Little brother saves over your save file

>Little brother saves over your save file.

Other urls found in this thread:

>letting children touch your vidya
Your fault, faggot

my little brother knew i would literally murder him to death in the face if he touched my vidya.

>Big brother saves over your save file

He vomited blood that day.

I was that kid and he still hasn’t forgiven me

It actually makes me kind of sad, we don’t talk much anymore

>yfw when WAS 99% complete...

>let a friend borrow one of your games for the weekend
>gives it back with a hundred more scratches on the disc

>he isn't part of the only child master race.

Lol faggot.

>you save over your brother's best friend's Pokemon Red file when he had a Level 100 Growlithe and Mewtwo

Our black friend that lived with us legit did this to my younger brothers Morrowind GOTYE file with some shitty khajit he rolled. Bro had everything ice armor werewolf and vampire shit stupid amount of hours gone. Didn’t talk to black Sam for like a week after

>little sister never played video games with me, not once ever

>let a friend borrow RDR while you borrow Cryisis 2
>fast forward weeks, not friends anymore
>stuck with a piece of shit game

>save over little brother's save file

>little shit on the bus wants to play your Sonic Advance 2
>you want to see what his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is like
>he wants to trade but you make damn sure it's just testing the games to which he agrees
>TMNT on GBA is shit
>he refuses to take it back and give your game back
>bus driver tells you to shut up, a trade's a trade

i used to play total annihilation with my little sister
i always won except one time that i'll never forget, where she surprised me with amphibious tanks
i wish she was still around

>parents let some faggot kid borrow game while youre not home

>let friend borrow a game for a few days
>the case and disc are returned, covered in chocolate

>let your friend borrow your strategy guide
>it comes back with coffee spilled and dried all over it

>kid let me borrow some dirtbike PS2 game
>it sucks
>hanging out at friend's house
>play DVD baseball with it
I gave him copies of PaRappa the Rapper 2 and SOCOM in return. He seemed happy about it.

>Fuck around with sister for a bit
>Later deletes save file because she's a sensitive bitch

>have a 800 bucks limited edition 60cm Buzz Lightyear toy
>forget about it for years
>someday dad (who bought it for me) asks about it
>gramp says he found it in the attic years earlier and gave it to the neighour's kid
>they moved 3 years ago

>go to a friends house
>friend's parents only let them play an hour of video games a day

>only have one pokeball in my bags on my silver version; the Masterball
>little brother catches a ratatta with it
>saves game

I was that little brother but I deleted his save files on pc instead under pretence of them taking up hard drive space. Hehehe
Got into fights over it all the time.
Eat shit bitch.

>go to two cousin's house
>want to play their games but younger cousin is an absolute shit that wants to play your PSP
>this kid fucking slammed a door hinge off its doorway by ramming a door with his face earlier that day
>don't let him play PSP out of safety concerns
>their mother comes in and promptly goes "THAT'S UNFAIR TO MY SON, YOU DON'T GET TO PLAY OUR GAMES THEN"

>mom used to run a home daycare
>come home from school everyday to see my ps2 discs scattered around, games saved over, etc.

>through 10 years i break like 10$ in cheap chinese toys from my brother
>he wrecks 3 of my bikes(all expensive from germany), 1 psp and and god knows how many CDs
>"but you broke his toy"
these people should hang

>I wish she was still around

>tfw still keeps playing even if they know they will lose

Maybe you should have thought about before you acted like a little shit?

Shit, they were religious and he had educational "games", that guy had good grades so it was worth it I guess. We almost beat bubble bobble on PC.

>friend still is not allowed to play 18 rated games
>he's 20

>make a copy of big bro’s save so I can play and he keeps his save
>he apes out and attacks me for some reason

The memories are consuming me again. How do I make them go away?

>invite kid to my house
>we start playing my PS2
>get up to piss
>come back to him deleting my memory card saves
>years later
>hear he's in jail for dealing drugs

>Little sister deletes my complete Mario Kart DS save file
>Play through the whole game again in a weekend

Used to play 2 v 2 turn based Advanced wars on the Gba with 4 friends. We would pass around the console and talk tactics.

Good times.

>that time when my cousin wiped my save on my pokemon blue with the pokedex completed after he borrowed it by himself
That's how i learned to guard my vidya with my life on the line. Never had any of that shit happen again.

This happened to me but it was over in months not weeks.
We swapped our favourite PS3 games.
my Valkyria Chronicles for his Last of Us

do we have the same friend? how common are people like this?

>let your little bro borrow your vidya
>"take good care of them you little shit
>months go by, have to go get the games myself because he keeps forgetting to give them back
>go up to his room
>open the door
>look on the floor
>my game cases are all stepped on and broken


You got fucked user

>letting any living human being touch any of your possessions
I don't get it.

haha good thing I didn't have any siblings or friends when I was a kid

>older brother contantly destroys games and consoles including his own
>steals my games and gave them back the next day scratched or broken
>punches holes in the walls over the smallest things like losing in mortal kombat to me or even when playing coop and i get a higher score
>never got punished for it
>i got in shit some of the time for the stuff he did
>older sister chews the wires off of ALL the ps2 controllers and no one can play
>she deletes my saves
>she broke the gun controllers so nobody could play time crisis
>she never got in trouble either
FUCK family, i did nothing wrong but got the blame and consequences all the time, i just wanted to play games

>play game with little sister
>she beats me
>gets to sucks my dick as a reward

W-what would happen if you won?

>things that probably happened but not to you

He'd suck hers, are you daft?

>Switch on Game Boy and load up Pokemon Red
>Pokedex: 1
>Time played: 0:05
>Party: one Bulbasaur named 'gayfag'

>tfw played with my bro little sis more than him in his own house

I get my dick sucked.


>go to a friend's house
>he starts arguing with his mom

>little brother wants to play
>give him a controller that's not even connected so he thinks he is playing

>go to friend's house
>he hasn't done his chores
>you have to help him
Only happened once but I just laughed and walked out of the house.

>tfw you were the little brother and deleted your own save file.

>Let friend borrow game that I got annoyed with and never bothered to finish
>100 percents it and leaves a separate save file for me if I want to redo levels and have access to everything
Richie, you were a bro

>play vidya on the family tv
>go take a piss
>big sister is now watching tv
>says I wasn't using it
>turned off the console without saving

feels bad

>got a legit shiny cubone (my favourite pokemon as a child) in pokemon gold back in the day
>freed him because i didn't like the color green

Don't mention it, Steven.

>get invited to friend's house
>get there
>his mom is yelling at him and he's crying

>accidentally give big brother a hicky while watching him play pokemon over his shoulder
I just kinda started sucking on his neck.

Did you suck his dick after that?

>letting your friend cum in your mouth

Are you cute? haha

>friend come´s to house
>try FF7
>he saves in my pre final battle save
>fuckton of hours deleted

>Go to a friends house to play games with him
>all of his discs are in the wrong boxes

No. I was when I was a child but alas, I am now very average looking and am balding prematurely.
