>Create female character
>-10 STR
>-10 END
>+15 CHA

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You know, like in real life?


Are there any games where playing female is hard mode, and doesn't have any significant benefits over playing male? Besides real life I mean

Yeah a lot of game devs confuse charisma as likeability/looks when it should be presence of character.

It's because of your tits.

You fucking kidding me? Females have life in easy mode.
As for your question, Mount and Blade Warband.

Mount and Blade.

You're treated with much less respect.

No coincidence its also a great game.

>-10 END
Most of the girls I have been with can ride me for 4 hours without getting tired.

Nothing wrong with realism

and the men?

>female character
>+1 inventory slot

female should be --str -int +con +cha

>half the physical strength
>basically defenseless against the average man
>more dependent on genetics for appearance
>age like milk
>gross vagina maintenance
>shaving every inch of your body frequently
>giving birth
>not being taken seriously in many worthwhile careers/hobbies
>usually have the stress of housekeeping/child nursing on top of your actual job if your man doesn't make enough money (they usually don't in the modern economy)
I know you're going to bring up "sex with Chad," but that goes to show that sex is easy if you're attractive as a male too.
>but girls can make pocket change off incels on Twitch and I have to lift weights
Yeah, I guess being male sucks.

>+con +cha

If I wake up as a cute girl tomorrow morning I don't think my life would be any different aside from shitposting about it on /trash/ or Sup Forums

Man: +5 STR, +5 INT, +5 WIS

Woman: +5 CON, +10 CHA

Woman go through childbirth and period cramps. One could argue men have it tougher, but if you're in the US or Europe, you're likely not fulfilling the hard tasks our grandfathers had when they were young. On average, woman can withstand pain more.

The best perk

I dont understand the whole women can withstand more pain thing. Literally the only reasoning for that is childbirth. A man would go through just as much suffering if not more by passing a kidney stone through their dick.

>Woman: +5 CON

some flawed, obviously not biased study tried to quanitify pain as experienced in the brain, they measured stress during childbirth and claimed that it's 10x worse than the maximum pain threshold in men

>female says something stupid
>20 dicks lined up to be inserted into her
>male says something stupid
>Gets his ass kicked
Sounds like good charisma to me

It's a diversity meme, men in controlled tests have higher pain tolerance. Men are better at everything because they have less social value and have to make up for it but there's no way to translate that into video games in a balanced way.

>>not being taken seriously in many worthwhile careers/hobbies
feminist meme that has no basis in reality

>More dependent on genetics for appearance
>Actually believing this in current year where height is the first question women will ask you on dating sites

If "charisma" is the ability to be taken seriously, than women should have a penalty there too. Some kind of femme fatale perk that lets you manipulate guys by being flirty makes sense, but having someone take my opinions on politics more seriously because I'm a girl seems exactly backwards.

It's not totally wrong, but that's women's fault more than anything.
Women aren't competitive at any pastime or sport that men partake in.
Even stuff that has nothing to do with physical exertion, like chess has it's own seperate women's category for tournaments because the world's best female chess player can't even place in a men's tournament.

>tits don't count as charisma

>give women lower stats
>people still pick them because they like having boobs
Yes there is a way to translate it into video games.

>it's a "people who never leave their basement and don't have any meaningful life experiences or relationships think they know everything about society" episode

>create female (male) character
>+35 CHA

>-5 STR
>+10 INT
every time

>make female (male) character
>they have 90% of chance of committing suicide

How is
>are you at least 5'9"
Any different from
>do you have a cute face, small waist, decent rack, nice hips, and not too tall

post more chicken chan

Women that have had children do have better pain tolerance. The thing about the human brain is that it generally uses the worst pain you have ever experienced as the upper bar for how intense pain needs to be to be taken seriously. You ever meet someone who is really soft complain of a low pain tolerance? That's because they've never been in serious pain. If they've never broken a bone before, then if you pinch them it will be seriously agonizing because their brain is designed around that being the most agonizing thing possible and it will respond to it as such. Meanwhile if you talk to a man who burned the skin off his hand as a toddler, that fucker is unlikely to be bothered by anything but the most intense pain. Pain tolerance imprints easier on younger children too. You let them play outside and with the understanding that they break an arm one day, and that's fine because that means they're going to grow up as a harder, more cautious individual. Failure and experience sharpened with primal reprisals like pain is a more adroit teacher then the most understanding parent.

Free Cities

Because none of those things on their own are hard "no" and in the modern world any woman can be above average attractiveness just by not being a hambeast. Guys aren't as picky.

>i would fuck any woman that speaks to me therefore they have charisma by default

Do you have any scientifically supported sources for these claims or are you just spouting more bullshit like every other retard on this site?

CHA is Charm for women and Charisma for men.

Incels can leave now

>abundance of attention and care for the slightest problem
>lower expectations
>lower requirement of social effort
>acceptable to cry and whinge out of hard situations
>acceptable to run away from your responsibilities
>affirmative action in stem fields
then there's the obvious vastly lower incidence of alcoholism and suicide

females have more END, though
that's about it, lmao

That makes sense assuming CHA doesn't specifically represent charisma but more generally the likelihood that people will like you, treat you well, do favours for you etc.

Any games where breast sliders affect stats?

Kidney stones are literally more painful than childbirth.

And you would know this... how?

Kidney stones are more painful than being literally shot. Girls get them too but I doubt it's as painful. Eat healthy and drink water bros.


a woman's urethra is as small (hole wise) as a man's but a little shorter
it would be quicker but I would imagine it to be equally painful

I'm pretty sure CHA stands for Challenge

misty is a good girl

>no -20 INT

i've seen a woman take a dick in the urethra, im p sure they'd be able to squeeze a pin head size stone out without too much trouble

Yeah, and we've all seen that video of that man taking a cock up his urethra, too.
What's your point?

They have a higher rate of depression than men
Men are just pussies who can't handle it

I haven't

>physical strength
>basically defenseless against the average man
So is the average NEET. It's not like your raw physical prowess matters.

>more dependent on genetics for appearance
>age like milk
You only age like shit if you have shitty genetics.

Is a choice not a requirement, and NO ONE raises kids these days. You leave them home alone cause everyone works and none make enough money to support two people at once.

>not taken serious
A meme, or because the specific woman in question acts shitty then doesn't understand why everyone hates her.

passing the stone through the urethra is the easy part. it's when it's inside your kidney and the ureter that hurts like hell. once it hits the bladder you're basically home free.

But anyway, if you want to see some mild body horror, look up "sounding."

Ah yes, I remember a story of someone who stuck those little magnetic buckyballs down his urethra. He put them in one by one so he could finish by pulling them out in one long chain. But the buckyballs past his urethra got stuck together and turned into a block. He had to go to hospital.

Yeah she's good

I'm more of a Hilda man but Misty's pretty good.

Gonna fap to this tonight.

you forgot -10 int, -10 wis, -10 dex as well