(except maybe blood vials) is a massive improvement. The moment-to-moment gameplay is fucking excellent. Dark Souls 3 has 17 weapon classes(not including ranged/catalysts/staffs) within which basically every single weapon has the same moveset. Bloodborne has 26 weapons (not including guns) that all have extremely distinct movesets, with the exception of the saw spear/cleaver.

I beat the game once and I have no idea what this music box thing is or where the fuck there ever was any little girls or anything like that.

Having beaten the whole series, I found bloodborne to be alot more rewarding than dark souls. Weapons are much more intricate than copy paste dark souls weapons, with it's slight variances in swings or damage points. Armor isn't overpowering, doesn't need stats, and lets me be fashionable.
> the enemies seem the same just in bigger groups
Maybe in the early parts, but gank squads in the souls series are normal anyways.
>I have no sense of progression so far.
Go back and talk to npc's or gerhman in the dream every once in awhile, they point you to a new objective if your really lost. Also dark souls 1 and 2 also had this loosely flowing story so why does it bother you so much,

>What a pleasant fight I'm really enjoy-
>"Bend over."

IIRC the music box has the bosses (her father's) name in the description, lern2read fag.

that's a part of the game like many others fromsoft don't explain or give you hints
I beat RE 2-4 a few years ago and I got all the stuff, no need to online guide and I found every secret
In Bloodborne/Demon's Souls they make you play the game 3~4 times and search every inch to find out everything... that's autistic.

how do you know the priest is her father? how do you make that connection without a guide or someone telling you before?

Read the fucking text on the music box you donut.

>Is bloodborne the hardest souls game?
No, it just has a different playstyle. Going from Defensive to Offensive is a big switch. On its own, it isn't actually any different in terms of its learning curve.

I forgot about the girls quest until way later in the game. I read the description for a lot of the items, because having played the game I know most lore and cool tidbits come from items/gear. It says the priests name in the description so I spammed it to see if it did anything.

I saw there was a connection but never thought he was her father. No one knew without a guide or online help. Not only that but yesterday I had to die more than 25 times to understand the game mechanics and items and even so I had to read wikia and watch a youtube video

>bosses name is gascoigne
>music box has an inscription on it saying "Viola and Gascoigne."
>girl who gives it to you mentions "It plays one of daddy's favorite songs. And when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers. Mum's so silly, running off without it!"

I think maybe you are just retarded user, I put this together on day one.

Definitely not the hardest but it is the most fun. Just keep going and don't be a pussy.

Come on now, nothing is easier than Cleric Beast. It just stands there shrieking and doing heavily telegraphed attacks. It's basically free echoes.

>nothing is easier than Cleric Beast
You didn't fight Yharnam, did you?

I figured it out first try. I listened to the story and got the item. It sounded significant and Gascoigne is the only male human npc in the zone. It was a usable item so I figured I'd try it out.

Saw spear vs cane for 15 skill 11 str? dont mind this cane so far but seems weak against big enemies

It basically doesn't matter at that point. Use whatever you like the moveset of more.

I've been through the game dozens of times and I personally believe Gascoigne is one of the harder bosses in the game if you consider what type of equipment you should have at that moment

you can't parry bosses beside him / some humanoid bosses

>playstation now (aka streaming)
he is better off just emulating it or getting ps3 off ebay or some shit

man, what the fuck are you even talking about
As long as your offhand weapon is one of the two guns you get at the start of the game he is trivially easy. You literally don't have to use normal attacks on him to win.

Just get the axe in it's 2h mode and whirlwind your way to victory while keeping a gravestone between you and gasci, cheesiest cheese fight

Papa G IS the hardest first boss of any of the Souls games.

But the game is excellent. Just stick it out and remember to explore and examine items.

" Oh, I mustn't forget. If you find my mum, give her this music box ... It plays one of daddy's favorite songs. And when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers. Mum's so silly, running off without it!"

At least try using the tiny little bean in that thick skull of yours.


Without the gravestones and all the cheese, this would actually be true. He's an absolutely brutal first boss.

having more trouble with Logarius than bosses previous

>sure a priest will have a daughter
>sure you wouldn't expect to find at least some clue the priest killed or was near her mother
>sure the first thing that comes to your mind is that the priest is the father of that little girl because the game literally gives you a hint about the possibility of her being connected to him

Are you retarded?

the sawspear but do I need to invest in STR for it to be viable? I was planning on all Skill and never really liked "quality" buildings

What are you two fags smoking? My first playthrough I downed Gascoigne in 2 tries, while Orphan took me close to fucking 30 or 40 tries.

Go for skill my friend, all the fun weapons are in skill. Quality builds are shit in this game so don't bother splitting your points unless your planning on leveling extrmely high up.

see Anglican/Protestant Communion (aka ones found in bloodborne) can marry

There are environmental clues in the graveyard you fight him in, namely an item and a corpse. Also, he's not a priest.

So the spear is fine without STR ? cause it's scaling is the same for both

Why people meme Dark Souls as an open world game?
There is only one path which will allow you to pass
If you try the other path the enemies are overpowered so the game is basically linear

an open world game means you don't have levels and can just walk/drive/fly

Saw spear's scaling becomes greater with Skill the more you upgrade it.

>can just walk/drive/fly
In Dark Souls you can't
The ares are locked or you'll die like in dark souls 1 when you find that red guard.. one hit he will kill you

at +10 it gets slightly better skill scaling ( C) compared to it's strength ( D ). Don't worry too much about maining the spear, I switched my main weapon around 4 times before falling in love with blade on mercy and rakuyo.

I never parried once (forgot how to do it and just decided not to) and the game was still easy as fuck.

>No one knew without a guide or online help
I figured it out on my own within an hour of starting the game.

you are thinking of a linear game as a term, not open world.

You can attack his sword, if you don't know.

No souls game is hard

dark souls is not open world

you can also backstab him while he does that charging up move for the second phase so his sword doesnt get buffed

dark souls is definitely an open world game m8


Wish I knew this when I fought him, instead I spammed the BoM running attack for during his sword storm attacks.

It will be shadow tower 2 and a vr experience.

So side dodging is basically useless compared to other souls games? they still just hit you every time, you can time is perfectly and you just take damage as if you didn't do anything.

forward dodge or go home

Sleeping Dogs is what I think about open world
Dark Souls is more like exploration per level not the whole world for you to explore whatever you want

Bloodborne just has the spongiest bosses.

There are less than a dozen difficult bosses in the entire Souls series.

I beat father gascoigne on my first attempt without parries and I felt very disappointed

>jumping attacks all magically track you through the air
>perfectly time a counter attack to his swing and he magically fires his gun from nowhere while mid swing of his weapon
>side evading does nothing to homing swings.

thought people said this game was punishing but fair? this is artificial difficulty at it's worst. You beat him because you learned how to cheese him, it's not a skillful fight by any means.