idgi, what's supposed to be happening
Stop saying "it's happening" think of something different
>Kojima won't be directing it
Not interested
What's happening? Speak Faggot!
Get over yourself
>post yfw you realize its never happening
Pachinko game?
thanks konami
Remember the open beta january 18th.
OP is posting screenshots from the MGS3 pachinko game and attempting to fool witless idiots into believing it's a new core MGS game.
It's happening, on fucking pachinko machines.
Metal Gear will never be the same without Kojima. Any attempts Konami will make to "enhance" the franchise will be another cash cow that's bland and utterly shit.
>tfw too brainlet to even bother changing the filename to make it less obvious
great thread OP
When Konami Chairman took a steaming pile of shit on all gamers, he was celebrated on Sup Forums.
What happened? Isn't he /ourguy/?
I don't care what anyone says, it looks fun. I loved the gameplay of 5 and more is always welcome. The newer videos that they've put out shows definite improvement on the animations, something that a lot of people criticized in the first trailer. Actual survival mechanics taken straight from 3 where you have to eat to manage stamina, limb based damage, have to actually go in and apply different medicines and curatives for different types of injuries, etc. Non canon spin off story so that it doesn't upset anyone over their precious cutscenes and characters.
I'm hype. If they're doing open beta it means they're confident
I want to buy this game just to take a piss on Kojima and his fanboys.
Go home, Jack.
And bring back more balls.
>lmao gonna give this guy money so he knows i hate him LOL
>he still believes that batshit insane theories how Kojima still works for Konami
i honestly doubt it. Consider konami shut down multiple attempted fan remakes, and the fact they'd actually go their way remaking cutscenes of a game that was a great moneymaker at its time.
Maybe in the future they would, probably would get rushed though
wake up
how much is it going to be? I'll try it if there's a beta but there's no way it'll be worth a full $60
>no beta for pc
feels bad
they took the fucking FOX engine, and re recorded every fucking cutscene and such from MGS3
>then out it into a pachinko machines backlit display
Imagine super mario brothers red done with modern realistic 3d, only to be used as the flashy backdrop attetntion grabber part of a slot fucking machine in a casino.
its so retarded it isn't even funny, especially since konami KNOWS the fanbase basically just wants every other Metal gear redone into the fox engine and re released.