So what vidya did you play today, Sup Forums?

So what vidya did you play today, Sup Forums?

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Ys II, and I played some Overwatch with some friends.

Actraiser but fuck the boss rush at the end I quit.

Nothing... just making food for the jew later

Wasteland 2

Desperately trying to finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions, still have a whole chapter left. New university semester starts Monday, and I leave my consoles at home whenever I go.
I was looking forward to NG+, maybe some other time.

I watched a shitty mario retardy with like 15 viewers, does that count?


I had my first job interview today, and I think I got the job, but I emailed the guy who I did the interview with almost 12 hours ago asking him if he had anymore questions for me, and he hasn't replied. I had to fill out some sort of paperwork though, so I think that means I got it? I'm so confused.

I played Castle Crashers with a friend. Going to play some Siege and KF2 today.

Skyrim Switch Kino

enter the cheat code

>I'm actually up at 4AM
Fuck, I need to fix this by Monday.
I played another 8 hours or so of Okami HD


I played Etrian Odyssey V.

Smash 4, I've been playing off-and-on for the past couple days and it's already starting to wear thin now that I've unlocked most of my main's moveset and discovered as much tech as I'm probably going to (there isn't much in this game). Really wishing I could play TP HD, just found out about the new content. Looking forward to when I can afford that.

If you had to fill out paperwork then you're pretty much guaranteed in there. gratz user

xenoblade chronicles 2

lost like fucking 2 hours of good progress toa bug that made the game shutdown

Megaman 3, up to wiley's castle
is it wrong to use savestates and the beginning of the stages? Seems like a grind to die and have to start all the way over

good luck fella

None. I built a crypto miner though.

I played Zelda 2 for the first time today. For supposedly being the stinker of the series I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.

what are you going to mine?

Little Nightmares, Hellblade, and Snake Pass

Zcash, though Zclassic is very tempting.

How do you go entire semesters without vidya?

Lately I've been playing the Republic at War mod for Star Wars Empire at War. It's a pretty cool mod, and it got a pretty big update recently, mainly to fix balance and AI difficulty. The update also added Admiral Trench from the 2008 Clone Wars cartoon, which I've only seen a bit of, but I still think that Trench is a pretty cool character.

I still have my craptop for TF2, and my 3DS.

doing some questing on OSRS and fishing on RS3.

I really want to post some mommy pictures but my boss is looking at me
what should I do?

also i'm europoop

I bought Jedi academy from GOG and played it. Don't take it ask an advert. They just do a good job. I got it from steam a year ago and it could barely run for no fucking reason. Shit runs great now but it's a new PC.

Before I was like "what the fuck? this is four eight years ahead of this game and my framerate is garbage, I can barely run this." Dunno what they changed but it runs fine now. I couldn't be fucked to change the ini or anything then, just deleted it.

Tekken 7, went from vanguard to grandmaster. Fun times.

>Be Britfag NEET
>About 9:30 AM here now
>Ended up spending all night up, mainly on Sup Forums

I really need to stop doing dumb stuff like this and actually get my shit together.

BotW, was looking for the phantom ganon armor and I fell from a waterfall.
And Shadowverse/FireEmblemHeroes

I started dark souls SOTFS today.
All the extra enemies make it feel like some fanmade difficulty mod rather than a full game. I hope they didn't mess with the dlc level design cause I wanted to experience that normally without 20 assholes aggroing all at once every two seconds.
Also while I'm in the blogging thread I might as well say that I feel like killing myself every day.

gta iv and beyond good and evil

I'm a slav and just woke up

Dunno what I'm gonna play

>2 seconds early

None, I'm laying on the couch with food poisoning at 3:43 am
took a wrong turn somewhere in life

that sucks user. i'm playing runescape, drunk and wanting a married woman. GG EZ I fucken suck

I felt like shit today so I just fucked around playing shitty phone games and browsing all day. I didn't have the energy to focus on a game. I played some shit called Soul Armors Recollect, Buriedbornes, and Deck De Dungeon 2.

I’ve been getting raped at Bloodborne
I know I’ll never git gud but I’ll still have fun

Doesn’t sound so bad. Feel better soon

We'll make it friend

thanks user. whenever i'm feeling down you guys always have my back.

I have horrible reaction time and am terrible at games like BB but I got the platinum trophy. If I can git guid at it user so can you, I believe in you.

Been playing Black Ops 3,mostly zombies. I know CoD is kind of frowned upon around here,but hey zombies is good,dumb fun.

I’ve finally learned that rolling forward is so much more important than dashing back. I think I’ll be good.

