Why are operator designs so unrealistic nowadays?

why are operator designs so unrealistic nowadays?

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idk grandpa, Possibly this generation and the upcoming generation likes the appeal of tumbler and deviantart style characters so they can relate themselves in,

because there’s only so much you can do to make 50 operators look distinct
ela zofia and dokaebbi designs are shit but echo is cool

R6 Siege is closer to waifushit than tumblrshit.

Yeah, you would know that virgin.

Because using bulky shit doesn't look as aesthetically appealing as tight-fitting leather sneak suits with tons of pouches and belts and shit. I'm pretty sure /fa/ has an entire genre on this techcore bullshittery that's fucking up good looks.


because the people that care about authenticity are too busy shit posting on the internet

I'm so fucking glad I'm not a retard who prefers siege to CSGO.

dadcore operator

>why are operator designs so unrealistic nowadays?
Asians can't fathom simple and elegant designs.

The ones in simple and elegant designs burned down their villages and dropped canisters of Agent Orange on their jungles, meaning no one alive knows what a real operator looks like.

as someone who just got into the game IQ, who's a base op, has jeans and purple sports shoes on, shit like Ela and Dokaebbi don't exactly look completely out of place when compared to that standard.

often gsg9 is on call and they don’t change from their everyday outfits so it’s not too far off
it’s why both bandit and iq wear jeans

waifu shit sells

look at fire emblem and weeb games that have massive cult followings despite shitty gameplay


Fuck, I aesthetically prefer the bulky Alpha twitch, Rook or Montagne a hundred times over IQ, Ela or any uniform/suits you wouldn't find on operators in an actual hostage/bomb situation.

>caring for waifu's in a game where you can't even see your character

they really aren't.


whos the nerd with the airsoft

You can always wait for calibre, if you want to play only as manly blyatman operators.


where do you think we are

>implying she doesn't operate operationally much more than you'll ever do

Nice promo pics

>tfw the people that like to constantly bring up how women are generally weaker than men and shouldn't be in combat period whatsoever under any circumstances are probably the ones most likely to get their ass beat by an israeli lady

thats nice of her to carry that guys gun then suck his weiner later

>She is part of the Hunter Troop, the world's first all-female special forces training programme.

user quite literally anyone can be trained to fire a weapon and do it well, the Soviet Union did it and they were quite successful
I genuinely think you overestimate the qualifications required to be a serviceman

>muh realism
just play arma faggot

A serviceman is not an operator dummy.
Women are also more prone to injury, have less stamina, strength...

>the world's first all-female special forces training programme
>training programme
but that's wrong

>avoid Siege because I always see the characters and their designs and assume it's just an edgy Overwatch
>eventually get convinced to play it and it's actually pretty tactical and makes you actually feel like a swat team defending/attacking a building (other than the hostage hijinks)

The operator abilities are more like quirks than something that the operators are designed around.

What was before?

fucken saved

>not knowing who mike vining is

>you'll never be an operator

>nerd with the airsoft
Are you fucking retarded?

i dont keep up with cosplayers


>tfw house full of guns
I just have to figure out my ability.

New Defender Operator user: can masturbate on the floors, causing people to slip on it and fall.

>tfw still waiting for my super powers to awaken

Says user responding to ludicrously obvious bait.

At which basecamp do they operate?

>All-female SF group
>Intended to deter the Russians

Oh man, what a fantastic idea.

I come here for the art inspiration

Post operator pictures pls

Women in the USSR were mostly tank and aircraft crewmembers, it made sense to have small and light people for those roles. It doesn't make any sense at all for SF, whose entire operating procedure is to drop behind enemy lines and spend days on the move with minimal logistic support, carrying all their shit on their backs. Consider Norway's situation and they have to do all that across mountain ranges in arctic temperatures, training women for that is absolute nonsense.

>this could be a unit represented in R6
>instead we get Morocco


Why would they drape nets over their helmets like that?

They look way too sinister for ubishits i guess.

