Where the fuck is the god damn quill...

Where the fuck is the god damn quill? I've searched all over this fucking shitty lake for half an hour and can't find it, am I retarded?

TES thread, someone teach me how to achieve CHIM so I can find this shit.

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did you try that quest marker?

They aren't working correctly

is this special edition?

looks like crap

Obviously it isn't

how is that obvious?

im playing special edition btw, the only thing different is shaders, (special edition is much darker)

this is special edition, senpai.

looks about the same to me.

i haven't played skyrim since it came out

i can't remember, can you upgrade weapons or are you just stuck with a weapons base damage?

That's odd, I guess my memory is a little fucked then because I remember the special edition looking significantly better, but granted I only played it once before going back to regular skyrim.

You can upgrade weapons with smithing, you can upgrade your smithing with alchemy and/or enchanting, and then upgrade your weapons even more.

you can also have enchants that give more damage.

special edition looks better off the bat, no need for texture mods.

there's literally no reason not to play special edition now tho, since SKSE64 is released, and bodyslide / and the new CBBE Body was released.
Special edition is 64bit executable, more stable, has the new shaders from fallout 4, muh godrays, muh volumetric clouds.

it's better overall.

desu I was waiting for SKSE64 to come out but I thought it was only in beta?

SKSE has allways been in beta.

it's now also in beta for Special edition.

it's literally the same shit, but support for SSE

Alright user, looks I can transfer my save over to it also. I'll install it and transfer it over and see if my mods are all updated on nexus as well. I'm tired of having this game crash and I've heard SSE is more stable just by default.

There's no quest marker for this quest.
Swim from a ship in Riften toward a ship near island in this lake, look for a sunken boat on the bottom.
If not for uesp, I'd probably miss it too.

it is more stable, but i use an auto-save mod


cuz i have experienced crashes. I set it to save every 5 minutes, that way it's less of an inconvenience.

most of my crashes has been restoration related, for some reason.

Did you kill paarthanaux yet user? No milkies until you do.

I was going to, but after i killed alduin in this playthrough, i learned the hard way paarthurnaux fucks off after it. The quest to kill him even vanishes.

why would I?

he's basically a light version of alduin, benign evil.

it's just how TES lore works too, he's a dragon and that makes him evil.

Um, he's a fucking evil dragon? Sweetie, he genocided and enslaved probably billions of humans. That's rather problematic.

whoever made this model deserves a well paying game design job.

>What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

The dragon had a chance to fill the void not only in the Merethic Era but also when LDB btfo's Alduin again and where has he been for thousands of years? A fucking mountain. He's good in my books.

>or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

they can't do that.

It's how TES lore works.

Dragons CANT be not evil.

First dragonborn was part of the dragon cult (dragon blood -> evil), the dragonborn that you play when you first see paarthurnaax, he tries to convince you alduin is good.

and that he doesnt know when alduin is coming back.

He's being a bitch waiting for his commander, and you show up saying you're going to kill alduin. He knows you can, because that's what a dragonborn can do.

Canonically in tes lore, dragons are 100% evil, no exceptions. Even the character you play as, is considered evil, because of the dragon blood in you.

and you p much are evil, considering how many deadric lords you serve, and outright become a nightingale / listener.

>he doesnt know the significance of the mountain

The mountain is a "Tower", i.e. one of the things that make tamriel able to exist as a plane.

them elves are in skyrim trying to find it, and literally destroy it.

That's what happend to the volcano in morrowind.

He's not just sitting on any mountain, he's sitting on one of the most powerful magical entities in the realm of tamariel, and being a dragon can meditate and resonate with it.

It's no coincidence alduin was vanquished and sent forward in time from there, because the elder scrolls are from the same plane and time of creation as the mountain (tower) itself.

Bethesda seemed to retcon that then with said dragon teaching humans how to overcome and kill their masters. Retreats to a mountain for thousands of years and battles his inherent "evil" nature and as soon as he knows Alduin's time has come again immediately starts teaching LDB the thuum and prepares him. Seems Bethesda retconned that a shit ton my friend :^)

skyrim sucks nigger cock

I knew a little bit about said towers but not a lot, TES deep lore seems to be a rabbit hole.

Paarthurnaax only taught humans how to "kill dragons" (they literally cant kill dragons), because the first dragonborn went full evil and went hiding in hermaous mora's daedric plane.

Paarthurnaax even instructed the humans to specifically not do the scroll stuff, he expected them to die you know.

He didnt battle none of his own evil, he IS evil. He was there waiting for his master.

Only a dragonborn can kill a dragon, and the dragon cult was behind opening the portal to sovengaarde.

So you have all kinds of indicators pointing to that paarthurnaax is hiding ontop of the most potent magical entity of the realm, which transcends it's plane of existance, to hide from any dragonborn that might start existing.

he is hiding, and have brainwashed greybeards guarding the path up to him.

Delphine, is that you?

that's literally just TES lore.

>It's how TES lore works.

TES lore works how bethesda wants it to work, because they have the rights to change it however they want and retcon the everloving shit out of everything you seem to value more than they do by far.
If you can not comprehend that you should stop investing yourself into it so much, thats rather unhealthy, and you will only get more unhappy in the future.

>Dragons CANT be not evil.
Of course they fucking can, did you somehow miss Redguard?

so what, skyrim is overpopulated
can't go 5 meters without having dawnguards aka skyrimniggers assault me