Are you excited for the Tomb Raider movie, Sup Forums?
Are you excited for the Tomb Raider movie, Sup Forums?
>me on the left
It's like they don't even know why people gave a shit about that mediocre franchise in the first place.
>that look on right side lara's face
didnt know she was such a titlet
yeah im really looking forward to rattle raider staring a literal skeleton
More like Tom Braider.
Not really. Vikander isn't that good. They should've cast some British atleast.
>Hollywood vidya movies
When will people learn?
Hollywood has a sickness.
Ok, I get niggers, spics, injuns, fags, trannies, and all these other special snowflakes, but getting diversity hire roles to skeletons now? That is over the line!
>hiring a boy
That looks like an underage girl. What's up with Hollywood?
Not really.
Is that little boy in a dress supposed to be lara croft?
Literally no one cares. Tomb Raider was it's best when it was trying to be Decent.
It's going to be a movie, that's a throwback to a game, that's a throwback to a movie, that you could argue is a throwback to the game.
Why didn't they cast Enji?
I don't think I've ever seen an adult so utterly flat. Girls these days are lucky, hormones are in everything so being a titlet is harder.
Which actress would be ideal for the role?
Anri Okita
It had to be intentional to get the a low estro actress
It's literally an isolated case of nepotism.
she's not one of the chosen people goy.
She knows the director or something? Who did she have to fuck to get the role?
because then a jew wouldn't be cast
And your point is?
Anybody who played Rise of the Tomb Raider had crashes while using DirectX12?
Bought the game on the sale and this is bugging me.
Maybe because she's a cosplayer and not an actress?
She's a hungarian jew btw.
Every 12 year old I see nowadays has at least a B cup.
cute boy
Jesus it still surprises me every time I see this photo. Nothing feminine about her at all.
I dunno. She might not have even had to fuck anyone. Her daddy might be friends with someone and one thing led to another and she got a call one day saying there was a great role for her.
Lupita Nyongo
>Sup Forums suddenly stops complaining
Would it even be physically possible for her to properly bear children with hips like those?
Michael Fassbender must be gay.
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
What else will Hollywood try to steal from Japan next?
>we want the flattest possible actress to portray lara
>say no more
>give me your best loving look for the cameras or I'll murder you and hang your body over hollywood boulevard as a warning
There's your answer.
Absolutely not. Underweight kids or miscarriage/death by childbirth.
wtf is she the flattest person in hollywood?
Tomb Raider ended with Underworld, anything after was a mistake
Who cares? Tomb Raider was never about breast size.
No, that's Anton Yeltsin.
looks like the pedos from Sup Forums are here.
my fucking sides
When was the last time you went outside user
Or exploring ancient tombs, or even being a woman!
HAHA good one user. It's always been about the breasts
>can't even match the size of neutered nu-Lara
Not that I thought the content of the film's actual plot would've been worth a shit regardless, but come on.
Bagel Raider - Quest for the Flat Chest
Hollywood is so strange.
When did that Power Rangers movie come out
We can see your pedo stash through the internet.
She'd fit right in with Attack on Titan.
she and unwomen like her are why 'medically necessary ceserean' is an actual thing. tiny fuccboi women like that cannot safely give birth most of the time and have to have the kid cut out of them, sometimes even prematurely so the kid can hopefully grow healthy enough in a NICU.
They have to be strange. If they're mundane, then no one will give them attention. It's just like being a hipster on Sup Forums.
Not even prepubescent boys are shaped like that.
That's literally an adult male body without a dick.
Flat chested is superior anyway, this only makes my dick harder
But tiny fuccboi women are hot so it's worth it. I deny that she's a tiny fuccboi woman though. She's too tall. She's the lankiest lanket ever.
There's flat and then there's fucking pic related.
Homosexuality is a sin.
literal gayboy
It's fine if they have hips/ass/thighs.
She has no shape, basically a guy.
That was like what 5 years ago? Wanna come see it with me user?
How did you get that picture?
unfortunately he's kinda right.
>summer go down street for a nice cold drink at a cafe.
>hordes of prepubescent and nubile teens with too-young-for-those-tits AND asses walking around so scantily clad they may asa well not be wearing clothes.
>have to look directly at feet or directly into the sky to not be able to be accused of perving on jailbait everywhere.
being australian is suffering. what the fuck are you supposed to do when they plainly are showing off their external sexual charactieristics for you to look at, and you're not supposed to look?
>the FFS reaction and 'you're trying to hard' feel when some 14 yo jail bait walks past with her breast bouncing completely unrestrained or covered in your face not one foot away.
Excited? I already saw it. It was pretty good.
Angelina Jolie
Y-yeah. 5th anniversary rewatch!
>Big tits
>Ugly face
Every time
I want to marry and impregnate Reboot Lara
isn't she like 60 years old now?
Does anyone else prefer reboot Lara to classic Lara design-wise?
No since I don't like Tomb Raider
Fuck Square let Crystal Dynamics make another Legacy of Kain
>Step 1: Google
>Step 2: Valentina Schulz
I want to marry and impregnate your boipucci.
If you put your dick in her, there is an 85% chance of seeing your dick imprint on her stomach.
she a jew?
What are you some hacker?
Why do you know who that is user?