The real gsg9 are deployed with whatever civilian clothes they have on hence the tactical jorts

Why do people suddenly care about realism in the fucking designs when the game has a lot of unrealistic bullshit like bear traps/claymores/electricity/mines/anything that only trigger on enemies for example


>Siege had some nice realistic operator designs while still making them all unique
>the last year of operators they have added have become more and more retarded

So you would fear the nazgul.

No they aren't, they guys in your pic are either SEK (SWAT basically), MEK (lower tier swat for arrests) or just some better trained street cops, which got called in when SHTF
The GSG9 only gets called for very serious stuff and has ample time to put on gear, see pic

It's actually one of the nice things about this game how operators are visually distinct, easy to tell who they are from a glance, and have a consistent design within their CTU. I don't give a damn about the tumblr stuff because ultimately this helps the gameplay more than anything.

Fishing while on the job.

>there's situation where there's no time to put on proper gear
>There's situation where there's plenty of time to put on proper gear
>Retards : Hurr Durr, NO WAYY You can only pick one!!

Considering they're on some kind of pier, maybe underwater camouflage ?

Would you a peshmerga?

Choose your operator

>The GSG9 only gets called for very serious stuff and has ample time to put on gear, see pic

>It's actually one of the nice things about this game how operators are visually distinct
Yeah no, Jager and Bandit looks same, you can't differentiate them if you just catch a glimpse of them running around the corner within that 0.5 seconds.

What game lets me do this?

I choose DOOD

yeah but its not like it really matters in their case, neither one of their abilities makes much of a difference in the moment so "jager or bandit over there" is still a fine callout


>Picking anyone else other than DOOD


>Buy this game in the steam sale
>Get in
>Absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on

I feel like I turned up like 3 years too late to this party, I haven't felt this overwhelmed since Payday 2. What the shit fuck do I even do?

Scrim Net

it's for breaking the silhoutte of the helmet, you can even stick more shit like leaves and twigs in it to blend in to the environment further, it's netted so you can still see through it.

MONTNOM looks like a fucking metal gear

Shoot people

he does it so lazily

probably getting paid millions to do that movie and he still can't put effort into it

Might just be my favorite operator pic.

>didn't pick montnom or blilb
enjoy your nowings fags

>Not maining Rehccher, with his tactical shotgun-boomerang.
It's like you want to lose on purpose.

You might not like it but this is how peak operator looks like

Are those the nightmare goggles?

Just pick rook on defence and your job is over 5 seconds into the match
Don't reinforce between bombsites
Use your drone on attack

But user,tom clancy forbids people to put terrorist in their games,so no k*rds.

Smoke and mute look too similar also. A smoke is way more dangerous than a mute so that’s the only legitimate issue with not being able to differentiate.

>get out of here stalker

Everything probably looks the same

who the fuck is rook

I have to play as a recruit

What's the problem then? Sounds good to me.

yeah thats a fair complaint, I feel like gsg doesn't really matter in the end but for sas I get it

>they're adding Morocco OPs
Somebody post the Wikipedia article on them

Simple is the best

This is mine, utilitarian civilian clothing + minimum number of tactical gear is best aesthetic.

Would love the next US operators to be deltas or SOG or something, with the characters just wearing like a hawaiian shirt and a plate carrier or something

I wanna get to know that Ying Cosplayer.

That's shock infantry, not operators.

gsg doesn’t really matter I agree, both defenders are almost equally as deadly.

Because it looks cool.

Did you not do the fucking tutorials?
did you buy the fucking starter edition?

CIA SAD since they don't wear uniforms I believe.

That’s why you identify who they have on their team before going in. If they have both you at least know what to watch out for.

Do the tutorial vids and a few situations for renown, and unlock Rook. Unless you bought the starter edition then God have mercy on you.

That pic is deltas, those guys can do whatever they want as well.

>All the people who still buy the starter edition despite the top reviews on the steam page yelling in all caps to not buy the starter edition at all costs