If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had...

If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had? If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?

I would probley translate japanese pornagraphy and read japanese pornagraphy all day

>implying anyone here actually plays vidya


Q1: I'd read books instead
Q2: I wouldn't be a virgin

>If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had?
watch more anime

>If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?
i probably would have played sports in high school and maybe done some clubs in college?

Watch anime. Go to the gym. Drive fast. All the stuff I did before, just more of it.

id just buy more guns

I'd spend more time on my physical hobbies like BJJ and HEMA.

Fap to hentai.

Rock Climbing.
Roleplaying Games.

I'd ban evade

>If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had?
Probably start to get into movies more and finally take the jump into anime
>If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?
Probably become a recluse with no drive or turn into one of the soulless lawyers. Video games haven't really ruined my life and I have a decent job that is currently paying for college.

Please don't masturbate to Marie, she's pure.


>broke arm recently
>cant hold a controller comfortably
>cant use a mouse comfortable for long periods of time
>just gonna focus on school more, read too
>also watch anime and movies

this is gonna be my next 6 weeks. i dont got much of a choice

I laughed way harder at this than I should have.

No idea since vidya and reading are the only things I've done since I was a kid. Read a couple more books maybe?

>bangs stay still
gay game

Basically this. Probably take rock climbing a lot more seriously instead of treating it like a hobby like I currently do though.

I saw a video where she had sex with multiple black guys.

what is it about marie that screams she is ready to bear children right now?

You just made me sad OP. I wish my parents had cracked down on my vidya and encouraged me to draw instead. That's my actual passion. I should really do more of it.

I'll do more I think. It's not like I finish games now anyway.

We'll she is black only.

she's a child herself
you're giving her a little sister if anything.

Real question:

What would your life have been like if you hadn't come to this awful, awful, awful soul sucking website.

God I hope hiro doesn't change captcha, I want to leave, please let me fucking leave.

The answer to both is that I would masturbate a lot

Just continue writing, except more often now

>If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had
Nothing different, as I've pretty much stopped playing vidya for years now.

>If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?
So much better it makes me depressed just thinking about it. I'd be able to become the man I always wanted to be.

>If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had
Well thanks to the years of playing video games and the internet for all these years I have acquired many hobbies outside of video games. Namely Table Top games.
>If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?
I would probably be a drug addict because of the people I live around and with. Because I didn't have a far less destructive vice to steer me away from hard drugs and booze.

She's 18 and has clearly gone through puberty.

This. When one is a blond teen with blue eyes from Sweden, one is hard-locked to BBC.

That simply isn't true.

Why would you go on the internet just to tell lies? Do you get some kind of cheap thrill out of that?

I'd probably enjoy things a lot more. Like, I'd take more pleasure in video games, movies and other consumable media.

Sup Forums in general tends to shine a bright light on all the worst aspects imaginable and after a decade (Jesus typing this out is sad) I realize that I do this now too.

This was me when I broke a bunch of bones in my right hand. Couldn't put it in a sling or a cast or anything as I had so much work to do at the time.

>first question
I'd sell all my video games related paraphernalia and use that money to either buy more mtg cards or begin my studies for woodwork.
>question two
Hard to say, I probably would have occupied my time with creating junk art and watching Anime.

This exactly.

I have video evidence.

I would be dead on either choice.

Probably doctored evidence.

I would have continued drawing.
I'd probably be one of those patreon artists.

what is this from

I have several tall stacks of books waiting to be read. I'd get that done. I'm sure it would be an improvement over feckless gaming.

>patreon artists draw sluts from video games
>video games get promoted
>horndogs are lured into playing more video games
>said horndogs don't practice drawing
>this weeds out the competition
The porn industry is a racket

>If you were suddenly banned from playing video games, what would you do with the extra time you had?
- Compulsively eat even more than I do now
- Have psychotic emotional breakdowns literally every day
- Spend every waking moment trying to force myself to fall asleep and escape everything

>If you were banned from playing video games from the moment you were born, what would your life be like now?
Literally over instead of figuratively over.

no one here plays them anyways

I'll prolly just read graphic novels and watch anime I guess.
