Metal Gear Rising
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Some of the best villians in a game. Honestly, that was the MGS part I loved.
>go into the game expecting nice combat and throwaway plot
>these dialogues
>these characters
>that music
>that F U N
I fucking love it so much, and especially the fact that it had a very different tone from mainline games. MGR2 never.
post reaction images
>Sam is the goat character in the game
>His bossfight is the least intense and difficult of them all
Why must I suffer so?
I had more difficulty with him than most because you couldn't just brute force him and had to time shit which actually carried over to Armstrong well, except they didn't make that clear in any fucking way possible.
Naw Sam was one of the more interesting fight, but compared to the other bosses it was the most lackluster.
It would have been nice to been fighting somewhere more interesting then side of a road with a rock. Still kind of iconic with the powerlines....
but ya...
a third fight with him would have made more sense after Armstrong. I would have enjoyed that more....
if my name wasn't Armstrong.
>least intense
He's programmed with long periods of idleness, so if you match his rhythmic patterns by taking a moment between every clash, it suddenly gets a lot more fun.
>more interesting then side of a road with a rock
You kidding? It's a wild west style stand-off, Sam even has a gun-like sheath. He even acts like in cowboy movies, slowly walking and doing nothing before SUDDENLY drawing his sword for a swift attack
>mfw still listen to RULES OF NATURE
>tfw you were there for Sup Forums's moment of glory
>His bossfight is the least intense and difficult of them all
That'd be Mistral though, with Sundowner right behind.
>retards yelling "RULES OF NAYCHAY" at the wrong time
>three times in a row
i fucking swear
>doesn't use them for combat at all
>at all
I'm still baffled.
so, who is best boss again?
>that RULES OF NATURE drop
Every one of them.
I loved all of them, even the ones that were easy for me.
Armstrong, but only because of the context of every other boss.
Sam, even if the hand to hand section is shit
best theme too, tied with Armstrong
Also don't forget all the codec conversations as well they are on par with main line MGS games.
The codec pacing isn't really like in the main games, and there's a very small window for some of the conversation, but I guess you could do worse with an action game.
Not to mention the song has a heavy western theme to it
>mfw mgr is the only metal gear game since mgs1 to have likeable and memorable bosses
>mfw it had more and better world building than any other metal gear game since mgs1 excluding mgs3
>mfw even at his worst, Raiden is a better character than venom
>mfw I'm actually glad that fucking hack kojima got fired before he could retcon MGR
screencapping for future use
Guys i want another MGR, even if not metal gear related, i just want another over the top action game with silly and charismatic characters, fun as fuck gameplay and a godlike sound design and music
Most world building since 1, oh except for the game after 1
I mean, I agree, but you are a retard for wording it like that
It really is fun, non stop fun. Glad I finally got round to playing it .
Platinum says they're about to develop an in-house IP. Let's hope for the best, user.
It's was left open and I'm hoping Konami gets desperate enough to give it a go. Maybe if people spam the social media outlets they'd listen.
>Establish the rule
>Establish the exception
Nothing wrong with the wording you mongoloid.
>Konami listening to fans
No he (you) was just trying to be a smarmy ass and say the series has been shit since 1 but then contradicted himself (yourself)
>that user with religious parents who posted a story
>have religious parents who dislike violent and vulgar videogames
>fighting sundowner
>mom comes in
>starts berating me for playing violent vidya again
>sundowner yells I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE
>mom loses her shit, starts yelling at me
>can't hold back laughter
>sundowner won't shut up
>mom won't shut up
>I'm laughing like a moron
>blade mode slomo
>Not posting best cover
>tfw you were there at the time of creation for this masterpiece
I remember hating on the very idea of this game before it came out.
What a fucking fool I was.
at this point there is never gonna be a s sequel right guys?
>le ebin kazu maymay
Sorry, user.
Who here /stormbringer/?
I wanna marry the Sunny
Armstrong, simply because of how incredibly dumb it is.
>Don't fuck with this senator!
>a-at some cushy i-ivy league
>I have a Dream!
>Platinum faggot was so assblasted about his shitty games in other thread so he made another thread for faggots praising it with memes and other reddit shit
look at the op timestamp
sorry for talking about video games
>the whole thread is spouting shitty memes from game
You all sure talking about games here
I'm at armstrong and it's the only boss which is causing me trouble. I feel like replaying the last chapter on a lower difficulty.
>from a game
>talking about games
is this real actual literal autism
Or you could git gud.
Protip: during blade mode, you can angle your cut the way you want and then press the attack button (x or square) to cut, without accidentally skewing the line. Useful against the debris he throws at you.
That's not the problem, I usually get hit by the shockwave or the lava which stays for a while and it onehits me. The part where you have to cut the debris he throws is really easy.
Well I dunno man, maneuver around it. You can try dodge through it. I don't recall having this kind of problem.
>is this real actual literal autism
Thank you, user, now I can see why many people call Sup Forums a second Sup Forums
I'm playing on revengeance difficulty because a friend told me I shouldn't bother with any other difficulty. It was really bothersome at the start to die from everything, but after learning parrying it got really fun. I'm also out of repair items, so I can't survive any hit. You are right, maybe I should play less aggressive and instead of trying to dodge through the wave I should just run away. The timing is really hard.
