ITT: Games that Sup Forums shits down upon but you still like
Don't be afraid.
ITT: Games that Sup Forums shits down upon but you still like
Don't be afraid.
The Dishonored series. All of it.
Unlimited Saga. It is a good game, while not my favorite, I'd still play it over other standard JRPGs.
Literally every Nintendo game released.
Sup Forums shits on every game though
Fallout 4
I don't really remember anything bad during my playthrough, i genuinely enjoyed it. Maybe there were some things i didn't like, but all I remember are good memories.
The Borderlands Series
2 to be specific
Life is strange, the walking dead, the wolf among us.
>i dont like games but i like to pretend i play them
Good job
Is there a game Sup Forums doesn't frown upon?
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Devil May Cry 2
God of War
Mortal Kombat
Deus Ex Invisible War
Still a shit game but damn it's addictive
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
I admit there is a lot of bullshit in there but I genuinely do enjoy playing the game outside of the Chao Garden.
haHaa 12 btw
you're genuinely an underaged shit taste faggot
>mmmm I love the taste of shit in my mouth, Todd
i feel like half of Sup Forums hates it with every fibre of their being and the other half thinks it's a masterpiece.
he's one of the obnoxious fuckwits who posts "Movie" in every PS4 related thread.
Fez had pretty clever puzzles and some nice aesthetics. Fish is a thunderfaggot, though. Learn to separate creator from art.
you have to be literally retarded to think this is a game Sup Forums hates. voting for trump tier victim complex
... Skylanders
Yes. We need more games about cute chickens.
>Each character had the own unique moveset and were properly balanced
>Technically was "press X to win" like other Naruto games, but the X combo set made you vulnerable to a parry upon missing
>Substitution wasnt randomized like CC2's bullcrap
>Made back when the voice actors actually gave a shit
>Tag battles in the 4th game opened up some fun combo streams
Yeah I know hurr durr Narutard, but the develop did show care for the gameplay much more than the brand itself.
Skyward Sword.
Mass Effect 3. Fuck you, it's mostly good with a decent MP.
Sonic Chronicles
I 100%'d it
Nioh. And it's not a Souls clone.
Sonic Adventure 1. Not 2, just 1.
Battlefield 1
God of War 1-3
Dark Souls 2
Probably more that I can't think of.
Sup Forums has more DDDA love than DDDA hate.
Dark Souls 2
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Also add Skyrim and Oblivion to that list.
Dark souls 2. Not the PvE but the PvP getting butt raped by edgy cosplayers.
Pic related
DmC with Donte and Vorgil
I just like it more than prevoius games because combat feels more fluid. Don't care about looks and attitudes of characters.
i could spend hours with mods and building my base
but the moment i tried to RP was when it all went down in the shitter
I've gone from loving it immensely, to lukewarm in months due to the flood of just horseshit on Sup Forums.
After enjoying a revisit of the game a couple months ago, I've resolved to stubbornly loving the game despite its flaws.
the game is way too short to have flaws
I know it's shit but fuck I still love it, the soundtrack is just godlike
None I don't listen to a bunch of weebs with anime figures
Horizon Zero Dawn
after I finally played it I was shocked at how wildly off-base Sup Forums's impotent rage over it is to the point where I doubt I can trust the majority opinion here any more
They shit on everything unless it's a piratable single player game.
Unironically this. I didn't give this game a try because of Sup Forums and their massive anti-western games agenda.
Ironically, my cousins for overseas let me borrow this game and I honestly had fun with it.
I've been itching to replay it recently because I never actually got around to beating it
You should never trust Sup Forums on what sucks.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
fite me
The only one I'll challenge you on is DmC, but only if you enjoy it unironically. I admit I enjoyed it a lot as a self-umaware parody of itself, like the video game equivalent of the 2000 Dungeons and Dragons movie.
I'm just a massive sucker for 50s'/60s' settings.
The orignal 2010 version looked better though
Dude Sex: Invisible War
It's a great game, suck my dick
Undertale, granted I haven't looked back on the game ever since I beat it back in 2015.
The Neversoft TH games were always pretty good
Uncharted. Only played the first but it was pretty enjoyable. The series gets a lot of hate for being movie games, but I feel like the 1st plays like an interactive shitty action flick and it's downright fun.
It's not bad game, but a fucking trash DMC game. It would've been a decent game on its own.
Didn't play it, but from what I've gathered it's not my cup of tea at all.
Apart from the cancerous fanbase, it's pretty good.
Apart from online mode, it's pretty good.
is this game shit uppon? I really liked it, but never beated it too.
Hitman: Absolution
Good action/stealth game, bad actual Hitman sequel.
Sup Forums shits on every game so what's the point?
I loved Evil Within, felt like a reimaginign of RE4 to me.
Mario kart wii
Great roster, tracks, battle mode is god tier, drifting and bikes are smooth like butter, and it's fun
I don't understand why Sup Forums hates is, especially when 8D does rubber banding 10x worse and they think it's the greatest thing ever
Saints Row 4
I honestly liked it better than 3.
Official Saints Row Rankings:
2 > 4 > 1 > 3 = GOOH = AOM
Life is Strange
>why are these teenagers acting like teenagers reeee
That's the problem, user. They don't act like teenagers. They act like what 30-something writers think teenagers act like. You're out of touch.
Shadow of War
Prey 2017, some love it but some will call it bland but I get that
Watch Dogs
Most Assassin's Creed games, but ironically Sup Forums is the best place to talk about AC
Massive Chalice. I remember Sup Forums shitting on it something fierce but then I picked it up for free from some bundle or other and I really liked it. In fact I loved it. I want a sequel with just more STUFF jammed in. I would of totally paid 15-20usd for it.
Pic related. I love the game despite its flaws. Can't admit it any of the FE threads that I go on though
>You're out of touch
in fairness I'm an out of touch 30-something so it's written by people whose impression of how teenagers act is the same as mine
>tfw you will never live in a world where AI's went out of control and destroyed the world before becoming gods to the fractured survivors that remained in the ruined hellscape
>Most Assassin's Creed games, but ironically Sup Forums is the best place to talk about AC
Yeah it's kinda weird. Witch hunting most Ubi stuff seems to be normie as fuck now and Sup Forums does it too but if you want to talk about the series you are better off doing it as user, so the fanboys gather here too
I knew it. Every /kingdomheartsisfuckinggay/ thread is now invalid, Fat Albert has shit taste.
>Most Assassin's Creed
I agree. Assassins Creed are pretty par for the course games but I always enjoy them. I just wait until I can get the game and all the DLC for 10usd and I honestly am pretty satisfied. In fact I'm about to play Black Flag for the first time since I just got it cheep over the holidays.
add a "*skyrim first playthrough" and you got my upvote, guy
UGH #lamecity #groanzone
Dishonored 2, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Middle-Earth games.
>Fluid combat
Fucking this
#hella #hotdogman
Ride to Hell Retribution
>more fluid
I understand and all, user, but what the fuck.
Dragon Age II.
I've cared about Hawke and his gang of misfits more than the warden. The political stuggle is nice too, before it shat the bed.