What will go wrong?

what will go wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Everything like every GDQ since fun isn't allowed

They got rid of metriod, how will they bait donations now?

from whose perspective? it'll be as successful as ever for the staff, vendors, twitch, etc. maybe we'll get some good memes and autistic moments, but overall it'll be blander in terms of fun and humor than last year, which was worse than the previous year, etc.

Someone will stop a playthrough and "come out" as trans and talk about all the "difficulties" they face

Probably nothing. They try more and more every year to make the game as sterile as possible.

Remove traps incentive.

Someone will incorrectly assume another person's gender

25% of runners will be men dressed as girls

Is PMG reading donations? Because that shit got real old real fast

Trannies and blown runs. Blown runs probably caused by trannies, or tranny enablers.


Save/kill the animals for SGDQ!

both are mentally ill faggots who should be castrated and killed

What happened here?

I'd fuck the one on the left.

i just want to put out there that esa winter will start next month on the 17th

As are you.

fuck I remember the ESA. fucking based as fuck.

this but unironically

The dude blew his run in spectacular fashion.

>I want to fug a dude that has a penis

what run is it? got a link?

The only thing wrong with this is that neither is necessarily gay
Liking traps is “gay”, but cross dressing doesn’t necessarily make you gay. You can crossdress and still want to fuck members of the opposite sex. Personally, I love reverse traps. It’s “gay” because I like women who are masculine enough to pass for men (really more like androgynous girls), but it’s not gay because I want to fuck bagina

that is even more gay

I've been sitting here for a minute trying to remember, and fuck if I can't man. Sorry. Creation date was 7/7/17, which should at least get you to the right day of the event.

Every third post in the threads will be about trannies, even when there are none present.

What a fag LMAO

>this is what fag apologists actually believe
I bet you enjoy speedruns too

Go ahead and start your HRT, the sooner you begin, the sooner you'll become a suicide statistic.

They will fuck up the capture for the only run I'm looking forward like last year won't they?


I foresee dead normalfag memes, disgusting beasts of burden pretending to be women, and general degeneracy.

Someone post the 2v2 Tetris competition where Team Straight White Male beats Confused Trannies General.

Hold the entire stream room hostage.

it's okay bro, thanks anyway. i can't find shit so i'll just keep asking to see if anybody else knows what it's from

any of you glorious bastards know what run this is?

Same shit as every year.
Gets boring after the first time you watch it.

Why would they do that? It only takes an hour and half their donations are going to say kill/save the animals anyway even if they flash we're not playing metroid this year on screen every 3 seconds for the entire week.

>No TAS block
>No Super Metroid Race
>Ending with BotW
>Still pushing these tranny commentators

What the hell are they doing anymore?! Get your shit together GDQ. Fuck it, I like NASA more, anyway.

kind of wish they wouldn't read out sad donations of family members dying from cancer, can really suck the life out of the room

Which speedgirl would you speedrun?


>how will they fake donations now

By choice? Neither. If I had to; the right. She doesn't look like she'd eat me after and is kinda cute in her own way.

>we're bringing in real animals
>donate on whether or not we kill them live

that'd be as rad as it is unethical

OK if they did this I would actually want to watch again.

the left
if only I can steal that shirt

>donate 10,000 dollars right fucking now or I blow Bonesaw's brains out

Replace all of the trans at the event with traps and Sup Forums would love it. I would at least

>traps aren't necessarily gay

Not this again

Trap on female porn is the straightest porn known to man.

>even when there are none present
>implying that they ever won't be

Who was in the wrong here?

never post this again

A tranny will stop a playthrough and come out as cis and tell everyone they only got in for being trans

>You will never pretend to be a girl so that you can kiss other men pretending to be girls

a tranny speedrunner will get oppressed by twitch users
then the Tumblr community must kick their ass by showing how much more giving they are then the misogynist cis white male gamers

Oh look, another macho man trying to be tough on the internet.

Why can't men just be gay anymore? Why do you have to internally justify it by claiming you're actually a girl?

That would be the shitstorm to end all shitstorms.

this is allowed to come back, while actual good runners and reimu is banned for life.

Next time check the archive

Because to really be gay, you can't just be gay. You have to be gay with the opposite gender and you can only do that by changing genders.

this tells me nothing

You have been warned, Faglord.

crossdresser and traps knows how to put on makeup
why can't trannies learn to apply makeup?

Dress Reimu like a boy and they can't do shit about her.

The title and who was playing is right there in the image YOU DOUBLE NIGGER

I would, too.
Not just for cute traps, but because speedrunning on Sup Forums in general would be better.
Instead of shitposting about all those mentally ill fucks, there could be legitimate speedrun discussion accompanied by image dumps.

>Why don't the mentally ill act normal
you tell me

you seem like you're the expert on the subject
tell me, why?

>man thinks they're a woman
>too lazy or stupid to actually know how to act like one
>always look fucking disgusting and act disgusting because of it
having to deal with them in real life is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. Imagine a bearded lady from the circus coming up to you, asking you something in a very gravelly voice, smelling like shit, and have extremely piss poor attitudes.

>they used to mark failed runs with a gray time instead of green but it hurt people's feelings

Are there any weeb game runs??

>thinking weeb games can make money
this nigga

You know that might actually happen,

Attractive females offend trannies so no.

Metroid is in the thread.


The tetris thing would be the funniest to see those fucking trannies get obliterated.

>greetings from germany
>save the hoype

actually yes I would watch the shit out of that

So they're dressing up as girls to kiss other men dressed as girls. God, what is humanity come to?

>Thanks for setting up to prevent cancer
>My grandfather recently passed


I hate GDQs because it means a lot of speedruns I usually watch either fuck off to watch it or are apart of it.

pannen y/n?

But to answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes.

>This somehow got in
I don't know, maybe it might not be so bad this time.

What happened last time?

sexy anime girls are too oppressive


>tranny gets on
>immediately silence the chat and ban certain emotes
lmao what a shitshow

all of the fun runners got banned already
nothing but boring trannies and suckups left

they were running a pre GDQ stream of last years event. someone named "darkman" was talking and everyone was typing TriHard / cmonBruh. All of them were very swiftly and perm banned for just typing an emote. The event hasn't even started yet. It got so bad they stopped streaming the vod.

I just hope the absolute madman is for real

I'd be pretty pissed off if there's nothing of the sort for this year's shitshow

>attended SGDQ
>had to stand next to protomagicalgirl in an elevator

That's why it stopped?
Holy shit.

Too fun to be part of the TAS block, hell even the TAS block was too fun for the trannies shitstains


Just tell me what the fucking failure was you dingerdong, I am not watching 1:30 of autism

>Just had to donate during my favorite game of all time