Yeah against some enemies (especially darkbeasts) dashing backwards is just putting on a shirt that says "please kill me"

But other times you do have to dash back
what can I say it's a delicate dance

Got another Gold Medal in Mass Attack, but some of the levels make me feel like dying.

Bought Slay the Spire as soon as I got home, been playing it non-stop. Addicting as heck, only downside is lack of content due to early access

anytime i see kirby i'll always and forever think of this image. gives me a chuckle everytime

Team Fortress 2 and Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Played KH1 for an hour, played R6S for a bit but I only play casual and I guess my MMR or something has gone up because all my casual games are pseudo-comp games now. Everyone's always screeching enemy locations and insults over each other instead of the comfy bants and casual play I got for the first 120 hours.

I also got to play listen to my dad yell at my mum for two hours earlier too.

Baldur's Gate. I've been shit at traditional D&D mechanics for years, but I started fresh today and feel like I got it. I'm role playing as Obi-Wan Kenobi with a kensai and it's terrific.

crippling depression

made some good progress in dark souls 3 and grinded for fight money in SFV
is the game still doing alright? I bought in during early access because of BLC but never played much

Tried that game once but could never find the motivation to continue.

Kingdom Hearts? How did that age? Never played it, I only know its some sort of light-hearted grindy platformer with a story that makes zero sense and that it has disney and final fantashit.

Bought Okami for the first time this morning and played all the way to the end of the Tsuta Ruins. Really good game so far. The music and atmosphere are fucking great. The only problems I have thus far are: the lack of 60fps (on PC of all things) and the fact that some of the dialogues cannot be sped up or F1'd to skip. But I'm really liking the game so far. It's like Zelda.

I'm planning on speeding through all of Doom 1 later today with Smooth Doom and Ketchup mods.

The camera controls in the first game are a pain sometimes since it used the trigger buttons for it, but a lot of people rate the combat in KH1 better than 2. Also, the games don't really take any grinding if you do everything besides crafting the ultima weapon. The story and side quests (colosseum fights and other junk) provide everything you need. Plus, there are easier difficulties to play on if you really just want to steamroll the main story. Great games if you ever watched Disney movies as a kid.

You either have to find the doctor npc and purchase medication or kill yourself.

Been playing hearthstone trying to build up a pala deck. Bout to hop on GTAV for awhile tho. I just got both these games. Working on buying that $99k apartment. I've p much only raced so far but it's fun to spend all that fictional money. Got absolutely slain racing for the first 50 or so times before things starting clicking more.

I finished up No More Heroes. Project Zero is up next.
I've been making considerable progress with my backlog; not just the vidya one, but pretty much all of them. It feels really gud and is actually a weight off my chest, as sad as that is.

have you tried smoking weed
regardless go to the doctor


Mario Odyssey. Taking my sweet time and having fun while doing it.
Sailor outfit a best

Phantasmagoria 2

Saw tits

Gang Beasts, Lethal League, and Duck Game with friends

Then Mario Kart Super Circuit after everyone went home.

Stepmania. I tried to stop, but this game really gets more fun the more you play it. Now it's 6 AM and I'm probably just going to pull an all-nighter.

Yeah the camera really comes out to kick you in the ass in Aladdin’s cave of wonders.

God the SNES emu working on my ps2. May I be gang raped by an angry horde of black people if there is a single game worth playing. It's incredible how shit everything is.

You beat it in one day? I'm impressed. Took me a while my first time, about 20 hours total.

Though probably not a good longterm solution. It brought me out of my shell.

Imagine playing a golden-age Disney movie. That's Kingdom Hearts.

I was feeling nostalgic, so I went online and played The Last Stand: Union City. It's was supposed to be a short trek through memory lane, but I ended up playing it and beating in in roughly five hours.

i barely play games
i spent most of my time shitposting on Sup Forums


Ys III: Oath in Felghana.
With a cold. Fighting urge to sleep.

Finished Alien Isolation on Nightmare
Got 46/50 of all the achievements
Not sure if I should grind for ID tags to get 50/50


What sad lives you lead.

it was fun

Nier automata

>actually having fun while playing games
take a look at this faggot

you were early

Busy rn but I'm gonna play the last few areas of Souls 2 tonight. I'm looking forward to getting it out of the way to be honest

Get the Movie Battles 2 mod, you wont regret it

Help me pick out something, Sup Forums.

>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
>Dishonored II
>Saints Row IV
>The Evil Within
>Wild Arms


Wild Arms.

Metroid Prime Federation Force single player campaign

I don't really like video games tbqhwyf

Don't assume you got it until you get the actual offer letter. Or they call and say "we're emailing you the offer letter right now lol".