There may be problem with the game running at lower FPS. You might want to check it out on forums.
i think its amazing how hard it gets as you increase the difficulty .. especially on the sam storyline.. there was a time where i had to turn off the music just to get my timing right. what an awesome fucking game
>people have trouble finishing the game
excuse me you have so many rations and shit even at very hard it's trivial
revengeance is a meme because it fundamentally changes the way you play the game into something boring as fuck
the real challenge is finishing the game with a good score
People who have trouble finishing the game are typically the ones who also get stone awards on every single chapter even on easy difficulty in Bayonetta so it's really no surprise at all
I got mostly stone awards in bayonetta before I learned the big boy dodge offset strats and I still think mgr is probably the easiest hack and slash game ever
What the hell? Your friend is a faggot. You should try revengeance after at least one playthrough when you have your upgrades and shit
isnt revengeance only available when you beat the game on hard? i havent played in forever
You could unlock it with Konami code.
post MGR secrets
>parts on the wall with police tape on them
>cut them up
>there will be a hot japanese women poster beneath them
>black codec man will cheer
>boss fight against sam
>wait for the part where you knock the sword out of his hands
>"show me a good time, Jack!"
>unequip your weapons/go barehanded too, for special dialogue and QTEs
>on the beach in the first real mission
>there is a cat
>no matter how hard you try to cut it in blade mode, it will always dodge everything
>if you codec the tits woman she gets angry
>robot dog enemies
>keep stunning them with those grenades that deal no damage, don't kill them
>wolf eventually comments on animal cruelty and the tendencies of psychotic people to torture animals
>wait until the mission where it gets dark and you have to use your vision mode or whatever to see
>don't use the vision mode once and go through the whole section
>wolf comments on how you're a show-off and you get special bonus points for the section
oh. i also dont suggest that then. my first playthrough was on hard and at that point even hard was hard as fuck I couldnt imagine playing revengeance on the first playthrough holy fuck your crazy
>unequip your weapons/go barehanded too, for special dialogue and QTEs
holy fucking shit
doing it now, brb
>play with m+kb the first time around
>plays surprisingly well once you learn to do blade mode
>destroy a mouse in the process
>alright that'll do, pig
>a year later, get a controller
>"hmm how about I revisit MGR"
>It's fucking awful
>dodge is x+square+direction (???) instead of just one key
>blade mode is harder
what the fuck, am I just a superior gamer who is shackled by inferior consolet """gear"""?
>unequip your weapons/go barehanded too, for special dialogue and QTEs
Holy fuck. WHAT.
becouse real fight starts only when he has 1% health left.
It certainly is among the easiest, but even it can wreck your ass if the only thing you're used to is button mashing in whatever game that works in
I've legitimately seen people brute-force their way through the entire game with repair nanopastes, not bothering with parries or dodge offset and then claiming the game had no dodge/block moves
>fight with monsoon, jack loses his shit, during the fight call your analyst
>"B-but Jack, it was you who called me"
>*inarticulate mumbling and growling*
>call the save frequency
>"Shit, jack, you wanna save?"
>choose no
>"Uh, then why did you call?"
>"I.. FORGET..."
so fucking edgy, I love it
It's pretty easy if you're a platinum fan, but I saw people, even my friends who are supposed to be pretty good at vidya, having problems as soon as the bladewolf fight.
>unequip your weapons/go barehanded too, for special dialogue and QTEs
>wolf comments on how you're a show-off and you get special bonus points for the section
>raiden talks with everyone normally on codec
>switches to his raspy ripper voice and starts saying edgy shit while talking with courtney
Pretty hilarious
Without using items on any, I have beat Devil May Cry 3 SE on Very Hard, Bayonetta on all modes (but only got overall platinum on normal), and got up to Scar in level 1 critical run on KH2 FM. For MGR I beat the arms lady in Revengeance mode and that's as far as I can get.
>tell friend about blade cancelling
>"why would I do this"
are you fucking kidding me
Best dog
This game is fucking impossible I die at every single encounter 90% of the time its the camera zooming into a wall and turning my guy around for a prime combo wombo and the other 10% is just getting spammed by a million attacks at once plus the parry makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
MGR2 never ever
You have more control over the dodge thanks to infinite directions
Blade mode is just aim with the stick then press X (light attack) to cut, don't start waggling the stick all over the place like a madman
Controller is objectively superior even just for the sole fact you can actually precisely aim your parries
as in blade mode canceling?
what fun things CAN you do with it, actually?
Spent way too much time on this game
Can't be arsed to do the VR missions, they suck
They've dropped the ball with the doge, but thankfully unlike tekken or something, the two button input is pretty generous, so you shouldn't have misinputs with it anyway. Apart from the lack of a dedicated dodge, though, controller is superior in every other way because of analog movement.
some attacks have long as fuck recovery frames, tap the blade mode thing to snap out of it and do whatever
It's hard to explain why exactly it's important but once you start doing it everything will make much more sense
VR missions are fun and a sweet throwback, but I hate how long the startup animation is every time.
More games should have VR missions, they're so comfy. Especially the wackier ones, like the one with a huge cardboard cutout of Ray.
Dodge, obviously.
>They've dropped the ball with the doge
For, obviously.
I don't get this game at all
Its near keyboard breaking frustrating levels of difficult and I can tell its the kind of game that is easy for some if you "get" the game but is completely impossible for others and I fall into this category unfortunately
I gave up after about 3 missions in, I just don't get the game at all the parry and combat is awkward and makes no sense
You cant unequip your sword
come at me faggots
There's your problem
fucking shoot me in the head
For some reason I only got 4 hours of sleep today and couldn't fall back asleep, and now I'm in that weird groggy state
>completely impossible for others and I fall into this category unfortunately
I can't even foresee how you can have problems with it if you're even remotely decent at action games.
1) buy dodge
2) parry whenever you see a red flash
3) dodge whenver you see a yellow flash
Shouldn't be hard, right? The only hard thing is timing and direction for parries, but that's pretty generous on lower difficulties.
Woah... Youre cool