GTX 1100 series fucking when?
GTX 1100 series fucking when?
>GTX 1100 series fucking when?
Never as long as AMD continues to fail to compete. Their Vega card was barely as good as the 1060.
tfw amd will always be a step behind nvidia so nvidia can continue fucking us in the ass because we don’t have any better choice
Vega compete well with 1070/80 but they're just priced like 1080 ti which makes them irrelevant
>Good choice! Bought out games enabled!
>You're way better then those other nimrods with their physical stuff.
>Download finished!!
>Patching starting with the literal first file, because what the fuck is checksum, cake is a lie!! XD
>One single charge of $99 to unleash your console*
>*80% perf after patch
>A lowly $5 to disable performance reducing drivers and unlock and extra 0.5GB!
They don't need competition, the so called "enthusiasts" will keep dropping money even if you only give them a 5% increase of performance.
Settings in GF Experience fucking when? nVidia's software suite takes up six processes nowadays if you use the default settings, and that includes ramming your hard drive to do some telemetry without your permission.
You're heading for a tock in GPUs and CPUs. And RAM and SSD prices aren't really dropping as fast as expected.
Lol none of that has ever happened for me with GeForce Experience. Are you sure you didn't get a miner installed? Shadowplay has almost ZERO overhead for me.
May 2018
>he actually installed GeForce Experience
The HDD stuff doesn't happen all the time, just when it thinks you're not using your PC.
probably around march
Who cares theres nothing of worth on PC
Except it wins this every single year with better and more games than all other platforms.
Why the fuck do you need that garbage?
Paying $500 for no gains.
Shadowplay functionality is part of it unfortunately, and it's got lower overhead than OBS for recording VR stuff where your CPU/GPU time is at a premium.
This shit doesn't matter unless you're trying to force a shitty AAA console port to 4k/60fps, and even then 1080ti sli will probably do.
No PC only games push gpus
Bout to try Okami and Bayonetta for the first time in sweet hd.
I don't see a point. The 1080ti is going to run shit max settings for years to come.
Okami is one of my favorite games ever made, but you gotta understand the start is VERY slow. So push through that, and you'll see how amazing it is. You better like it, or I'll call you a nigger.
1080Ti can't even run Crysis 3 in 4k with stable 60 FPS.
Did they finally add an option to speed up the text speed in this latest portjob? Because it fucking crawled on the PS2/Wii/PS3 versions.
Press O or B on a controller to make it insta complete. Some scenes have slow crawl text though still, like when you talk to the other Gods.
OBS supports NVENC, so there shouldn't be differences in overhead if you use it.
Is there a way you can hardware mod your GPU to be quiet? My 970 sounds like a jet engine whenever I play a game.
>hardware mod your GPU to be quiet
the problem is the fans, stick something in them to stop them from rotating, that should do the trick
If you haven't, set a lower fan curve in a gpu software of your choosing (msi afterburner, evga precision x, etc, doesn't matter which)
If it doesn't help (temps go too high with low fan speed), your only real choice is to buy an aftermarket cooler for your gpu. Most 970s shouldn't run hot/loud though.
He could also google how to replace the thermal paste. Heard it helps a lot for older GPUs.
No, OBS uses a different method to hook into the game. Shadowplay uses a straight buffer copy, nvidia made sure to kill what OBS was using.
Install RivaTuner Statistics Server and set the frame cap to 62 if you have a 60hz monitor
or higher if you use higher refresh
What this guy said. For raw performance short of an external capture kit, Shadowplay is the fastest for nVidia users if you don't need streamer-shit overlaid.
It's 2000
Dem WccfTech leaks say its 2080 and 2070
One thing I don't believe is that the 2080 is 2x faster than their Titan Pascal
Oh, that's actually correct. I don't stream and never looked that much into it, and thought the hardware encoding was the sole benefit of shadowplay.
this, announcement early march, release late may, early june.
Lack of advancement in processing technology has nothing to do with lack of competition.
You just can't make it smaller without breaking the laws of physics or changing the manufacturing process to one that no one will be able to afford.
We have maybe 2, tops 3 iterations of new processing hardware before graphics cards have reached the physical limit of processing power.
Get excited for the GTX 1570, which weighs 40 kilos and is sold with an autonomous watercooling unit.
Video cards already feel dumb taking up two bays. The day they do three, SLI/Crossfire lovers will die inside.
The cards are always 2 times faster with 4 times the VRAM until they are actually announced
Competition can affect your release dates quite a bit though. If everyone is buying your cards, there's no need to hurry with your release and cannibalize your own sales with products with worse profit margins. But if your competition is fucking you over, you'll likely release your cards even when there isn't enough supply to satisfy all the demand, just so people stop buying your competitor's cards and wait to get yours.
See: coffee lake. I don't think intel has had such supply problems in a long time.
better airflow and a case with sound dampening. i have a fractal r5 with a side fan pointed at my gpu. case is on my desk and can't hear my pc with headphones on now. previously had a corsair 200R
Water cooling.
I see no problem with the generation being delayed even for a decade.
Developers are spending processing power like drunken sailors anyway, let them adapt to the limitations.
graphene processors when
If I could get Vega for a competitive price, it it actually worthwhile compared to 1070/1080?
Will the theoretical 1180 be worth buying to replace my current 980 ti?
When they figure out how to mass produce it at low cost.
What are you plaing that a 980ti isn't enough?
Running games at 1080p144hz at maxed out settings, minus one or two things. Shockingly, most games won't hit 144hz unless you tone down the settings significantly.
Why does no one sell massive noctua cpu coolers retrofitted to a gpu? It'd costs about 50€, so less than AIO, and be quiet as fuck.